Sugito Muzaqi
Universitas Narotama Surabaya, Indonesia

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Meningkatkan Layanan Pendidikan Yang Berkualitas Dan Mandiri Menuju Era Globalisasi Sugito Muzaqi
At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah Vol 7 No 2 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Institut Studi Islam Muhammadiyah (ISIMU) Pacitan

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Quality and independently on education in the form of ability, stand alone and services, quality of education can point to the quality of the process and the quality of results (products). An education can be qualified in terms of the process if the learning process is most effective, and learners experience the learning process meaningful (meaningful learning) also acquire the knowledge that is useful both for themselves and for others (functional knowledge) which is supported appropriately by resources (human, financial, infrastructure and facilities). Quality of education services is a guarantee that the process of education adjusted with was supposed to happen and also in line with the expected quality of education so that it corresponds with what is supposed to be and what to expect which is used as the ceiling (benchmark). Factors causing low quality of education is the process of providing educational services is still far from expectations. On the one hand, the provision of education services have yet to find the most appropriate way, the rapid development of science and technology as well as increasing the life of the community has been the increasing demands of social life as education customers. Quality assurance of education determine and convey what is promoted to consumers, more than it has been started to improve the process of determining what customers want to design quality products and processes using the quality function deployment (Quality Function Development). If the quality is specified as customer satisfaction then the product will follow the expected quality through the process of serving customers, the quality education services are very important for consumers to obtain the service satisfaction of educational services provided by schools, for users and society as a customer of educational services put expectations greatly to the school in order to anticipate and respond to the challenges of life in the days to come, especially to improve the quality of education has been achieved not encouraging. The quality of education is closely linked to the educational process. Without the process of quality education services not obtainable product quality services, in other words there will be no customer satisfaction (the users and the public)
TAUHID SEBAGAI PARADIGMA DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Sugito Muzaqi; Masruroh ,; Indah Wahyuningsih; Ruly Ratnaningsih
MOTORIC Vol 1 No 1 (2017): First Edition
Publisher : Universitas Narotama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.022 KB) | DOI: 10.31090/paudmotoric.v1i1.548


The striking difference between the science of religion and general science makes the cause of disintegration, resulting in the dichotomy of education. First, Westerners say it is not scientific in the eyes of religion because the object is not empirical. Second, general science is sensory while the science of religion is a hallucination but the source of the Qur'an and Hadist so that the belief system is still not one hundred percent. Third, objective science in religion can not necessarily be studied by modern enthusiasts, requiring a scientific message that can assure the existence of the religious knowledge of its source from belief. To be able to collaborate between the science of religion with general science. Then, the author tries to draw the red thread that both science has a synergy if it can be practiced together, especially science of monotheism with general science. The linkage between the science can be positioned namely rahmaniyah, takamuliyah, syumuliyah, tawzuniyah, privilege, wasaliyah, rabbaniyah and uswiyah. So they understand that it can be made a tool to be united without any interests. The result of the above study then this Paradigm requires that all entities between Earth and Heaven, Empiric and Ghaib entities, are integrated in a balanced development of theory and practice of learning. Key Terms: Tawhid, General Knowledge, Paradigm, Islamic Education
MOTORIC Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Volume 5 no 1 Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Narotama

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PAUD learning today must be fun and memorable for children, especially at the age of 4-5 years, children are able to recognize colors and symbols of numbers 1-10. However, at this age there are still those who cannot distinguish colors and call number symbols as the basis for learning for children. Due to monotonous learning using children's worksheets, making children bored and not understanding colors and numbers, therefore the researchers took the title "Introduction to Colors and Numbers Using Watercolor Media on Cognitive Intelligence of Children aged 4 to 5 Years". This study uses a quantitative research model and refers to the implementation process proposed by Kemmis and Mc.Taggart. For all the limitations, this research minimizes meetings so that the data collection process is only carried out for two meetings. The data obtained show an increase in children's cognitive abilities in understanding color and number material. This refers to the success percentage of 77.5%, which is growing rapidly during the second cycle of learning. Much improved compared to the previous learning which only involved writing instruments in the pre-action with 43.6% gain with sufficient predicate. Then again doing the first cycle of learning by using crayons won the percentage to 57%. Officially the criteria that can also turn out to be good.. Key word: Recognizing Colors and Numbers, Cognitive, and Watercolor
ROLE OF EDUCATION POLICY Sugito Muzaqi; Muchamad Arif
MOTORIC Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Motoric Juni Vol 6 no 1 2022
Publisher : Universitas Narotama

