Susi Amenta Beru Perangin angin
Department Of Midwifery, STIKES Senior Medan

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Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2017): JURNAL BERKALA KESEHATAN
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.763 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jbk.v3i2.5072


Data kunjungan pasien Rumah Sakit Umum Mitra Sejati menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kunjungan pasien rawat jalan mengalami penurunan. Penurunan tersebut diakibatkan karena kurangnya kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Rumah Sakit Umum Mitra Sejati Medan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas pelayanan dengan loyalitas pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Mitra Sejati Medan tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien umum rawat jalan yang datang berobat berulang minimal (2x) di rumah sakit Umum Mitra Sejati Medan yang berjumlah 405 orang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 orang (accidental sampling). Analisia data menggunakan univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat hubungan kehandalan (p=0,004), daya tanggap (p=0,015), jaminan (p=0,018), empati (p=0,032), dan bukti fisik (p=0,009) dengan loyalitas pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Mitra Sejati Medan tahun 2017. Kehandalan merupakan faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan loyalitas pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Mitra Sejati Medan tahun 2017 dengan nilai Exp B = 5,820, yang berarti pasien yang puas dengan layanan jasa rawat jalan akan meningkatkan loyalitas pasien sebesar 5,8 kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan pasien yang tidak puas. Dengan demikian diharapkan agar RSU Mitra Sejati Medan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan rawat inapnya pada dimensi kehandalan, daya tanggap dan jaminan.
Relationship Of Age, Education, Mom's Knowledge About Implant Contraception With The Use Of Implant Contraception In Puskesmas Silinda In 2021 Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Yuni Vivi Santri P; Susi Amenta Beru Perangin angin
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The contraceptive program that is promoted and effective is the long-term contraceptive method (MKJP) with implants being one of the leading methods. The percentage of the number of family planning participants who reported no significant change was from 60% in 2006 to 61% in 2014 (BKKBN, 2013). The results of a preliminary survey conducted at the Silinda Health Center obtained information that the total number of family planning acceptors who became implant contraceptive acceptors was still very small, around 15% of the total family planning acceptors who used other contraceptive methods due to fear and lack of knowledge about the benefits of implants. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, education, knowledge of mothers about implant contraceptives and the use of implant contraceptives at the Silinda Health Center in 2021. The type of research was an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population is pregnant women of all women of childbearing age totaling 95 people with a total sample of 49 people with accidental sampling technique using a questionnaire. Data analysis used chi square test at a significance level of 95%. The results showed that the relationship between maternal age and the use of contraceptive implants using the formula x2 (chi square) with p value = 0.133 (p > 0.05), which means that there is no relationship between maternal age and the use of implant contraceptives, the relationship between maternal education and contraceptive use. implant using the formula x2 (chi square) with p value = 0.154 (p > 0.05) which means that there is no relationship between maternal education and the use of implant contraceptives, and the relationship between mother's knowledge and the use of implant contraceptives using the x2 (chi square) formula with p value = 0.001 (p > 0.05) which means that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge and the use of implant contraceptives. It was concluded that only the knowledge variable had a relationship with the use of implant contraceptives. It is expected that health workers at the Silinda Health Center will provide more information about implant contraceptives to women of childbearing age.
Relationship of Mother's Knowledge About the Importance of Birth Planning and Complication Prevention Before and After Taking Pregnant Women Classes in Hutaraja Village in 2022 Yuni Vivi Santri P; Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Susi Amenta Beru Perangin angin
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The Birth Planning and Complication Prevention Program is a program to increase data coverage and quality of health services for pregnant women and newborns through increasing the active role of families and communities in planning safe deliveries. The class for pregnant women is a study group for pregnant women with a maximum number of 10 participants. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge about the importance of delivery planning and prevention of complications before and after attending classes for pregnant women in Hutaraja village in 2022. This research is a quantitative type of research with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all 35 pregnant women, 35 samples with total sampling technique. Data processing used univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi Square test, the p-value for Knowledge = 0.005. There is a relationship between Mother's Knowledge about the Importance of Delivery Planning and Complication Prevention Before and After Taking Pregnant Women Class. It is hoped that the midwives in Hutaraja Village when Antenatal Care (ANC) explain in detail what is related to the contents of P4K so that pregnant women can know P4K clearly. It is hoped that further research can add to the discourse and literature to conduct further research on the application of pregnant women in the implementation of P4K.
Relationship Of Age, Education, Mom's Knowledge About Implant Contraception With The Use Of Implant Contraception In Puskesmas Silinda In 2021 Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Yuni Vivi Santri P; Susi Amenta Beru Perangin angin
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The contraceptive program that is promoted and effective is the long-term contraceptive method (MKJP) with implants being one of the leading methods. The percentage of the number of family planning participants who reported no significant change was from 60% in 2006 to 61% in 2014 (BKKBN, 2013). The results of a preliminary survey conducted at the Silinda Health Center obtained information that the total number of family planning acceptors who became implant contraceptive acceptors was still very small, around 15% of the total family planning acceptors who used other contraceptive methods due to fear and lack of knowledge about the benefits of implants. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, education, knowledge of mothers about implant contraceptives and the use of implant contraceptives at the Silinda Health Center in 2021. The type of research was an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population is pregnant women of all women of childbearing age totaling 95 people with a total sample of 49 people with accidental sampling technique using a questionnaire. Data analysis used chi square test at a significance level of 95%. The results showed that the relationship between maternal age and the use of contraceptive implants using the formula x2 (chi square) with p value = 0.133 (p > 0.05), which means that there is no relationship between maternal age and the use of implant contraceptives, the relationship between maternal education and contraceptive use. implant using the formula x2 (chi square) with p value = 0.154 (p > 0.05) which means that there is no relationship between maternal education and the use of implant contraceptives, and the relationship between mother's knowledge and the use of implant contraceptives using the x2 (chi square) formula with p value = 0.001 (p > 0.05) which means that there is a relationship between mother's knowledge and the use of implant contraceptives. It was concluded that only the knowledge variable had a relationship with the use of implant contraceptives. It is expected that health workers at the Silinda Health Center will provide more information about implant contraceptives to women of childbearing age.
Relationship of Mother's Knowledge About the Importance of Birth Planning and Complication Prevention Before and After Taking Pregnant Women Classes in Hutaraja Village in 2022 Yuni Vivi Santri P; Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Susi Amenta Beru Perangin angin
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The Birth Planning and Complication Prevention Program is a program to increase data coverage and quality of health services for pregnant women and newborns through increasing the active role of families and communities in planning safe deliveries. The class for pregnant women is a study group for pregnant women with a maximum number of 10 participants. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal knowledge about the importance of delivery planning and prevention of complications before and after attending classes for pregnant women in Hutaraja village in 2022. This research is a quantitative type of research with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all 35 pregnant women, 35 samples with total sampling technique. Data processing used univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi Square test, the p-value for Knowledge = 0.005. There is a relationship between Mother's Knowledge about the Importance of Delivery Planning and Complication Prevention Before and After Taking Pregnant Women Class. It is hoped that the midwives in Hutaraja Village when Antenatal Care (ANC) explain in detail what is related to the contents of P4K so that pregnant women can know P4K clearly. It is hoped that further research can add to the discourse and literature to conduct further research on the application of pregnant women in the implementation of P4K.
Relationship Between Age and Education on The Use of 3 Months KB Injection at BPM Sargiatik in 2021 Susi Amenta Beru Perangin Angin; Mastiur Julianti Butar Butar; Esther Siringo-ringo; Indah Yani Tambunan
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The research design used is an analytical study with a cross sectional study approach, aiming to determine the relationship between age and education on the use of 3-month injectable family planning at BPM Sargiatik in 2021. The number of samples in this study was 34 people. With accidental sampling technique. Data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire used to obtain chi square data. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between age and using 3-month injections, p value = 0.013. There is a relationship between education using 3-month injection KB with p value = 0.009. It is hoped that health workers will provide more active counseling about 3-month family planning injections to family planning acceptors.
The Relationship of Age and Parity of Pregnant Women in Trimester III With Completeness of Tetanus Toxoid Immunization at Klinik Fera in 2021 Susi Amenta Beru Perangin Angin; Faradita Wahyuni; Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Yuni Vivi Santri Purba
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunization is a weakened and purified tetanus germ toxin that is given to infants, children and mothers in an effort to provide protection against tetanus (Rinaldi, 2016). The research design used was an analytical study with a cross sectional study approach, aiming to determine the relationship between age and parity of third trimester pregnant women with the completeness of tetanus toxoid immunization at the Fera Clinic in 2021. The number of samples in this study was 30 people. With accidental sampling technique. Data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire used to obtain chi square data. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant relationship between maternal age and TT immunization with p value = 0.171 (P > 0.05). There is a significant relationship between maternal education and the provision of TT immunization, with p value = 0.013 (P <0.05). There was no significant relationship between maternal parity and TT immunization with p value = 0.083 (P > 0.05). It is expected that health workers (midwives and nurses) in conducting counseling activities, age affects a person's knowledge so that an individual approach is needed to explain the importance of TT immunization.
Relationship Between Age and Education on The Use of 3 Months KB Injection at BPM Sargiatik in 2021 Susi Amenta Beru Perangin Angin; Mastiur Julianti Butar Butar; Esther Siringo-ringo; Indah Yani Tambunan
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.5 KB)


