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Journal : Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis

Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 7 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

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One of motivations of earnings management is the CEOs turnover. The increase of CEOs turnover has placed CEOs at high risk position, so the earnings management is being held to show the good performance of management. The purposes of this research are to test whether new CEO would like to practice earnings management and to test how firm size and auditor’s reputation influence earnings management. Sample comprises manufacturing companies that changed CEO during 2000-2008 and listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchanges. Earnings management is measured by discretionary accrual (DA), calculated using modified Jones Model. The hypotheses of this research are tested using Independent Samples t-Test and multiple regressions. The result shows that there is an indication of earnings management done by new CEOs. Futher analysis result shows that the type of earnings management that had been done is income decreasing. Earnings management is influenced negatively and significantly by firm size, but it’s not influenced by auditor’s reputations.
Pengaruh Investment Opportunity Set dan Free Cash Flow Pada Kebijakan Dividen dan Nilai Perusahaan I Gusti Ngurah Putu Adi Suartawan; Gerianta Wirawan Yasa
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 11 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (150.988 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JIAB.2016.v11.i02.p01


This research is conducted to find out the effect of investment opportunity set and free cash flow towards dividend policy and its impacts on firm value of manufacturing companies registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period of 2011-2013. The samples of this study are 25 manufacturing companies and they were selected by using purposive sampling method. The data is collected through non participants’ observation. Path analysis which is an extension of the multiple linear regression technique is used to analyze data. Based on the data analysis, it was found that, investment opportunity set has positive effects on dividend policy. It refuses the negative hypothesis, free cash flow has positive effects on dividend policy, investment opportunity set has positive effects on firm value, free cash flow has positive effects on firm value, dividend policy has positive effects on firm value, investment opportunity set has effects on firm value through dividend policy and free cash flow has no effects on firm value through dividend policy.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 3 No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

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The objective of this research is to test the influence of auditor reputation, underwriter reputation and government ownership (BUMN) on initial return share at initial public offerings. At initial public offerings there are tendency that underpricing could happen. Underpricing is a circumstance where a share price is lower at initial public offerings compared to when it is commercialized in secondary market.There are 300 companies listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange during year if 1990 to 2001. Sample is taken by using purposive sampling with criteria as underpriced stocks. Data are analysed using multiple regression to test the relation between initial return and the auditor reputation, underwriter reputation, company’s age, the percentage of stocks that are offered to the public, company profitability, financial leverage, solvability ratio, size of company and government ownership.Pursuant to the analysis, initial return is influenced significantly by underwriter reputation and company profitability. Auditor reputation and government ownership fail to show significant influence to initial return.
Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Udayana I PUTU ADNYANA USADHA; GERIANTA WIRAWAN YASA
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 4 No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

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The purpose of this research is to gain empirical evidence whetheracquiring companies conduct earnings management before the execution ofmerger and acquisition. It also aims to investigate performance changes ofacquiring companies before and after merger and acquisition.Earnings management conducted by the companies is proxied bydiscretionary accrual (DA). Analysis is done using independent sample ttestand paired sample test. The result shows that there is an indication ofearnings management done by taking over companies before merger andacquisition by utilizing income increasing accruals. Furthermore, thefinancial performance of the companies is lower after merger andacquisition took place.
The Effects of Executive and Company Characteristics on Tax Aggressiveness Kristina Surya Dewi; Gerianta Wirawan Yasa
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 15 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JIAB.2020.v15.i02.p10


Tax aggressiveness is the act of manipulating profits carried out through tax planning that can be both legal and illegal. Based on the agency theory, the different interests of agents and principals may become a source of conflict. The aim of this study is to determine and obtain empirical evidence on the effect of executive characteristics, profitability, leverage, capital intensity, and company size on tax aggressiveness. This research was conducted on manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018, because the Indonesian economy has started to recover since 2016 and continued until 2018, so it will have an impact on tax revenues. The sample was selected using purposive sampling technique and obtained 70 manufacturing companies. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that executive characteristics, profitability, and company size had a positive effect. While leverage and capital intensity had negative effect on tax aggressiveness. Keywords: Tax aggressiveness, executive characteristics, profitability, leverage, capital intensity, company size.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 6 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

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The aim of this research is to identify factors influencing incomesmoothing. Income smoothing is an active manipulation of earnings toward apredetermined target. The target may be set by the management, requested bythe analysts, or expected by a particular group of stakeholders (Chong, 2006).The factors being examined were size of the company, company’s profitabilityratios, company’s financial leverage ratios, company’s institutional ownershipratio and auditor reputation. Index Eckel is used to determine the incomesmoothing practices.The sample of 41 manufacturers listed on Indonesian StockExchange, during a period between 2004-2008.The hypothesis were tested using binary logistic regression. The firsthypothesis was formulated to consisted examine the effect of size of thecompany on income smoothing. The second hypothesis was formulated toexamine the effect of company’s profitability ratios on income smoothing Thethird hypothesis was to examine the effect of company’s financial leverage onincome smoothing. The fourth hypothesis was formulated to examine the effect ofcompany’s institutional ownership ratio on income smoothing. The fifthhypothesis was to examine the effect of auditor reputation on income smoothing.The result of this research showed that some of the listed manufacturerson Indonesian Stock Exchange committed income smoothing practices. Binarylogistic regression showed that just company’s profitability ratios affect incomesmoothing,while size of the company, company’s financial leverage ratios,company’s institutional ownership ratio and auditor reputation did not affect theincome smoothing.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 10 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

