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Profil Pasien Eritroderma di Rumah Sakit Pertamina Bintang Amin Periode Januari 2016 – Desember 2019 Arif Effendi; Eka Silvia; M. Syafei Hamzah; M. Ridho Noverliansyah
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 2 No 1 (2020): November
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v2i1.138


Erythroderma is an inflammation of the skin that affects 90% or more of the skin surface area, and can be accompanied by squama. Several case reports found the incidence of erythroderma in men is greater than in women, with cases 2:1 to 4:1, and an average age of 41–61 years. Erythrodermic therapy must be adapted to the conditions of the disease. The mortality rate depends on the cause of erythroderma. Due to the lack of research data on erythroderma, researchers want to see more of the characteristics of the disease. Objectives To determine the profile of Erythroderma patients at Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital in the period 2 January 2016 - 31 December 2019. Method This study used an observational descriptive method with a retrospective design, sampling with total sampling. Results This study showed that the highest incidence of erythroderma occurred in 2016 many as 11 people (50.0%). The majority of erythrodermic patients were male many as 13 people (59.1%). Erythrodermic patients >60 years of age occupy the highest position in the age distribution many as 14 people (63.6%). The highest cause of erythroderma was the expansion of the disease by 11 people (50.0%). Management mostly given to erythrodermic patients was oral corticosteroids + moisturizers + antihistamines as many as 12 people (54.5%).Conclusion: Highest incidence in 2016, Erythrodermic patients >60 years of age occupy the highest ,The majority of erythrodermic patients were male, cause of erythroderma was the expansion of the disease, Management mostly given to erythrodermic patients was oral corticosteroids + moisturizers + antihistamines.
Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan dengan Angka Kejadian Kondiloma Akuminata Eka Silvia; Tusy Triwahyuni; M. Syafei Hamzah; Rian Hazni
ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Februari
Publisher : Puslitbang Sinergis Asa Professional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37148/arteri.v2i2.152


Condyloma acuminata or what is often referred to as or genital warts caused by certain types of human papilloma virus (HPV) especially types 6 and 11. The level of education is one of the social factors that play a role in supporting a person to receive knowledge and information about condyloma acuminata disease, where the higher the level of education of a person usually has a greater understanding of health problems and their prevention, as well as the lower the level of one's education causes the more limited knowledge about the dangers of unhealthy behavior, so that they are not motivated to set a healthy lifestyle The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between education level and the incidence of condyloma acuminata in dermatovenerology polyclinic of regional general hospital DR. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province 2020. type of this research is analytic observational, with a cross-sectional study design, and with secondary data collection of condyloma acuminata and education level. The education level classification is adjusted according to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The technical of collecting the sample is total sampling. Data was collected by looking at medical record data and analyzed using the Spearman test. Results Obtained from 102 people according to the sample obtained. In patients with condyloma acuminata, the highest education level was 49.3%. The results of the Sperman statistical test obtain p = 0.009 (p <0.05) with a value of r = 0.256. Conclusion The final results showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of education and condyloma acuminata, the higher the level of education is lower, the higher the incidence of condyloma acuminata