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Sistem Preventive Maintenance Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Priority Scheduling pada PT. Beta Pharmacon Bayu Priyatna; Topan Trianto; Julifer P Manurung; Nono Heryana; Arip Solehudin
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Maso'em Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v3i2.112


PT. Beta Pharmacon in the actual preparation of Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules and input of reports or preventive results data still uses Microsoft Excel, and preventive schedules that have been made are sometimes not following the actual because the machine cannot be maintained (the production process has not been completed) so that the schedule has been completed. Determined to change and to confirm whether preventive maintenance can be done every day, still by telephone. Based on the above problems, a web-based Preventive Maintenance System will be created using the priority scheduling algorithm. The web is built using the CodeIgniter framework and database using MySQL. With this system, it can facilitate scheduling of preventive maintenance, data collection of machines and tools in the company, search for data on preventive maintenance results, coordination of the implementation of preventive maintenance, so that it can provide the information needed effectively and efficiently.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web di SMK Ma’arif Terpadu Cicalengka Mukti Alimin; Topan Trianto
Jurnal Dimamu Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

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Ma'arif Terpadu Cicalengka Vocational School which is located at Jalan Raden Dewi Sartika, Cicalengka Kulon, Kec. Cicalengka, Bandung Regency. Having 1 Admin and 1 Librarian, The purpose to create a design of the library information system is shown as a system created to solve problems in parts that are at risk of losing data such as books and their stock, minimizing loss of recording of borrowing and returning transactions, as well as making reports that take time to process. The purpose of this research is to overcome the problems described above, namely by creating a system that can be used in the Ma'arif Terpadu Cicalengka Vocational High School Library area. Therefore, a Web-based Library Information System Design was made at SMK Ma'arif Terpadu Cicalengka. This thesis is made with a collection of methods that can be used to collect data and information that can be made as a description of the system that is being made. The method used in the development of this system is the RUP (Rational Unified Process) model with OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) with the development tool UML (Unified Modeling Language). Meanwhile, the diagrams used are: Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Class Diagrams. In addition, the design objectives of this system include recording books and their stock, minimizing loss of recording of borrowing and returning transactions, as well as facilitating the manufacture of reports quickly and accurately.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Nilai Berbasis Web di SMK Al-Farisi Leles Silvia Julianti; Topan Trianto; Heri Purwanto
Jurnal Dimamu Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/dimamu.v2i3.807


SMK AL-Farisi Leles is a private school in the Garut district. The activities in the processing of grades are still using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word and then submitted to the homeroom teacher for inclusion in the report card of each student. This takes more time for the homeroom teacher to get the grades of each student subject because each teacher has a different schedule in the school. A website of information system design is a step taken to design a program using a website, which is a collection of several pages that are interconnected with other interconnected files to facilitate a process in an organization; in this case, we design a value-processing information system at SMKS Al-Farisi. It is known that some of the information needed to create a value processing information system is curriculum information, academy year, major, homeroom teacher, student, lesson, and the student's own grades. The value processing information system at SMK Al-Farisi Leles serves to facilitate the processing of grades, starting from the input process to making student value reports so that they can be managed effectively and efficiently. The design of this information system can streamline the time of the homeroom teacher in viewing student grade results without having to wait for Microsoft files from the teacher of each lesson. There is no need for a process of synchronizing grades by the homeroom teacher because the grades have been automatically caught by the system and can be accessed by students without limited space and time, so that students can see the value of learning outcomes anywhere and anytime.
Sistem Preventive Maintenance Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Priority Scheduling pada PT. Beta Pharmacon Bayu Priyatna; Topan Trianto; Julifer P Manurung; Nono Heryana; Arip Solehudin
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v3i2.294


PT. Beta Pharmacon in the actual preparation of Preventive Maintenance (PM) schedules and input of reports or preventive results data still uses Microsoft Excel, and preventive schedules that have been made are sometimes not following the actual because the machine cannot be maintained (the production process has not been completed) so that the schedule has been completed. Determined to change and to confirm whether preventive maintenance can be done every day, still by telephone. Based on the above problems, a web-based Preventive Maintenance System will be created using the priority scheduling algorithm. The web is built using the CodeIgniter framework and database using MySQL. With this system, it can facilitate scheduling of preventive maintenance, data collection of machines and tools in the company, search for data on preventive maintenance results, coordination of the implementation of preventive maintenance, so that it can provide the information needed effectively and efficiently.