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The stock split is one form of corporate action conducted by the company to increase the liquidity of the stock. This activity is usually do when the stock price is overvalued or performed by companies thathave low liquidity. Interestingly, LQ45 companies known to have a high level of liquidity in the Indonesia Stock Exchange is still do stock split. This study aims to determine the market reaction to the LQ45 company and nonLQ45 the stock split to see whether there is a difference of abnormal return during the event window. The period of observation made in this study is 7 days. Sampling method is purposivesampling, and its found 9 LQ45 company and 37 nonLQ45 company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Return expectations in this study calculated with mean adjusted model. The hypothesis was tested using One Sample t-test, and Independent t-test. The results statistical hypothesis testing showed that the events on LQ45 and non LQ45 company gets a reaction from the market during the event window.
The Influence Of Accounting Conservatism, IOS, And Good Corporate Governance On The Earnings Quality Gerianta Wirawan Yasa; Ida Bagus Putra Astika; Ni Made Ayu Widiariani
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 14 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.591 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JIAB.2019.v14.i01.p08


Study aims to obtain the empirical evidence about the influence of accounting conservatism, investment opportunity set, and good corporate governance on earnings quality of corporates in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. These three factors will certainly affect how earnings are presented to users of financial statements as information in decision making. Secondary data are used in this study. All companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period of 2013-2015 are the population in this study. The numbers of samples in this study were 381 companies that were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Multiple linear regression analysis is selected as a data analysis technique. The results show that accounting conservatism has a positive effect on earnings quality. Investment opportunity set has a positive effect on earnings quality. In addition, good corporate governance has no effect on earnings quality. Keywords: Earnings quality, accounting conservatism, investment opportunity set, good corporate governance.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 1 No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JIAB.2006.v01.i01.p02


Pengaruh Corporate Governance dan Leverage Pada Agency Cost Nanda Sadewa; Gerianta Wirawan Yasa
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 11 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Udayana bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Cabang Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.177 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JIAB.2016.v11.i01.p03


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of corporate governance and leverage on agency cost. This research is done within the scope of the firms that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Observation is done in all sectors of the firms in 2009-2013. Samples are defined by using purposive sampling method thus 92 samples are obtained that match with criteria. This research uses multivariate regression as analysis technique. The hypothesis of this research said that corporate governance and leverage have a negative influence on agency cost. The result shows that corporate governance and leverage have positive and significant influence on agency cost. This research prove that the increasing of corporate governance and leverage in a firm, agency cost also increased. Keywords: Agency cost, corporate governance, leverage
Co-Authors A.A. Gede Indra Pramana A.A. Putu Kendran Pramithasari AA Putri Rahayu Agus Artha Bawa Anak Agung Gede Alit Pramana Putra Ananda Oktadino Anggriawan Firman Ariel Suryo Christine Priskayani H. Sirait Cok Istri Intan Paramita Dewi Dewa Nyoman Badera Dewi, Ayu Aryista Dewi, Ni Luh Ayu Sukrisna Emi Yanti Erving Anggiatma Napitupulu Gede Mandirta Tama Hanny Meylita P I Gde Ary Wirajaya I Gusti Ayu Agung Ratna Kusuma Dewi I Gusti Ayu Novi Yudiantari I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati I Gusti Ayu Putri Suniantari I Gusti Ngurah Dody Setyawan I Gusti Ngurah Putu Adi Suartawan I Gusti Ngurah Putu Adi Suartawan I Gusti Ngurah Siwambudi I Ketut Yadnyana I PUTU ADNYANA USADHA I Wayan Ramantha I Wayan Suartana I Wayan Subrata Ida Ayu Putu Oki Yacintya Dewi Ida Ayu Wiasti Paramita Apsari Ida Bagus Putra Astika Immanuel Satrio Wicaksono Indah Kusuma Sari Kadek Fajar Andika Karma Kadek Kristiana Dewi Kadek Wisnu Perdana Kadek Yuni Lestari Ketut Pradnyana Wiguna Komang Dian Widiarini Komang Winda Trinadewi Kristina Surya Dewi Luh Ade Wahyu Merthadiyanti Luki Setiawan Djajadi Made Bana Partha Made Karunia Dewi Made Sujana Sujana Muhammad Faisal Nanda Sadewa Ni Kadek Sukma Dwiyantika Ni Ketut Rasmini Ni Luh Ayu Sukrisna Dewi NI LUH PUTU ARIK PRABAYANTI Ni Luh Putu Sandrya Dewi Ni Luh Ulansari Manikan Widayani Ni Made Ayu Widiariani Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi Ni Made Sania Candradewi Ni Putu Aprilianti Tirta Dewi Ni Putu Gita Darmayanti Ni Putu Lia Sumertiasih Ni Putu Linda Sopyana Ni Putu Pradnyamitha Devy Handayani Ni Putu Sandyaswari Ni Putu Widianjani Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari Ni Wayan Widya Wedani Ni Wayan Yantiari Pande Kadek Ary Raditya Permadi Putu Ayu Widiastari Putu Rani Adnyani Asak Putu Wira Hendrayana Putu Wira Hendrayana Ratih Manuari Yoseph Yos Sudarso Anastasio Rany YULIA NOVIALY