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Description of Physical Discomfort in Elderly Rina Anggraeni; Kitri Aristantini; Novi Indrayati; Riani Pradara Jati
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

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Physical discomfort can occur in the elderly due to degenerative processes. Physical discomfort that is often found in the elderly is chronic pain in physical ailments. The research objective was to identify physical discomfort in the elderly in Balok Village, Kendal District, Kendal Regency. The research design used was a descriptive survey. The sample in this study amounted to 52 respondents with a total sampling technique. The measuring instrument is a questionnaire. Data analysis using univariate. The results of univariate analysis of physical discomfort in the Balok Village, Kendal District, found that 29 respondents (55.8%) experienced physical discomfort and 23 respondents (44.2%) did not experience physical discomfort. Physical problems due to degenerative processes cause physical discomfort in the elderly. Most of the elderly (55%) experience physical discomfort due to the aging process in elderly in Balok Village Kendal District Kendal Regensy.
Social Function Levels of Families that Live with Elderly Linda Kurniawati; Rina Anggraeni; Riani Pradara Jati
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

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10,34% of the population of Central Java Province are the elderly people. The increasing number of the elderly people results in the indirect negative impact on the famies values which influence the drop of the elderly people’s welfare, lack of their role and status in the families, and loss of supports from their families. This research aims to explore the levels of the social functions of their families in which the elderly people live in Kedungsuren Village seen from the points of views of adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve. This research was conducted with the domain of quantitative design with a descriptive survey method. The total sampling technique was applied to 82 respondents. The instrument in the data collection was an APGAR family questionnaire. This research used a univariate analysis. The results of the research show that 61 respondents(74,4%), with whom the elderly people live, had less-healthy living conditions while 49 respondents (59,8%) were sometimes satisfied with social function adaptation. Similarly, 44 respondents (53,7%) were sometimes satisfied with the partnership of social functions and 35 respondents (42,7%) were always satisfied with the growth of social functions. 50 respondents (61,0%) were always satisfied with the affection of social functions. In addition, 72 respondents (87,8%) were always satisfied with the resolve of social functions. The families are expected to be able to improve communication, supports, and attention given to the elderly people in order to improve the families’ and the elderly people’s social functions. The level of social function of families living with the elderly in Kedungsuren Village is dominated by the level of unhealthy social function.
Description of Physical Discomfort in Elderly Rina Anggraeni; Kitri Aristantini; Novi Indrayati; Riani Pradara Jati
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2020): July-December 2020
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

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Physical discomfort can occur in the elderly due to degenerative processes. Physical discomfort that is often found in the elderly is chronic pain in physical ailments. The research objective was to identify physical discomfort in the elderly in Balok Village, Kendal District, Kendal Regency. The research design used was a descriptive survey. The sample in this study amounted to 52 respondents with a total sampling technique. The measuring instrument is a questionnaire. Data analysis using univariate. The results of univariate analysis of physical discomfort in the Balok Village, Kendal District, found that 29 respondents (55.8%) experienced physical discomfort and 23 respondents (44.2%) did not experience physical discomfort. Physical problems due to degenerative processes cause physical discomfort in the elderly. Most of the elderly (55%) experience physical discomfort due to the aging process in elderly in Balok Village Kendal District Kendal Regensy.
Social Function Levels of Families that Live with Elderly Linda Kurniawati; Rina Anggraeni; Riani Pradara Jati
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2020): July-December 2020
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