The research design used is an analytical study with a cross sectional study approach, aiming to determine the relationship between age and education on the use of 3-month injectable family planning at BPM Sargiatik in 2021. The number of samples in this study was 34 people. With accidental sampling technique. Data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire used to obtain chi square data. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between age and using 3-month injections, p value = 0.013. There is a relationship between education using 3-month injection KB with p value = 0.009. It is hoped that health workers will provide more active counseling about 3-month family planning injections to family planning acceptors.
The Relationship of Age and Parity of Pregnant Women in Trimester III With Completeness of Tetanus Toxoid Immunization at Klinik Fera in 2021 Susi Amenta Beru Perangin Angin; Faradita Wahyuni; Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Yuni Vivi Santri Purba
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.707 KB)


Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunization is a weakened and purified tetanus germ toxin that is given to infants, children and mothers in an effort to provide protection against tetanus (Rinaldi, 2016). The research design used was an analytical study with a cross sectional study approach, aiming to determine the relationship between age and parity of third trimester pregnant women with the completeness of tetanus toxoid immunization at the Fera Clinic in 2021. The number of samples in this study was 30 people. With accidental sampling technique. Data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire used to obtain chi square data. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant relationship between maternal age and TT immunization with p value = 0.171 (P > 0.05). There is a significant relationship between maternal education and the provision of TT immunization, with p value = 0.013 (P <0.05). There was no significant relationship between maternal parity and TT immunization with p value = 0.083 (P > 0.05). It is expected that health workers (midwives and nurses) in conducting counseling activities, age affects a person's knowledge so that an individual approach is needed to explain the importance of TT immunization.