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IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LEARNING IN MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH (MI) THROUGH LESSON STUDY (IAIN Metro Partnership Program with MI in Metro City) Tusriyanto Tusriyanto; Wahyu Setiawan; M. Ihsan Dacholfany; Aprida Kurnia Lestari
Ri'ayah: Jurnal Sosial dan Keagamaan Vol 6 No 01 (2021): Islamic Spiritual
Publisher : Pascasarjana IAIN Metro

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Lesson Study Program includes the following stages: (1) preparation programs that include: the establishment of organizations and the Division of duties and authorities of the Executive team, assessments in cooperation with related parties; determine the schedule of activities of the Lesson Study; and prepare the instruments and the completeness of the Administration; (2) implementation of programs include: socialization to the teachers, and the school, training to the teachers and the school authorities, the establishment of the operational activities of the Lesson Study and the more operational task Division for the team of researchers, teachers, and principals and implementation of Lesson Study as much as 2 rounds and 6 times the IPS and learning Principles; (3) the evaluation of the activity is focused on the evaluation context, input, process and product. Activity Lesson Study was conducted in two schools in the district Metro Center involving 20 teachers. Implementation of the Lesson Study was: (1) give the results, benefits and impact that is huge for IAIN Metro, the Group of teachers and students in schools in order to improve the quality of learning in MI; (2) able to improve gait in a society with a stakeholder in the synergistic fields especially the school and teachers; (3) a stub for partnership activities of IAIN Metro with MI; and (4) enhance the Simple IAIN Metro Imaging in the community and are expected to push other programs.
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 18 No 1 (2013): Integrasi Islam dan Sains
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Astronomi umumnya didefinisikan sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari gerakan bintang-bintang dan planet-planet. Ini sering dianggap salah satu ilmu pengetahuan Barat warisan ilmiah bangsa Yunani. Para astronom modern tidak tahu kritik yang dilancarkan oleh astronom Muslim, Ibnu Shatir, yang menyoroti sistem Ptolemy. Astronomi hanya mengenal teori yang dibangun Kepler dan Copernicus setelah runtuh batas-batas bumi teori tanpa mempertimbangkan teori Ibn Shatir yang justru merupakan teori pertama yang memetakan gerakan planet-planet di angkasa; sebuah teori yang diyakini milik dunia modern sebagai Kepler dan Copernicus. Artikel ini membahas akar astronomi Islam di abad pertengahan yang menandai kemajuan peradaban Islam selama kegelapan Barat. Pertengahan adalah zaman keemasan Islam yang menyumbangkan banyak teori- teori baru dalam literatur ilmu, termasuk astronomi. Artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas astronomi yang dilakukan secara intensif dari awal abad ke-9 hingga abad ke-16. Kegiatan ini tercermin dalam jumlah besar ilmuwan yang bekerja di bidang astronomi praktis dan teoritis, jumlah buku-buku yang ditulis, observatorium aktif, dan pengamatan baru. Semua kegiatan ilmiah dimulai dengan terjemahan karya ilmiah fantastis non-Arabic. Kegiatan astronomi Islam dibagi menjadi dua utama aliran yaitu aliran astronomi-matematika di Timur dan aliran astronomi-filsafat di kekhalifahan Islam di Barat.Astronomy is commonly defined as a science that studies the movements of the fixed stars and the planets. It is often perceived one of Western science as scientific heritage of Greek. Modern astronomers do not know the criticism made Moslem astronomical scientists, Ibn Shatir, who criticize Ptolemy System. Astronomy only knows the theory is built Kepler and Copernicus after collapsing geocentric theory confines without considering the theory of Ibn Shatir who first charted the movement of planets in space, the theory of which is believed to belong to the modern world as Kepler and Copernicus. This article attempts to reviewing the roots of Islamic astronomy in medieval times that mark the advance of Islamic civilization during the darkness of the West. Middle Ages was the golden age of Islam who donated a lot of new theories in science literatures, including astronomy. This article shows that the activity of astronomy widespread intensively from the beginning of the ninth century to the sixteenth century. This activity is reflected in the large number of scientists working in the field of practical and theoretical astronomy, the number of books written, active observatory, and the new observations. All scientific activities began with the fantastic translation of non-Arabic scientific works. Islamic astronomical activities divided into two major schools, astronomical-mathematic school in the East and astronomical-philosophic schools in the Western Islamic caliphate.
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 20 No 1 (2015): Studi Islam di Era Global
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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AbstrakArtikel ini merupakan hasil kajian epistemologi hukum Islam pada tataran aplikatif di tingkat masyarakat desa Rejomulyo, Metro Selatan, Lampung yang menampilkan kreativitas intelektual dalam penafsiran agama. Studi ini diawali dari adanya kontinuitas dan perubahan isu pembaharuan dari tradisi besar (great tradition) arus pemikiran terhadap tataran tradisi kecil (little tradition) masyarakat pedesaan yang mengerucut pada perdebatan masalah hukum konkrit dan standar ganda yang menguat. Tujuan artikel ini mendeskripsikan geneologi penafsiran agama masyarakat pedesaan terhadap pluralitas pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat Rejomulyo Metro Selatan, Lampung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akar pluralitas pemahaman keagamaan di Rejomulyo terbentuk berdasarkan perspektif sejarah terdiri dari lima periode. Periode awal, nuansa keagamaan diwarnai ajaran sinkretik Hindu-Islam dan kebatinan Jawa (kejawen). Periode kedua, tahun 1940-an dengan pola keberagamaan lebih pada Islam kultural. Periode ketiga, tahun 1960-an diwarnai harmonisasi antara kelompok organisasi keagamaan Muhammadiyah dengan kelompok Tradisionalis. Periode keempat, yaitu sejak 1990-an merupakan awal muncul gejolak pemikiran antara Islam Tradisionalis dan Islam Literalis. Periode kelima, tahun 2000-an, dimana perbenturan antar tradisi pemahaman keagamaan di Rejomulyo semakin kompleks. Kemunculan kembali kelompok Islam Tradisionalis yang berupaya menghidupkan kembali pola keberagamaan kultural. Kemudian terbentuk kelompok ‘Tradisionalis baru’ yang berada diantara kelompok Tradisionalis-Literalis yang selama ini selalu terlibat kontestasi memperebutkan klaim kebenaran praktek keagamaan yang paling otentik. This article is result of study about epistemologi of islamic law in villagers applicative level of Rejomulyo, south Metro Lampung which shows intellectual creativity in interpretating a belief. This current study starts from the excistence of continuity and transformations of reforming issue that was coming from the great tradition to thoughts that concerns with the little tradition rank. The purpose of this article is to describe the geneology of villagers’ interpretating a belief toward villagers’ plurality of region insight of Rejomulyo – South Metro, Lampung. The yield of this current paper shows that the roots of villagers’ plurality region insight at Rejomulyo shaped based on aspects of history which consist of five periods. Early period, the nuance of region has been colored by hindu-islam doctrines and java’s spritualism. Second period is in the 1940’s, the patterns of diversity is more rather than islamic cultural. 1960’s is the third period where it has been colored by harmonization between two islamic organizations, those are Muhammadiyah and the traditionalist. The fourth period has been begun 1990’s. That year was time when thought of differences appeared between The traditionalist and the Literalist. Mellinnium era is the fifth periode where conflicts between tradition of relegion thoughts was more complex in Rejomulyo. The Emergence of islamic traditionalist group who try to energize the patterns of cultural variations. The new group,then, is well-known “ New Tradition” which resided between traditionalist and Literalist group that always involved to flight over the claim of thruthfulness which is the authentic one in doing reverence.