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Share: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (441.44 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/share.v9i2.7887


The COVID-19 outbreak has become a global problem affecting human life entirely. This paper provides evidence of the market reaction to Jokowi’s announcement regarding the first patient of COVID-19 in Indonesia on March 2, 2020. This research is an event study that looks at whether or not there is a difference in average abnormal returns of 'go public' companies registered on The Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) 70 both before and after the announcement. The observations were made 9 days before the announcement and 9 days after the announcement. Based on descriptive data, the average stock returns of JII 70 fluctuated which increased on the first day after the announcement but decreased sharply after the fifth day of the announcement. The test showed that the average abnormal returns are negative both before and after the announcement. The paired sample t-test provided evidence that there is a difference in the average abnormal return during the testing period between before and after the announcement. The market reacted negatively to the announcement indicated by negative average abnormal return and support a semi-strong market hypothesis.========================================================================================================Wabah Covid-19 dan Reaksi Pasar Modal: Bukti dari Jakarta Islamic Index 70. Wabah COVID-19 telah menjadi masalah global yang mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia sepenuhnya. Paper ini memberikan bukti reaksi pasar terhadap pengumuman Presiden Jokowi mengenai pasien perta COVID-19 di Indonesia pada 2 Maret 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan studi peristiwa yang melihat apakah terdapat perbedaan rata-rata abnormal return perusahaan go public yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) 70 baik sebelum maupun sesudah pengumuman. Pengamatan dilakukan 9 hari sebelum pengumuman dan 9 hari sesudah pengumuman. Berdasarkan data deskriptif, rata-rata return saham JII 70 mengalami fluktuasi yang meningkat pada hari pertama setelah pengumuman namun menurun tajam pada hari kelima setelah pengumuman. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata abnormal return bernilai negatif baik sebelum maupun sesudah pengumuman. Uji-t sampel berpasangan memberikan bukti bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata abnormal return selama periode pengujian antara sebelum dan sesudah pengumuman. Pasar bereaksi negatif terhadap pengumuman yang ditunjukkan oleh rata-rata abnormal return negatif dan mendukung hipotesis pasar semi-kuat.
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Dharmawangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46576/rjpkm.v4i1.2334


Literasi keuangan berkaitan dengan pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku keuangan. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bersifat kolaboratif dan dilaksanakan dalam rangka memberikan sosialisasi tentang literasi keuangan berbasis syariah. Pendekatan penelitian tindakan partisipatif dilakukan dengan memfasilitasi peserta untuk memahami tentang keuangan syariah. Peserta terdiri dari pelaku usaha konveksi baik pemilik maupun para mitra produksi. Kegiatan sosialisasi menghadirkan fasilitator pertama yang menyampaikan tentang program studi pada perguruan tinggi Islam baik pada keilmuan berbasis agama maupun umum, dan menyampaikan pengelolaan keuangan perspektif Islam. Fasilitator kedua menyampaikan tentang literasi keuangan, literasi keuangan syariah, dan memberikan kuesioner. Para peserta diberikan kuesioner untuk mengetahui tingkat literasi keuangannya. Berdasarkan jawaban pada kuesioner menunjukkan bahwa tujuan keuangan meliputi kebutuhan pokok, biaya pendidikan, dan pengembangan usaha. Peserta tidak memiliki pemahaman yang cukup tentang keuangan syariah sehingga kegiatan ini dinilai memberikan dampak positif
Sosialisasi Literasi dan Sertifikasi Halal untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Produk pada Paguyuban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kabupaten Kudus Siti Amaroh; Husnurrosyidah Husnurrosyidah
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Mei 2023
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jaim.v6i2.4112


This community service program aims to improve halal literacy and assictance in the halal certification process for street vendors in Kudus regency, Central Java in the form of socialization and focused discussion. The socialization was attended by halal officers from the district ministry of religious affairs, the head of the Kudus street vendors association, the head of regional street vendors association, and graduate students. The approach used is a participatory action approach. The results of the program include: first, the transfer of knowledge about halal, the importance of halal, and the ratification of halal through halal certification to audience. Second, participants understand the law on guaranteeing halal products to provide protection for citizens who are Muslim in consuming food and beverages, medicines, cosmetics, and others. Third, the government and universities understand the problem of steet vendors regarding obstacles in applying for halal certificates. Fourth, street vendors are directed to submit a self-declare, namely a statement letter from the business actor itself regarding the halal status of the traded product
Analysis of Economic Potential in Stock Zakat in the Indonesian Financial Sector Silva Maulida Nur; Eka Lintang Valencia; Siti Amaroh
Journal International Dakwah and Communication Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.852 KB) | DOI: 10.55849/jidc.v3i1.234


The aim of this study is to examine the economic potential of zakat shares within Indonesia's expanding financial sector, as it has the capacity to enhance the well-being of individuals and promote economic growth. This type of zakat is analyzed through analytical and descriptive methods, utilizing secondary data from financial reports and related institutions. Despite low levels of community participation, this research indicates that the potential for zakat shares within Indonesia's financial sector is substantial. Through data analysis, it is evident that zakat shares can contribute to the enhancement of the financial sector by increasing liquidity and investor confidence, as well as promoting more inclusive economic growth and equitable distribution of wealth. Consequently, to provide significant economic benefits for the financial sector as a whole, it is necessary to augment public participation in zakat shares and improve zakat infrastructure.
Studia Economica : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam STUDIA ECONOMICA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam | Vol. IX | No. 1 | 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/se.v0i1.15333


