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Journal : Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture

Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture
Publisher : The Department of Islamic History and Culture in cooperation with the Center for Research and Community Service, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.143 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/ijihc.v2i2.1318


"Mushaf Baiturrahman Cod.Or.2064 (Historical Studies and Illumination)" is the title of this study. The declaration of the Dutch war against Aceh in 1873 had an impact on the people of Aceh, since it resulted in the deaths of Acehnese combatants and academics, as well as the destruction of evidence of Acehnese civilisation. One of these was the burning of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, which resulted in the scorching and loss of numerous manuscripts and manuscripts, some of which were even transported back to their homelands by foreign invaders. The Baiturrahman Mushaf is one of the manuscripts, and it is presently in the collection of Leiden University with the designation Cod.Or. 2064. The issue in this research is how the historical worth and illumination of the manuscripts are preserved. The aim of the article is to determine the historical significance of the Baiturrahman Cod.Or Mushaf. 2064, as well as the manuscript's existence at Leiden University. In addition, the goal of this work is to examine how the themes in the text illuminations are used. This is a qualitative study that employs library research data gathering methods, observations, and documentation, as well as descriptive analysis to examine data. According to the study, the Baiturrahman Cod.Or.2064 Mushaf was a manuscript discovered by JHA Ijseel de Schepper, a commander of the Dutch army, beside the body of an imam of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque during the first Dutch military invasion in Aceh in 1873. This document has now been added to the library collection at Leiden University. The illumination in the Baiturrahman Cod.Or.2064 Mushaf may be found at the beginning, middle, and end of the Mushaf. This mushaf illumination motif, in general, follows the same patterns as other Acehnese manuscript illuminations, such as being square with a little "wing" form on the side. Bungong Pucuk Rebung, Lampu Gantung, Bungong Seuleupok, Bungong Tabu, Bungong Puta Taloe, Bungong Sagoe, Bungong Seumanga, Sulur Bunga Daun, Talo Ie, Sulur Bayung, Dada Limpeun, and Madu Sarang are some of the illumination patterns found on the Baiturrahman Cod.Or.2064 Mushaf.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture
Publisher : The Department of Islamic History and Culture in cooperation with the Center for Islamic History and Culture in Aceh and Malay World Studies (PUSAKA), Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ijihc.v3i2.1977


Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee is one of Aceh's charismatic scholars who teaches religious knowledge and other sciences. Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee has an important role in the sustainability of education, politics, and religion in Aceh. The research location that the author examined was Siem Village, Darussalam Sub-District. In this study, the authors used historical research methods, namely investigations that apply scientific solutions to the historical perspective of a problem with the steps of data collection, source criticism, interpretation, and writing method. The author draws a number of conclusions concerning Teungku Hasan bin Teungku Muhammad Hanafiyyah bin Teungku Shaykh 'Abbas bin Teungku Muhammad Fadhil based on the findings of the investigation. Muhammad Hasan was given the first name when he was born on 13 Rajab 1303 H, which corresponds to 18 April 1886 AD, in Gampong Langgoe Meunasah Keutumbu Village, Sangeue, Pidie. Teungku Haji Muhammad Hanafiyah bin Teungku Sheikh Abbas, often known as Teungku Chik Krueng Kalee One or Teungku Haji Muda Krueng Kalee, is the father of Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee. Nya'Ti Hafsah bint Teungku Ismail, the mother of Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee, was of Arab ancestry and migrated through Pase. Teungku Syekh Abdul Wahab and Asiah, two brothers of Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee.. Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee's contributions to religion and the country have been made in the areas of politics, education, and religion. Additionally, works of Abu Hasan Krueng Kalee might be used to instruct students. The writings include “Risalah Latifah Fi Adabi’z_Zikry” as well as “Jawahiru’I-‘ulum Fi kasyfi’I-ma’lum, An’amatu’I-fa-idatu fi isti’mali qa’odati’r-rabitat, ­Siraju’s-Salikin’ala minhaju’I-‘abidin.