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Publisher : STT Pelita Dunia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47304/jl.v6i2.46


Abstract: Everyone has a worldview that can be manifested through language. The Christian worldview can be known and recognized through five elements, namely: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, anthropology, and theology to explain human language. In the Christian worldview, language exists and is created inherently in humans being as a personal creation. Language is not only a means of communication between fellow humans, humans also give names and meanings to other creations of the Triune God. Pre-theoretical and theoretical human knowledge is also discussed and taught through familiar languages ​​so that scientific structures are formed, and technology is produced for humans throughout the ages. The godly character of a Christian can be recognized by his good, holy, and holy speech. And Christians can know and knowing God through His words, communicate through prayer and praise to the Triune God, and are enabled to carry out His mandate on this earth through human language. The Bible is the foundation, source and direction of the Christian worldview that has been passed down through the ages. In the Bible there are four major and major stories which perfectly explain creation, fall, redemption, and consummation especially regarding language. Keywords: Christian worldview, language, grand narrative Abstrak: Setiap orang memiliki wawasan dunia yang dapat diwujudkan melalui bahasa. Wawasan dunia Kristen dapat diketahui dan dikenal melalui lima eleman, yaitu: metafisika, epistemologi, etika, antopologi, dan teologi untuk menjelaskan bahasa manusia. Dalam wawasan dunia Kristen, bahasa ada dan diciptakan inheren dalam diri manusia sebagai ciptaan pribadi. Bahasa bukan hanya sebagai sarana komunikasi antar sesama manusia, manusia juga memberikan nama dan makna pada ciptaan Allah yang lainnya. Pengetahuan manusia secara pra teoritis dan teoritis juga dibicarakan dan diajarkan melalui bahasa yang dapat dikenalnya sehingga terbentuklah struktur ilmu pengetahuan dan dihasilkannya teknologi bagi manusia sepanjang zaman. Karakter saleh dari orang Kristen dapat dikenal dari tutur katanya yang baik, kudus dan suci. Orang Kristen pun dapat mengetahui dan mengenal Allah melalui firman-Nya, berkomunikasi melalui doa dan pujian kepada Allah, serta dimampukan melaksanakan mandat-Nya di bumi ini melalui bahasa manusia. Alkitab merupakan pondasi, sumber dan arah dari wawasan dunia Kristen yang diwariskan dari zaman ke zaman. Di dalam Alkitab terdapat empat kisah besar dan utama yang secara sempurna menjelaskan penciptaan, kejatuhan, penebusan, dan penyempurnaan khususnya berkaitan dengan bahasa. Kata Kunci: wawasan dunia Kristen, bahasa, kisah Alkitab
Respon Gereja Atas Pandemik Coronavirus Disease 2019 Dan Ibadah Rumah Roedy Silitonga
Manna Rafflesia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.485 KB) | DOI: 10.38091/man_raf.v6i2.125


The church is present on earth as an extension of the presence of the kingdom of God among humanity. The church is always present to respond to the conditions and situations of the times in a variety of challenges and temptations. But the church always sided with God's sovereignty and will govern and control everything, including the pandemics experienced by humans on this earth. The Church, currently dealing directly with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has worldwide, and its spread is so massive, and its impact is so wide in various sectors of life. The church was sent to bring the peace of Christ in truth and love. That is why the church responds to the appeal of the Government and health protocols from WHO by carrying out church services at home. Worship at home is not an attempt to establish a house church as a new institution. Worship at home is a form of faith that is responsible for the lives of fellow humans, and at the same time as an expression of love for others. Home worship is a service that is held based on the worship and liturgy of a church institution, where the congregation is part of its members. Principles and mechanisms of worship at home are regulated in such a way that using all available and available digital equipment and technology. The important and most important thing in conducting worship at home is that the congregation continues to truly worship the Triune God, sing praises to God, pray, and the peak and center is to listen to the word of God through preaching live (live streaming) or in recorded form or in printed form.
Refleksi Teologis Gereja Dan Kewirausahaan Jemaat Di Masa Pandemik Coronaviruses Disease 2019 Roedy Silitonga; Janice Veronica; Timothy Malvin; Hans Christian
Manna Rafflesia Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.397 KB) | DOI: 10.38091/man_raf.v8i1.203


