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Jurnal Abdimas Vol 19, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kawasan Pantai Jatimalang memiliki potensi yang bagus sebagai destinasi wisata untuk wisatawan domestik maupun manca negara.Penelitian dan pengabdian ini akan mengembangkan kawasan wisata pantai Jatimalang menjadi kawasan tujuan wisata yang menarik dan mampu memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar berbasis pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Penelitian dan pengabdian melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pemberdayaan Pembelajaran Masyarakat (KKNPPM) ini akan menggunakan metode Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD) merupakan salah satu metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berorientasi pada penyelesaian masalah pada lingkungan masyarakat. Metode EfSD menekankan pada 3 pilar yaitu ekonomi, ekologi atau lingkungan dan sosial. Program pengembangan yang akan dilaksanakan secara garis besar meliputi, 1) pelestarian nilai sosial budaya melalui pengembangan kesenian, 2) penumbuhan dan pengembangan ekonomi kreatif melalui pengembangan atraksi dan produk-produk wisata, 3) peningkatan produksi dan pengolahan hasilpertanian, peternakan dan perikanan.Kata kunci: kawasan wisata, ekonomi kreatif, Education for sustainable development.
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 19, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kawasan Pantai Jatimalang memiliki potensi yang bagus sebagai destinasi wisata untuk wisatawan domestik maupun manca negara.Penelitian dan pengabdian ini akan mengembangkan kawasan wisata pantai Jatimalang menjadi kawasan tujuan wisata yang menarik dan mampu memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar berbasis pengembangan ekonomi kreatif. Penelitian dan pengabdian melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pemberdayaan Pembelajaran Masyarakat (KKNPPM) ini akan menggunakan metode Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD) merupakan salah satu metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berorientasi pada penyelesaian masalah pada lingkungan masyarakat. Metode EfSD menekankan pada 3 pilar yaitu ekonomi, ekologi atau lingkungan dan sosial. Program pengembangan yang akan dilaksanakan secara garis besar meliputi, 1) pelestarian nilai sosial budaya melalui pengembangan kesenian, 2) penumbuhan dan pengembangan ekonomi kreatif melalui pengembangan atraksi dan produk-produk wisata, 3) peningkatan produksi dan pengolahan hasilpertanian, peternakan dan perikanan.Kata kunci: kawasan wisata, ekonomi kreatif, Education for sustainable development.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 4, No 5 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (444.262 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v4i5.3066


Abstrak: Kabupaten Purworejo merupakan sentra pengembangan Kambing Etawa Peranakan. Tujuan pelatihan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap petani tentang pembuatan jamu ternak fermentasi. Metode dalam pelatihan ini, responden diberikan pretest untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap responden sebelum diberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Setelah diberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan, responden diminta untuk mengisi posttest. Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah terdapat perbedaan nilai pretest dan postest, yaitu terjadi peningkatan tingkat pengetahuan nilai yaitu nilai pretest sebesar 3,85 dan meningkat menjadi 13,48. Nilai terkecil  pretes aspek pengetahuan terendah adalah 1 dan nilai tertinggi 11, sedangkan nilai  terkecil  post-tes aspek pengetahuan terendah adalah 9  dan nilai tertinggi 20. Pada aspek sikap juga menunjukkan peningkatan nilai post-test  yaitu  Nilai  sikap  sebelum pelatihan adalah sebesar 3,54 dan sesudah  pelatihan meningkat menjadi 4,46. Nilai terkecil  pretes aspek sikap terendah adalah 3 dan nilai tertinggi 4, sedangkan nilai  terkecil  post-tes aspek sikap  terendah adalah 3  dan nilai tertinggi 6. Kesimpulan dari pelatihan tentang pembuatan jamu ternak fermentasi di Desa Kaligono Kecamatan Kaligesing mempunyai terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap peternak  setelah mendapatkan  pelatihan. Saran dalam pelatihan ini adalah perlu ada monitoring keberlanjutan pembuatan  jamu  ternak fermentasi yang diaplikasikan pada Kambing Etawa ras Kaligesing. Abstract:  Purworejo Regency is the center for the development of the Peranakan Etawa goat. The aim of the training was to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes of farmers about the manufacture of fermented livestock herbal medicine. In this training method, respondents are given a pretest to find out the knowledge and attitudes of the respondents before being given counseling and training. After being given counseling and training, respondents were asked to fill in the posttest. The result of this training is that there are differences in the pretest and posttest scores, namely an increase in the level of knowledge of the value, namely the pretest value of 3.85 and increasing to 13.48. The lowest pre-test score for the knowledge aspect was 1 and the highest score was 11, while the lowest post-test score for the lowest knowledge aspect was 9 and the highest score was 20. The attitude aspect also showed an increase in the post-test score, namely the attitude value before training was 3.54 and after training increased to 4.46. The lowest pretest score for the lowest attitude aspect was 3 and the highest score was 4, while the lowest post-test score for the lowest attitude aspect was 3 and the highest score was 6. The conclusion from the training on the manufacture of fermented livestock herbal medicine in Kaligono Village, Kaligesing District had an increase in the knowledge and attitude of breeders after get training. The suggestion in this training is that there is a need for continuous monitoring of the manufacture of fermented livestock herbal medicine which is applied to the Etawa Goat race of Kaligesing.
Analysis of Decision Process to Buy Free-Range Eggs and the Implication on Marketing Mix (A Case Study to Wholesalers and Retailers Consumers in Traditional Markets in Purworejo District) Zulfanita, Zulfanita; Mudawaroch, Roisu Eny; Wibawanti, Jeki Mediantari Wahyu
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol. 22 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Animal Science, Jenderal Soedirman University in associate with Animal Scientist Society of Indonesia (ISPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jap.2020.22.1.44


This research aimed to compare the characteristics of free-range eggs consumers, to analyse their buying decision process and consumer satisfaction level, and to formulate the implication on free-range marketing mix across wholesalers and retailers in Purworejo districts. The research sample was 32 respondents, consisted of 16 wholesalers and 16 retailers selected with purposive sampling because of the limited number of respondents in each sub-district. The consumers were selected through snowball sampling from one respondent to another. The parameters included the general characteristics, the decision to buy free-range eggs, consumers’ satisfaction level, and marketing mix implications. The Data were analysed descriptively using Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), and Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA). The result found different characteristics across consumers of free-range eggs in both wholesalers and retailers regarding age group, marital status, education background, gender, occupation, and geographic locations. The different process of buying decision making was due to need identification. Regarding gathering information, the wholesaler consumers relied on electronic media and their neighbours, whereas the retailer consumers only from their neighbours. The main consideration to purchase free-range eggs among wholesaler consumers was the cleanliness of eggs, whereas the retailer consumers were the cleanliness and price of eggs. The consumer satisfaction index on consumers in wholesalers and retailers was 65.16 and 68.82, respectively, indicative of the satisfied category. The marketing mix implication on both sellers was improving the cleanliness of free-range eggs and the market area, matching selling price with the market price, controlling the quality of free-range eggs from the suppliers, and revisiting the supply system to ensure the real-time availability of free-range eggs.