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Journal : Alhikam Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Education (AJMIE)

Hukum Pernikahan Antarumat Beragama di Indonesia: Studi Pemikiran Kontemporer dalam Konsep Islam dan Iman Muhammad Syahrur sadari sadari
AJMIE: Alhikam Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Juli-Desember
Publisher : STAI Ma'had Aly Al-Hikam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32478/ajmie.v2i2.859


The marriage laws problem between religious is still not in detail both in legislation and perceptions of religious people. Proven in theory and practice, there is still a polemic in the community. This long debate must be sought to settle up to the point of perception that can accommodate all religious people, for the realization of religious harmony in Indonesia. For this reason, this article offers a new methodology that can flex the tension and pros-cons of marriage between religious law. The concept of Muhammad Syahrur’s Islam and faith is considered able to pass and contribute legal solutions to marriage between religious in Indonesia. The difference in perception lies in the difficulty of categorizing the terms “who are Muslims?” And “who is non-Muslim?” In the Qur'an, the terms appear in three categories, namely: musyrik, ahl al-Kitab and ahl al-iman. With the concept of Syahrur’s Islam and faith, the root of the difference ranges not to the terms, but more on the categorization of “what is Islam?” And “what is faith?” According to Syahrur, Islam refers to the belief in God, days later and good deeds. The faith refers specifically to the actions that follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. All who believe in God, the later days and do good deeds are Muslims. Those who follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are Muslim-believers. Those who participated in the teachings of the Prophet Isa AS were Christian-Muslims, and those who participated in the teachings of the Prophet Musa AS were Jews-Muslim. This Syahrur’s concept needs to be observed and developed further, so that it can provide a complete and contextual legal point on the problem of contemporary Muslims, especially in Indonesia.Problematika hukum pernikahan antarumat beragama, sampai saat ini masih belum terperinci dengan jelas, baik dalam perundang-undangan maupun persepsi umat beragama. Terbukti dalam teori dan praktik, masih terjadi polemik di tengah masyarakat. Perdebatan panjang ini harus diupayakan penyelesaiannya sampai pada titik persepsi yang bisa mengakomodir seluruh umat beragama, demi terwujudnya kerukunan umat beragama di Indonesia. Untuk itu, artikel ini menawarkan metodologi baru yang bisa melenturkan ketegangan dan pro-kontra terkait hukum pernikahan antarumat beragama. Konsep islam dan iman Muhammad Syahrur dinilai mampu meneropong dan menyumbangkan solusi hukum atas pernikahan antarumat beragama di Indonesia. Alasannya, selama ini perbedaan persepsi terletak pada sulitnya mengkategorikan term-term siapa itu muslim? dan siapa itu non-muslim?. Dalam al-Qur’an, term-term itu muncul dalam tiga kategori, yakni: musyrik, ahl al-Kitab dan ahl al-Iman. Dengan konsep islam dan iman Syahrur, maka akar perbedaan berkisar bukan pada term-term tersebut, namun lebih pada pengkategorian apa itu Islam? dan apa itu iman?. Menurut Syahrur, Islam merujuk kepada keyakinan terhadap Tuhan, hari kemudian dan amal saleh. Sementara iman merujuk secara spesifik kepada tindakan yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW. Semua yang meyakini Tuhan, hari kemudian dan melakukan amal saleh adalah muslim. Mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah muslim-Mukmin. Mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Isa AS adalah muslim-Kristen, dan mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Musa AS adalah muslim-Yahudi. Konsep yang dibangun Syahrur ini perlu dicermati dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut, sehingga bisa memberikan titik tolak itjihad hukum yang baru dan kontekstual atas problematika umat muslim kontemporer, khususnya di Indonesia.
Hukum Pernikahan Antarumat Beragama di Indonesia: Studi Pemikiran Kontemporer dalam Konsep Islam dan Iman Muhammad Syahrur sadari sadari
AJMIE: Alhikam Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Juli-Desember
Publisher : STAI Ma'had Aly Al-Hikam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32478/ajmie.v2i2.859


The marriage laws problem between religious is still not in detail both in legislation and perceptions of religious people. Proven in theory and practice, there is still a polemic in the community. This long debate must be sought to settle up to the point of perception that can accommodate all religious people, for the realization of religious harmony in Indonesia. For this reason, this article offers a new methodology that can flex the tension and pros-cons of marriage between religious law. The concept of Muhammad Syahrur’s Islam and faith is considered able to pass and contribute legal solutions to marriage between religious in Indonesia. The difference in perception lies in the difficulty of categorizing the terms “who are Muslims?” And “who is non-Muslim?” In the Qur'an, the terms appear in three categories, namely: musyrik, ahl al-Kitab and ahl al-iman. With the concept of Syahrur’s Islam and faith, the root of the difference ranges not to the terms, but more on the categorization of “what is Islam?” And “what is faith?” According to Syahrur, Islam refers to the belief in God, days later and good deeds. The faith refers specifically to the actions that follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. All who believe in God, the later days and do good deeds are Muslims. Those who follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad are Muslim-believers. Those who participated in the teachings of the Prophet Isa AS were Christian-Muslims, and those who participated in the teachings of the Prophet Musa AS were Jews-Muslim. This Syahrur’s concept needs to be observed and developed further, so that it can provide a complete and contextual legal point on the problem of contemporary Muslims, especially in Indonesia.Problematika hukum pernikahan antarumat beragama, sampai saat ini masih belum terperinci dengan jelas, baik dalam perundang-undangan maupun persepsi umat beragama. Terbukti dalam teori dan praktik, masih terjadi polemik di tengah masyarakat. Perdebatan panjang ini harus diupayakan penyelesaiannya sampai pada titik persepsi yang bisa mengakomodir seluruh umat beragama, demi terwujudnya kerukunan umat beragama di Indonesia. Untuk itu, artikel ini menawarkan metodologi baru yang bisa melenturkan ketegangan dan pro-kontra terkait hukum pernikahan antarumat beragama. Konsep islam dan iman Muhammad Syahrur dinilai mampu meneropong dan menyumbangkan solusi hukum atas pernikahan antarumat beragama di Indonesia. Alasannya, selama ini perbedaan persepsi terletak pada sulitnya mengkategorikan term-term siapa itu muslim? dan siapa itu non-muslim?. Dalam al-Qur’an, term-term itu muncul dalam tiga kategori, yakni: musyrik, ahl al-Kitab dan ahl al-Iman. Dengan konsep islam dan iman Syahrur, maka akar perbedaan berkisar bukan pada term-term tersebut, namun lebih pada pengkategorian apa itu Islam? dan apa itu iman?. Menurut Syahrur, Islam merujuk kepada keyakinan terhadap Tuhan, hari kemudian dan amal saleh. Sementara iman merujuk secara spesifik kepada tindakan yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW. Semua yang meyakini Tuhan, hari kemudian dan melakukan amal saleh adalah muslim. Mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah muslim-Mukmin. Mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Isa AS adalah muslim-Kristen, dan mereka yang mengikuti ajaran Nabi Musa AS adalah muslim-Yahudi. Konsep yang dibangun Syahrur ini perlu dicermati dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut, sehingga bisa memberikan titik tolak itjihad hukum yang baru dan kontekstual atas problematika umat muslim kontemporer, khususnya di Indonesia.