Agnesia Putri Kurnianingtyas
[SINTA ID : 6692890] Universitas Semarang, Indonesia

Published : 4 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Indonesian Journal of Spatial Planning Vol 1, No 2 (2020): VOLUME 1 NOMOR 2 OKTOBER 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (549.891 KB) | DOI: 10.26623/ijsp.v1i2.3117


Semarang as one of the big cities in Central Java has provided public transportation which is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) as an effort to reduce congestion and the use of private transpotation. There are eight main corridor and one special corridor that are provides until 2021, one of them is Corridor II with Terboyo-Sisemut Route. This study is aim to analyze the servce performance of Corridor II with the optimalization the use of BRT in this route, find the problem factors that influence and formulate the step for quality services improvement. The method of this study is quantitative method by calculating the weight value through assessment indicators based on the standards of the Director General of Transportation. These indicators are obtained from the results of dynamic surveys and static surveys. From the analysis, the service performance of BRT Corridor II at Terminal Terboyo-Sisemut PP is in good category. The number of fleets needed in corridor II is 21 units. Based on the results of the evaluation, one recommendation to improve the quality service of BRT is to make a special lane for BRT to make travel time faster, so that users are more interested in using BRT.
Indonesian Journal of Spatial Planning Vol 4, No 2 (2023): VOLUME 4 NOMOR 2 OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/ijsp.v4i2.7847


The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0, which is marked by the growth of digital technology, had many impacts. One of them is the change in work culture, especially in urban areas. In this era, people can do their activities digitally or virtually, so people can do their activities anywhere. Thus, coworking spaces emerge as a response to these conditions. Through coworking space, people can work without having to be in the office, and entrepreneurs and MSMEs can work and collaborate without having to have their own office to save operational costs. The COVID-19 pandemic has also increasingly encouraged changes in the culture of working from anywhere, causing coworking spaces to grow rapidly and become an infrastructure that needs to be considered in urban areas. However, until now, the concepts and theories about coworking space in urban spaces have not been studied much, so this research is carried out to explore this. This research is library research that aims to explore the concepts and theories of coworking space as an urban infrastructure to create a creative and smart city in the industrial era 4.0, especially in Indonesia.Era industri 4.0 yang ditandai dengan perkembangan teknologi digital berdampak pada berbagai hal, salah satunya adalah perubahan kultur bekerja terutama di kawasan perkotaan. Di era ini, segala aktivitas manusia baik belajar hingga bekerja dapat dilakukan secara virtual atau dalam jaringan sehingga aktivitas-aktivitas tersebut dapat dilakukan dimana saja. Coworking space kemudian lahir dan berkembang sebagai respon dari kondisi tersebut. Melalui coworking space, masyarakat dapat bekerja tanpa harus berada di kantor, wirausahawasan dan UMKM dapat bekerja dan berkolaborasi tanpa harus memiliki kantor sendiri sehingga dapat menghemat biaya operasional. Adanya pandemi covid-19 juga semakin mendorong perubahan kultur bekerja darimana saja juga menyebabkan coworking space semakin berkembang pesat dan menjadi satu infrastruktur yang perlu dipertimbangkan di perkotaan. Namun hingga saat ini konsep dan teori tentang coworking space di ruang kota masih belum banyak dikaji sehingga dilakukan penelitian untuk mendalami hal ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang bertujuan untuk mendalami konsep dan teori coworking space di Indonesia sebagai infrastrujtur perkotaan untuk mewujudkan kota kreatif dan kota cerdas di era industri 4.0. 
Pelatihan Perencanaan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan Di Desa Kalongan, Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Kabupaten Semarang Agnesia Putri Kurnianingtyas
TEMATIK Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Juni (2023)
Publisher : TEMATIK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/tmt.v5i1.6351


Desa Kalongan merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Kabupaten Semarang yang saat ini dikembangkan sebagai desa wisata. Sebagai desa wisata, tentunya Desa Kalongan memiliki potensi pariwisata. Beberpa potensi telah mulai dikembangkan, namun pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan perkembangan pariwisata di desa ini terhenti. Di era new normal dimana aktivitas wisata diprediksikan akan mengalami peningkatan, Desa Kalongan perlu mempersiapkan diri untuk dapat menghadapi lonjakan kebutuhan wisata yang ada. Sayangnya masyarakat desa masih belum memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup terkait pariwisata berkelanjutan dan perencanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat prinsip ini menjadi salah satu prinsip utama dalam pengembangan desa wisata. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pelatihan dan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dalam perencanaan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Desa Kalongan.Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian di Desa Kalongan adalah metode mpenyuluhan dan perencanaan partisipatif. Kegiatan perencanaan partisipatif dilakukan dengan cara diskusi kelompok terarah atau FGD untuk menggali perspektif masyarakat terkait kondisi kepariwisataan Desa Kalongan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah berupa peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat desa tentang pariwisata berkelanjutan dan proses perencanaan pariwisata berkelanjutan. Selain peningkatan pengetahuan, masyarakat juga dapat melaksanakan tahapan awal perencanaan pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam bentuk identifikasi potensi dan permasalahan wisata serta harapan pengembangan wisata di Desa Kalongan.
TEMATIK Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Desember (2021)
Publisher : TEMATIK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/tmt.v3i2.4527


Tuntang is one district in Semarang Regency that has a strategic location and various potentials. But unfortunately, these potentials have not been recorded comprehensively, especially in the form of regional profile book. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 12 of 2007 concerning Guidelines for the Compilation and Utilization of Village and Sub-District Profile Data, regional profiles contain various data related to demographic data, institutions, environment and natural conditions, to the potential and problems that exist in the area. However, the local government of Tuntang does not yet have sufficient capacity to compile an informative regional profile. Therefore, community service was carried out to help the local government of Tuntang to map the potential of their area and compile a regional profile book.The method used in the service activities for local government of Tuntang is participatory mapping. The participatory mapping activity is done by door to door technique with in-depth interviews with local government of Tuntang to help them understand better the conditions and potentials in their area. Furthermore, a field survey was conducted to verify the results of in-depth interviews. The data collected then being processed to be a profile book of Tuntang.The result of this community service activity is the increasing knowledge of local government of Tuntang about the conditions and potential of their area. In addition, other result is a profile book of Tuntang which contains geographical conditions, infrastructure conditions, economic conditions and regional potential, and a review of development policy of Semarang Regency in RTRW Kabupaten Semarang 2011-2031.