Agus Widodo
Universitas Sanata Dharma

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Jurnal Orientasi Baru VOLUME 26, NOMOR 02, OKTOBER 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Orientasi Baru

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This research aims to seek inspiration and relevance of the thought of the Fathers of the Church to answer our current ecological problems. The method used is to focus on discovering the writings of Church Fathers that convey the universe in relation to God and human being. Then, some key ideas on ecology will be drawn. In conclusion, based on this research, the Fathers of the Church have a highly positive and appreciative point of view of the universe: all are well-created by God, and they are beautiful, harmonious, having intrinsic value and being a sign of Gods presence. The world is indeed a home for all creation, both human and non-human. Human beings have obligation to the universe that is to appreciate and maintain its beauty, goodness, and harmony, as well as to manage and cultivate the earth, to offer and sanctify its fruit to the Lord, and therefore to live in brotherhood with the whole creation. Humans are allowed to make use of non-human creations yet wisely: not only to satisfy worldly needs (uti), but also to achieve eternal happiness (frui). Consequently, human beings must live an ecological asceticism, by limiting the use of natural resources and aiming at improvement of the quality of life instead of on the standard of living.
The Methods and Criterion of Origen and Maximus Confessors Exegesis in Interpreting Scriptures Verses on Violence: its Relevance to Prevent Radicalism and Fundamentalism Agus Widodo
Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology Vol 2, No 01 (2020): Journal of Asian Orientation in Theology
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

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Radicalism and fundamentalism, commonly characterized by acts of terror and violence, are considered as serious threats to Indonesia as a nation. One of the triggers of radical and fundamentalist movements is the misunderstanding on some verses about violence, war, and murder in the Scriptures. The radicals and the fundamentalists tend to interpret literally and use those verses to legitimate their actions. This paper has no intention to blame and to correct verses of the Scriptures that are literally provocative for violence, but to offer some inspiration from patristic tradition about how to interpret the Bible verses on violence. There are three methods and one criterion, that is, method of esegesi orante, method of allegorical-spiritual, method of the Scripture interprets Scripture, and the criteria of ??????? (?phleia: benefit). These methods and criterion may also be applied to interpret and to understand Koran verses on violence, as there are some provocative verses in regard to violence in both Scriptures. Moreover, Muslims also have the Tafsir (exegesis, commentary) as a methodology for reading and explaining the Koran, even accepting hermeneutics as a method of interpretation that is very relevant to understand the message of the
Maria dalam Misteri Kristus dan dalam Hidup Gereja Agus Widodo
Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jt.v11i02.5931


Mary is a central figure in the Catholic Church. In fact, among the Christians, Mary who is a mere woman is more “popular” than Jesus who is God and savior. This can be seen in the Marian devotions and shrines which are far outnumber than the devotions and places of pilgrimage to Jesus. Mary is mother, not only for Jesus but also for the Church, that is, for all the faithful. This article will specifically discuss the life and role of Mary in the life of Jesus and the Church. Using the library research, this paper scrutinizes the Scriptures, the documents of the Church teachings, and some of liturgical texts which reveal the presence and the role of Mary in the life of Jesus and the Church. This article helps Christians to deep their knowledge and familiarity to Mary, and then to love her more and to emulate Her virtues in everyday life as believers. 
Jurnal Teologi (Journal of Theology) Vol 12, No 01 (2023)
Publisher : P3TK, Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/jt.v12i01.6163


Untuk melestarikan kesatuan dalam hidup berbangsa dalam kebinekaan Indonesia, peran pendidikan agama amatlah penting. Mengingat pendidikan agama merupakan pelajaran wajib di semua jenjang sekolah formal, ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk merancang sebuah model pendidikan agama yang mempunyai kontribusi secara optimal bagi pelestarian kebinekatunggalikaan Indonesia. Penelitian kualitatif dengan metode kajian pustaka ini berfokus pada upaya mengekslorasi gagasan Y. B. Mangunwijaya tentang pendidikan agama sebagai proses dialog kehidupan. Dalam pandangan Y. B. Mangunwijaya, model pendidikan agama sebagai proses komunikasi iman perlu dikembangkan dan dipraktikkan agar anak-anak bangsa bertumbuh dalam kesetiakawanan, menghargai perbedaan, dan memiliki ketrampilan hidup bersama dalam kebinekaan. Komunikasi iman merupakan model pendidikan agama yang menghargai setiap pribadi dengan segala keunikannya. Proses pembelajaran agama dengan model komunikasi iman memberi ruang bagi setiap pribadi untuk berdialog secara egaliter, saling menumbuhkan kepekaan sosial dan terbuka untuk bekerjasama dalam mewujudkan perkembangan hidup bersama. Isi pokok pembelajaran komunikasi lintas iman adalah pengalaman setiap pribadi dalam relasi dengan Tuhan, sesama dan lingkungan sekitar. Komunikasi pengalaman iman yang dikembangkan di sekolah perlu dilengkapi dengan pelaksanaan tanggungjawab orang tua dan institusi agama untuk menumbuhkan pemahaman, kesadaran, sikap dan perilaku hidup beragama setiap pribadi sesuai dengan agama yang dianut.