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Journal : Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri

Study of lethality Value and Chemical Characteristics of “Keumamah-Processed Cuisine” for Development of Small and Medium Enterprise Product Annisa Kusumaningrum; Asep Nurhikmat; Anggita Sari Praharasti; Agus Susanto; Freshty Yulia Arthatiani; Armen Zulham
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Industri Vol.11 No.2 DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (777.371 KB) | DOI: 10.26578/jrti.v11i2.2910


Keumamah atau ikan kayu khas Aceh terbuat dari ikan Tuna dan biasanya diolah kembali menjadi masakan tradisiona loleh Usaha Kecil Menengah, salah satunya Kuah santan khas Aceh. Masa simpan produk Kuah santan Aceh yang pendek menyebabkan keterbatasan pemasaran produk. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dilakukan proses pengalengan menggunakan proses sterilisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan nilai sterilitas, mikrobiologi, cemaran logam dan sifat kimia yang meliputi kadar air, abu, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat produkdari Usaha Kecil menengah. Sterilisasi dilakukan menggunakan alat autoclave dengan suhu operasi 121°C selama 20 menit. Produk dikemas menggunakan kaleng silinder dengan ukuran 72.63 x 53.04 mm (Ø x h). Faktor penentu sterilnya produk adalah nilai sterilitas (Fo). Selama proses sterilisasi berlangsung, tekanan pada autoclave berbanding lurus dengan kenaikan suhu. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kadar air 68.3%, abu 2.29%, protein 16.6%, lemak 10.8% dan karbohidrat 2.01%. Cemaran logam berupa timbal, timah, merkuri dan arsen berturut-turut yaitu <0.042; <0.8; <0.005 dan <0.003 mg/kg sedangkan total bakteri didalam produk yaitu<10 koloni/g dengan total Salmonella negative/25g. Nilai sterilitas pada produk yaitu 9,58 menit dengan total energi 127.69 kcal/100g. Kata kunci : keumamah, makanan tradisional, kaleng, sterilisasi ABSTRACTKeumamah or Aceh dried-fish was made from Tuna fish and usually it was processed into traditional cuisine, Kuah-Santan Aceh, by Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). Kuah-santan Aceh cuisine has a short period of shelf life so it caused limited market of its product. From these problem, packaging technology using sterilizationis needed. The aim of this research were to determine lethality value, microbial total, metal contamination and chemical characteristics of the product. Sterilization method where thermal process is used as media to destroy spoilage microorganisms.Sterilization process had been done in an autoclave machine that operated at temperature of 121°C during 20 minutes, determined by lethality value (Fo).In this research the product was packaged in cylindrical cans of 72.63 x 53.04 mm (Ø x h). In sterilization process, autoclave’s pressure values were linear with temperature. The result showed that water 68.3%, ash 2.29%, protein 16.6%, fat 10.8% and carbohydrate 2.01%. Metal contamination i.e Lead (Pb), Tin (Sn), Mercury (Hg) and Arsen (Ar) respectively were <0.042; <0.8; <0.005 and<0.003 mg/kg while microbial total in product was <10 colony/g with the total of Salmonella was negative/25g. Lethality value (Fo) of the product canned was 9,58 minutes with the total energy of 127.69 kcal/100g.