Penelitian ini bertujuan guna menguji pengaruh Jumlah Uang Beredar (JUB), inflasi dan Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Syariah (SBIS) terhadap Indeks Saham Syariah JII70. Pengujian ini menggunakan sampel dari data laporan bulanan periode Mei 2018-Januari 2022 dan dilakukan pengujian melalui uji regresi linier berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji statistik dan uji hipotesis dengan aplikasi E-Views. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa JUB berpengaruh signifikan terhadap JII70 dengan nilai signifikansi kurang dari 5% (0,002 < 0,05) dan t hitung > t tabel (3,2126 > 2,0195). Kemudian, inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap JII70 dengan nilai signifikansi lebih dari  5% (0,09 > 0,05) dan t hitung < t tabel (1,7363 < 2,0195). Variabel SBIS juga tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap JII70 dengan nilai signifikansi lebih dari 5% (0,06 > 0,05) dan t hitung < t tabel (1,9174 < 2,0195). Penelitian ini menjadi pertimbangan bagi investor dalam melihat jumlah uang beredar dan variabel ekonomi lainnya sebelum melakukan investasi pada emiten di pasar modal syariah.
Price Fluctuations of the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) Influenced by Inflation, FED Rate and BI Rate Rahma Sofia Nida; Amalina Ghassani; Siti Amaroh; Guijiao Zou
Sharia Oikonomia Law Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/solj.v1i2.179


This research was conducted from the background of fluctuating movements in ISSI prices due to macroeconomic influences, namely inflation and interest rates. Against this background, the purpose of the study is to examine the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) Price for 2018 – 2022 in terms of Inflation, The Fed Rate, and BI Rate. The research method used quantitative with secondary data. Data on Inflation, FED Rate, BI Rate and ISSI Share Price from 2018-2022 are obtained from the official website of related variables. Data is processed with the help of IBM SPSS 26 use multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results of data analysis prove that simultaneously variables of Inflation, FED Rate, and BI Rate significantly affect ISSI Price. The results of the t partially test, give the result that Inflation doesn't significantly affect the ISSI Price. Different results on variable interest rates, significant positive FED Rate and significant negative BI Rate affect the ISSI Price. This can be interpreted that interest rates are still an important reference used by investors for make their decision. The results of this research in the future will hopefully be useful for investors as an additional consideration in deciding to invest in Islamic stocks incorporated in the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI).  
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Investasi, Risk Tolerance, Dan Self Efficacy Terhadap Intensi Investasi Pasar Modal Pada Generasi-Z Reza Fitriana Rizkia; Fitria Ardia Pramesti; Siti Amaroh
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ibf.v4i2.23493


Investments in the country's actual economy and its capital market will increase as a result of globalization. Because of this, the capital market requires members of Generation Z to have a high level of self-awareness. The purpose of this study is to examine how generation Z investors' levels of investing expertise, risk aversion, and confidence influence financial market performance. The goal of this research was to identify the factors (investment knowledge, risk tolerance, and self-efficacy) that influence people's decisions to put money into the stock market. Gen Z is the focus of this investigation. Non-probability type purposive sampling was used to choose the 200 respondents who would make up this study's sample of members of Generation Z. The validity and reliability tests were used to evaluate the research instrument, and the classical assumption test and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the collected data. Capital market investing intentions are positively related to investment knowledge, risk tolerance, and confidence, according to the investigation. The findings of this study have important implications for encouraging younger generations' interest, trust, and self-awareness in the capital market.Keywords: Investment Intensity, Investment Knowledge, Risk Tolerance, Self Efficacy.
Pengaruh BI Rate, Jumlah Uang Beredar, Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Return Saham Property And Real Estate Tahun 2020 - 2022 Dhias Pramudita Kusuma Wardani; Lailatul Maulida Azzahra; Siti Amaroh
JURNAL PUNDI Vol 7, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31575/jp.v7i2.474


This study aims to determine the level of the BI Rate, the money supply, and the exchange rate for sharia stock returns in property and real estate companies for the period 2020 - 2020. This research uses quantitative research. The population of this study used 53 property and real estatecompanies listed on the IDX for 2020 – 2022. The sample used a purposive sampling method with criteria including property and real estatecompanies listed on the IDX for 2020 – 2022 and have the required financial report data by this research variable in order to obtain a sample of 15 companies. The data sources obtained for this study are from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and Bank Indonesia for 2020 – 2022. The results of this study partially show that the BI Rate variable and the Tupiah Exchange Rate against the dollar have no significant effect on stock returns and the money supply has a significant effect on stock returns. Meanwhile simultaneously the variables BI Rate, the money supply, the exchange rate of the rupiah against the dollar have a significant effect on stock returns.