The church conducts entrepreneurship for the congregation and the community as one of the fulfillment of cultural mandates. One form of church social service is congregational entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has made it difficult for the congregation to meet the needs of daily life. Therefore, the church as an institutionalized individual and community is responsible for carrying out concrete social services through entrepreneurship. This research is a theological response for the church to address the pandemic conditions specifically related to entrepreneurship. This paper uses the literature study method and theological reflection approach. The results of this study are the formation and increase of entrepreneurship managed by congregations and churches in the COVID-19 pandemic area.
Penerapan Pendekatan Komunikasi Intersubyektif Dari Jurgen Habermas Dalam Mengomunikasikan Ajaran Alkitab Dan Berita Injil: Sebuah Refleksi Teologis Roedy Silitonga
Manna Rafflesia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Arastamar Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.158 KB) | DOI: 10.38091/man_raf.v9i1.265


This paper is the result of secondary research on the thoughts of Jurgen Habermas about intersubjective communication as an approach in communicating the teachings of the Bible and the Gospel message in the public sphere. This intersubjective communication puts a person in the position of being a communicator and being a communicant. The principle of equality and mutual respect is highly emphasized to find the best solution to the problems faced by humans. The purpose of writing this article is to encourage every Christian to communicate the teachings of the Bible and proclaim the Gospel message with an intersubjective communication approach in the context of religious plurality or belief and ethnic multiculturalism. Because there is a phenomenon that becomes a problem in communicating the teachings of the Bible and the Gospel message with a subject-object approach. The secondary research method used is literature study from various books and journals, followed by inductive descriptive analysis.
Kajian Atas Pemikiran Albert Schweitzer Tentang Kesejarahan Yesus Dan Implikasinya dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen Roedy Silitonga
Publisher : STT Pelita Dunia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47304/jl.v8i2.243


Abstract: Albert Schweitzer's thoughts were formed from his childhood from home to university, related to his search for the historicity of Jesus in the Bible, theology, and philosophy. This search was formulated with Schweitzer’s fundamental thought that Jesus is a moral teacher, on an equal footing with other moral teachers. This is not entirely true, even though the descriptions of his books refer to the four Gospels and the Pauline epistles. He concentrated only on the humanity of Jesus and did not write an introduction to the divinity of Jesus. The thought that Jesus is a Moral Teacher became the basis of strength for Schweitzer to carry out missionary services in Lambarene, Africa, among people who were suffering and had not received formal education. This paper uses qualitative methods and literature studies with descriptive studies and theological reflection. It is hoped that this writing will be useful for every Christian to know Jesus in His status as the Son of God and man while at the same time encouraging a Bible-based and Christ-centered Christian Religious Education learning process and the formation of godly character to serve fellow human beings. Abstrak: Pemikiran Albert Schweitzer terbentuk sejak kecil dari rumahnya sampai ke perguruan tinggi, berkaitan pencariannya tentang kesejarahan Yesus secara biblika, teologi, dan filosofi. Pencarian itu melahirkan pemikiran mendasar bagi Schweitzer bahwa Yesus adalah Guru Moral, disejajarkan dengan guru moral lainnya. Hal itu tidak sepenuhnya benar, sekalipun uraian dari buku-bukunya merujuk pada empat kitab Injil dan Surat-Surat Paulus. Ia hanya memperhatikan kemanusiaan Yesus dan belum menuliskan pengenalannya akan keilahian Yesus. Pemikiran Yesus adalah Guru Moral menjadi dasar kekuatan bagi Schweitzer melakukan pelayanan misi di Lambarene, Afrika di antara orang-orang yang menderita dan yang belum mendapatkan pendidikan formal. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan studi Pustaka dengan kajian deskriptif dan refleksi teologis. Tulisan ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi setiap orang Kristen untuk mengenal Yesus dalam keadaan-Nya sebagai Anak Allah dan manusia, sekaligus mendorong adanya proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen yang berbasiskan Alkitab, berpusatkan Kristus, dan pembentukan karakter yang saleh untuk melayani sesama manusia.
Jurnal Theologia Forum STFT Surya Nusantara Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Theologia Forum STFT Surya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.138 KB)


This paper is expected to provide direction and encouragement for every disciple of Christ to realize the responsibility of carrying out evangelism and transforming culture on this earth. It is important for Disciples of Christ to understand precisely the relationship between Christ and culture, both in evangelism and in transforming culture. Because by being aware of this, a student can properly carry out evangelism to anyone in diverse cultural contexts. Cultural transformation is only possible by Disciples of Christ who have lived in Christ and are aware of their responsibilities here on earth. Cultural diversity and uniqueness will not weaken a disciple of Christ to preach the gospel properly. Instead the condition is a good opportunity to clear the purpose of the disciples of Christ called and sent by God. Because Christ's disciples not only carry out evangelization of all nations and also transform the culture of anyone who is already in His mandate