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The background of this research is to find out the differences and similarities in the curriculum between Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines regarding Islamic religious education curriculum policies implemented in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. the role of policy will determine the direction of how to deal with the era of the industrial revolution. Islamic religious education will be synergized with government policies, especially in the management of educational institutions, especially the implementation of the curriculum that will be applied to each country. This curriculum will answer various problems that develop in society. The method used is a literature study using a qualitative approach, the data will be processed from the government policies of each country in order to find out how important it is to the results of the determination. The implementation of the curriculum in Islamic education in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines is almost the same, namely in the form of an education unit level curriculum
Model Pembelajaran PAI Berbasis ISRA dalam Meningkatkan Moderasi Beragama Mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi Sugito Muzaqi; Bassam Abul A'la; Toha Makhshun; Muhamad Ripin Ikwandi
TA'DIBUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Educational Issues
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpai.5.2.110-128


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur keefektifan model pembelajaran berbasis ISRA di Perguruan Tinggi Umum, survey menunjukkan bahwa indikator moderasi beragama berupa komitmen kebangsaan, Toleransi, Anti kekerasan, dan adaptif kebudayaan lokal  dapat diterapkan pada kurikulum PAI di perguruan Tingggi Umum. Berbagai penelitian model pembelajaran berbasis moderasi beragama yang dilakukan menghasilkan 50 % hasil cukup signifikan, maka penulis mencoba model pembelajaran berbasis ISRA dalam moderasi beragama ternyata hasilnya cukup baik. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Responden data yang  diambil 90 mahasiswa sebagai sampel  dari berbagai perguruan tinggi umum di Jawa Timur, menggunakan hasil uji analisis melalui Cronbach Alpha dan Wilcoxon dengan hasil yang signifikan 0,05% dari data yang diambil maka Penggunaan model ISRA cukup efektif dalam mengimplementasikan moderasi beragama sehingga dapat meningkatkan sikap moderat pada mahasiswa.
Edupedia : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pedagogi Islam Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Edupedia: Jurnal Studi Pendidikan dan Pedagogi Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah Universitas Ibrahimy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35316/edupedia.v7i2.2467


Islamic religious education is an integration of education and Islamic sciences. It is included in the category of multidisciplinary disciplines. Given the diversity of approaches and different applications from each institution, it seems important to identify a model of Islamic religious education curriculum based on a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary (MIT) approach. Therefore, by using the systematic literature review (SLR) method and Nvivo 12 as a qualitative data processing tool, this study seeks to examine the various integrated approach models and their application in the curriculum of Islamic religious education in tertiary institutions. The result of this research is that there is one curriculum model that is widely used in the application of the MIT approach in the Islamic religious education curriculum, namely collaboration.
MOTORIC Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Volume 7 No 1 JUNI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Narotama

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This research is motivated by the results of observations made that the existing learning methods are still lacking or have not found the right methods and media for children's creativity. The purpose of this research is to find out the application of the use of Loose Parts media to increase the creativity of early childhood. This research is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques through observation. The method of using Loose Parts media from natural materials as a medium in the learning process for Early Childhood plays a good role in increasing the creativity of students at Cahaya Bunda Kindergarten, Surabaya. By using Loose Parts media in the learning process, children become more enthusiastic and enthusiastic in participating in every activity given by the teacher. In addition to playing activities using Loose Parts media, children are given the widest possible opportunity to express themselves, provoke children's imagination and creativity without any limitations so that children become more optimal in their learning process. Keywords: Loose Parts media, Play, Creativity
Exploring Diagnostic Assesment as an Instrumen for Learning Improvement Mukhammad Bakhruddin; Sugito Muzaqi; Kusaeri Kusaeri; Lailah Isrofatun Nahdiah; Mirwan Ahmad Taufiq
Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam Vol. 12 No. 01 (2023): January-June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/progresiva.v12i01.25353


This study aims to diagnose assessment as one of the learning improvement instruments. Assessment or assessment is a very urgent part of learning activities. From the diagnostic results, it is stated that the assessment has a positive impact on learning. One form of assessment that is often used is formative assessment. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Questionnaires were distributed via google form using a liket scale. The research was conducted at madrasas within the scope of the East Java region. The number of respondents consisted of ninety students. The results showed that diagnostic assessment as a learning improvement instrument that was integrated with PAI was very effective in increasing the motivation of madrasa students. Diagnostic assessment also has a positive effect on learning awareness. Diagnostic assessment gives a positive response to learning tools or learning media. Diagnostic assessment has a positive influence on the innovation of madrasa students.