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Jantra. Vol 1 No 1 (2006): Jantra, June 2006
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai budaya Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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Pada awal berdirinya Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta, dikenal adanya lembaga-lembaga peradilan, misalnya pengadilan perdata, pengadilan surambi serta BaleMangu. Pengadilan Surambi atau Hukum Dalem Surambi, merupakan pengadilan yang berhubungan dengan agama yang diketuai oleh seorang penghulu hakim. Seorang penghulu hakim dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dibantu oleh empat orang anggota yang disebut dengan pathok nagara. Di kalangan Reh Kawedanan Pangulon Kraton Ngayogyakarta sebutan pathok nagara semacam abdi dalem yang membuat tugas penghulu hakim di Pengadilan Surambi.Saat ini, kedudukan pathok nagara mengalami perubahan. Abdi dalem pathok nagara tidak ubahnya sebagai seorang yang dijadikan panutan oleh masyarakatsekitar, di mana ia bertugas di masjid-masjid yang menjadi milik Kraton Yogyakarta.
Tipe Huruf Prasasti Masjid Girilaya Samrotul Ilmi Albiladiyah
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 14 No 2 (1994): Edisi Khusus
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1440.47 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v14i2.722


Girilaya, one of 16 hamlets in Wukirsari Village, Imogiri District. On the Girilaya hill there is an ancient tomb mosque. The construction of the tomb on the Girilaya hill was initiated by Sultan Agung. Under the tomb, there is an ancient mosque. In the mosque, near the pulpit, there is a short inscription written on a piece of white stone measuring 40 x 41 cm, lying between the pulpit and the wall. The Girilaya mosque inscription, which is written in New Javanese letters and languages, has its own variation of the type of letters but still shows the versatility of some of the letters. Based on the existing inscriptions, the Girilaya Mosque was built not in the same era as the Girilaya tomb, but was built during Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.
Berkala Arkeologi Vol. 14 No. 2 (1994)
Publisher : BRIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v14i2.722


Girilaya, one of 16 hamlets in Wukirsari Village, Imogiri District. On the Girilaya hill there is an ancient tomb mosque. The construction of the tomb on the Girilaya hill was initiated by Sultan Agung. Under the tomb, there is an ancient mosque. In the mosque, near the pulpit, there is a short inscription written on a piece of white stone measuring 40 x 41 cm, lying between the pulpit and the wall. The Girilaya mosque inscription, which is written in New Javanese letters and languages, has its own variation of the type of letters but still shows the versatility of some of the letters. Based on the existing inscriptions, the Girilaya Mosque was built not in the same era as the Girilaya tomb, but was built during Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.