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10,34% of the population of Central Java Province are the elderly people. The increasing number of the elderly people results in the indirect negative impact on the famies values which influence the drop of the elderly people’s welfare, lack of their role and status in the families, and loss of supports from their families. This research aims to explore the levels of the social functions of their families in which the elderly people live in Kedungsuren Village seen from the points of views of adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve. This research was conducted with the domain of quantitative design with a descriptive survey method. The total sampling technique was applied to 82 respondents. The instrument in the data collection was an APGAR family questionnaire. This research used a univariate analysis. The results of the research show that 61 respondents(74,4%), with whom the elderly people live, had less-healthy living conditions while 49 respondents (59,8%) were sometimes satisfied with social function adaptation. Similarly, 44 respondents (53,7%) were sometimes satisfied with the partnership of social functions and 35 respondents (42,7%) were always satisfied with the growth of social functions. 50 respondents (61,0%) were always satisfied with the affection of social functions. In addition, 72 respondents (87,8%) were always satisfied with the resolve of social functions. The families are expected to be able to improve communication, supports, and attention given to the elderly people in order to improve the families’ and the elderly people’s social functions. The level of social function of families living with the elderly in Kedungsuren Village is dominated by the level of unhealthy social function.
Intervensi Pemberian Pelatihan Senam Rematik dalam Upaya Penurunan Nyeri pada Lansia di Desa Karangsuno Riani Pradara Jati; Rina Anggraeni
Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Peduli Masyarakat: September 2022
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/jpm.v4i3.1336


Lansia dengan proses degeneratifnya secara otomatis mengurangi fungsi kerja oran dalam tubuhnya, dan menganggu dalam beraktivitas keseharian lansia. salah satu permasalahan tersebut yaitu munculnya lansia yang mengalami masalah nyeri akibat rematik disertai dengan kurangnya pengetahuan karena informasi yang didapatkan sangat minim terkait dengan pencegahan serta penanganan dari masalah tersebut. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan para lansia dengan melatih senam rematikguna mengurangi nyeri yang muncul. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan penabdian masyarakat ini dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan terlebih dahulu tentang penyakit rematik dengan penyebab munculnya serta penangananya, diawali apersepsi dan evaluasi diskusi anya jawab seputar permasalahn rematik, khususnya bagaimana cara penanganan saatnyeri muncul, kemudain dilanjutkan dengan pemberian demonstrasi senam rematik yang diikuti oleh semua lansia yang hadir dalam undangan. acara kegiatan bertempat di kantor kelurahan karansuano Evaluasi hasil akhir dari kegiatan didapatkan lansia mengatakan merasa senang, bertambah pengetahuan dan tenang neyri berkurang setelah mengikuti senam
Jurnal Cakrawala Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 6: Februari 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Lansia umumnya mengalami banyak masalah biologis maupun psikologis. Terdapat sindrom pada lansia lemah. Sindrom lansia lemah dapat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup lansia. Kualitas hidup merupakan suatu konsep yang sangat luas yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik individu, psikologis, tingkat kemandirian, serta hubungan individu dengan lingkungan. Metode: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan sindrom lansia lemah dengan kualitas hidup lansia. Desain penelitian ini deskriptif korelatif cross-sectional, dengan jumlah sampel 201 lansia yang dipilih menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling.Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik spearman. Hasil: Ada hubungan sindrom lansia lemah dengan kualitas hidup lansia (p value 0,004). Diskusi: Salah satu cara meminimalisir munculnya penyakit-penyakit degeneratif pada lansia adalah dengan memotivasi agar lansia menjaga kesehatan fisik maupun psikologis supaya mempunyai kualitas hidup yang baik.
Jurnal Cakrawala Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 6: Februari 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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nfeksi COVID-19 menjadi permasalahan kesehatan dunia lebih dari 114 Negara. Upaya paling efektif untuk mencegah penularan dalam mengurangi penyebaran virus dengan memberikan vaksin. Keraguan dan kesalahan informasi mengenai vaksin mengakibatkan dampak yang besar dimana tingkat kecemasan masyarakat meningkat yang berdampak pada ketercapaian cakupan dan kekebalan masyarakat, Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan gambaran kecemasan masyarakat Desa Balok Kendal dengan adanya Vaksin COVID-19. Metode penelitian yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sample purposive sampling sebanyak 67 responden. Kriteria inkulis usia 12 tahun keatas warga Rt 3 Rw 1 Kelurahan Balok. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner berupa pertanyaan tertutup respon ansietas. Hasil penelitian didapatkan mayoritas responden mengalami tingkat kecemasan normal sejumlah 41 responden (61,2%), tingkat kecemasan ringan sejumlah 21 responden (31,3%) dan tingkat kecemasan sedang sejumlah 5 responden (7,5%). dibutuhakn pendekatan dan informasi yang lebih jelas untuk mengurangi kecemasan yang titimbulkan pada responden mengingat kondisi pandemi Covid-19 merupakan jenis panyakit baru dengan tingkat penularan, keparahan serta kematian yang tingi.
Description of the Characteristics of Barriers to Pain Comfort: Sleep Quality in Elderly with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kendal Regency Rina Anggraeni; Villayatina Villayatina; Riani Pradara Jati; Qurrotul Aeni; Andriyani Mustika Nurwijayanti
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 4 No 1 (2023): January-June 2023
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v4i1.1715


