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Comprehensive integration system of saltwater environment on Rote Island using a multidisciplinary approach Atriyon Julzarika; Dany Puguh Laksono; Luki Subehi; Esthi Kurniai Dewi; K Kayat; Hanhan A Sofiyuddin; Media Fitri Isma Nugraha
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1542.529 KB) | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2018.061.1553


Rote Island is one of the islands in southern of Indonesia. This region experiences very high geological and geodynamic processes. This is evidenced by the abundance of seabed rising, and there is a dead sea lake area that has a higher salinity than the sea. Biodiversity on Rote Island has endemic and unique flora and fauna. This study aims to create an integrated system of inland waters resources on Rote Island with a multidisciplinary approach. Inland water resources on Rote Island number more than 80 lakes and ponds. An inland water resource on Rote Island is a saltwater environment. The extraction of geobiophysical information on inland water resources is needed by studying various aspects of multidisciplinary. The aspects studied are limnology, water quality, conservation of forest resources, geology, geodynamics, water resources, geodesy and geomatics engineering. All geobiophysical information needs to be integrated into an integration system. This is useful for efficiency and effectiveness in the utilization of data and information. This integration system (geovisualization) is in the form of WebGIS and storytelling maps. This integration system is dynamic so it can update its latest spatial information. This integration system can be used to promote Rote island tourism. This integration system can be accessed via the website This integration system can be applied in other regions so reached one map policy and a system for inland water resources will be realized in Indonesia.
Expedition Oe: A Visual-Storytelling Map on Rote Island’s Lakes Dany Laksono
Jurnal Geospasial Indonesia Vol 1, No 2 (2018): December
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jgise.40861


Rote Island has long been known as a tourism destination, especially for its beaches and small islands which are well known surfing spots. However, many other aspects of Rote Island, such as its inland waters, left unexplored and are unknown to tourists or stakeholders. The lack of infrastructure is one of the factors causing underdevelopment in these area. This paper reports the outcome of an expedition set to uncover the uniqueness of Rote Island’s tourism potential, especially on its inland waters. The expedition involves researcher from some of Indonesian institutions related to inland waters, such as LAPAN, LIPI, PUPERA, KLHK and KKP to conduct some preliminary research on Rote Island’s saltwater lake. Mobile devices equipped with GIS software were used to obtain data during the survey. Some of the findings including the misleading toponyms found in online sources of the lakes, the biogeophysical condition of the lakes, as well as vegetations and wildlife of the area. The Rote Island Snake-necked Turtle (Chelodina Mccordi) is one of the near-extinct species which habitat needs to be identified and well-preserved, thus tourism should take into account natural preservation in the lakes and its surroundings. Based on the results we suggest that a Geopark should be initialized in and around Rote Island’s lakes. These findings are presented as a storytelling map, both to attract tourism and to emphasize the geospatial aspects of the lakes. A WebGIS is also developed to integrate data from different institutions to aide decision making. The result is, which present the storytelling map and WebGIS to be used by tourist and decision makers alike to explore the richness of Rote Island through geospatial data.
Hasil Studi Pola Kebakaran Lahan Gambut melalui Citra Satelit Sentinel-2 dengan Pengimplementasian Machine Learning Metode Random Forest : Kajian Literatur Annisa Rizky Kusuma; Fauzan Maulana Shodiq; Muhammad Faris Hazim; Dany Puguh Laksono
Jurnal Geospasial Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jgise.60828


Kebakaran lahan gambut merupakan peristiwa yang sulit diprediksi perilakunya. Karakteristik tanah gambut yang kompleks dan faktor-faktor alam lain seperti arah angin, status vegetasi, dan kandungan air membuat kasus ini menjadi salah satu kasus menarik yang masih menjadi objek penelitian yang belum tuntas hingga saat ini. Ketika memasuki musim kemarau kondisi kadar air di dalam tanah gambut akan semakin berkurang, maka potensi terjadinya kebakaran akan semakin tinggi. Pada studi ini dilakukan analisis faktor penyebab kebakaran dengan area cakupan yang luas melalui satelit Sentinel-2. Citra satelit yang diperoleh nantinya akan diolah oleh machine learning untuk memprediksi penyebaran api. Hasil literatur yang telah dilakukan diperoleh bahwa Ground Water Level (GWL), kematangan gambut, suhu, curah hujan dan kelembaban, serta kerapatan vegetasi dapat diidentifikasi melalui perhitungan indeks. Indeks yang digunakan diantaranya indeks Differenced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (dNDVI) dan Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) yang diolah dengan algoritma machine learning metode Random Forest memilki akurasi mencapai 96%.
KONSEP AUPB UNTUK KEAMANAN DATA DALAM STANDARDISASI DAN SISTEM GEOCODING ALAMAT PERKOTAAN DAN PERDESAAN INDONESIA Dyah Ayu Widowati; Heri Sutanta; Diyono Diyono; Dedi Atunggal; Dany Laksono; Sumaryono Sumaryono; Fakhruddin Mustofa
Refleksi Hukum: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Refleksi Hukum: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24246/jrh.2023.v7.i2.p229 - 248


This article aims to formulate the embodiment of the AUPB concept in the standardization and geocoding system of Indonesian urban and rural addresses. Furthermore, it analyses the synchronization of data security principles in standardization and geocoding systems for urban and rural addresses in Indonesia. Conceptually, the process of address standardization and geocoding in the context of AUPB is closely related to the orderly administration of government, accountability of government agencies and/or officials, and implementation of statutory provisions. Overall, the element of AUPB that plays the most role in the standardization process and the address geocoding system is the principle of legal certainty. The principle of openness is attached to data security, and both are synchronized in implementing standardization and geocoding systems for urban and rural addresses in Indonesia. Even though all columns in the address database are stored in Elasticsearch, only specific columns can be accessed by general users through the Geocoding System website. Hence, the addresses presented are general data and do not contain personal data.