Someone who has reached the age of 60 years and over often appears various disorders, one of the disorders experienced by the elderly is joint pain or bone disease known as Rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain caused by inflammation of the joints that are swollen or damaged has occurred, causing pain and making people with Rheumatoid Arthritis afraid to move so that it interferes with their activities. Barriers to pain comfort in the elderly with Rheumatoid Arthritis are characterized by sleep quality characteristics. This study aims the Characteristics Pain comfortf Barriers of sleep quality in the Elderly with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Gebanganom Village, Kendal Regency. The research design is a quantitative descriptive research. The study population was 49 elderly people. The research sample was 49 elderly people with total sampling technique. Data collection used a pain scale questionnaire, a PSQI (Pitssburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the pain level was mild (8.16%), the majority of respondents had moderate pain level (73.47%), and severe pain level (18.37%), the majority of respondents had good sleep quality (71.43%), and poor sleep quality (28.57%),
Overview of the Causes of Self-Care Deficit Disorder: Musculoskeletal Disorders in The Elderly in Kendal Indonesia Rina Anggraeni; Lilis Virdayanti; Riani Pradara Jati; Qurrotul Aeni; Andriyani Mustika Nurwijayanti
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v5i4.2480


The increasing number of elderly will affect various aspects of elderly life, especially in terms of health and welfare of the elderly. Problems that arise make the ability to do activities decrease, one of which is the ability to perform self-care. Factors that cause a person to experience a self-care deficit include musculoskeletal disorders, neuromuscular disorders, weakness, psychological disorders and decreased motivation/interest. This study aims to describe the causes of self-care deficit disorder in the elderly in Cepiring. The type of research method chosen is descriptive analysis. The sample used using purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study were 86 respondents aged 60-80 years and experiencing self-care deficits. Data collection in this study used the Standard Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ). Data analysis uses frequency distribution to determine the number of musculoskeletal disorders. The results of the study most of the respondents experienced low Musculoskeletal Disorders as many as 46 (53.5%) respondents.
PRIMER : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): PRIMER : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin, Desember 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Teknologi Dan Kesehatan Aspirasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/primer.v1i6.236


Latar belakang proses menua lansia memberikan dampak pada berbagai aspek kehidupan, terutama kesehatan, dengan bertambahnya usia, fungsi organ tubuh semakin menurun. salah satunya permasalahan Atritis Reumatoid yang sering terjadi pada lansia akibat proses menua diantaranya kurangnya gerakan pada daerah persendian atau aktivitas tubuh. hingga mengalami hambatan dalam berjalan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui gambaran hambatan jalan yang mencakup kemampuan menanjak, menurun, permukaan datar, naik tangga, menyusuri tepi dan berjalan dengan jarak tertentu. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain diskripsi survey, teknik total sampling dengan jumlah populasi sampel 50 lansia di PPSLU Cepiring Kendal dengan quesioner. Hasil ketidakmampuan berjalan menanjak sebanyak 80%, ketidakmampuan berjalan menurun 72%, ketidakmampuan berjalan di jalan rata 68%, Ketidakmampuan menaiki tangga 78% dan ketidakmampuan berjalan menyusuri tepi 76%, serta ketidakmampuan menyusuri jalan tertentu sebanyak 76%. Dalam upaya pemberian pelayanan perawatan pada lansia sangat penting pemantauan terkait dengan fungsi gerak motorik guna mengkaji kemampuan aktivitas lansia.