Syarifah Lubbna
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon

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Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 11, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38165/jk.v11i2.221


India dan Uganda adalah negara berkembang dengan tantangan dan potensi sumber daya yang mirip dengan Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan upaya pengembangan perawatan paliatif. Namun, akhirnya kedua negara ini mampu mengatasi hambatan tersebut dan membuktikan bahwa perawatan paliatif sekarang tersedia dan dapat diakses oleh masyarakat. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi layanan perawatan paliatif yang telah diimplementasikan di kedua negara tersebut, kemudian mengidentifikasi strategi yang digunakan yang mungkin dapat diadopsi untuk mendukung praktik perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas (Community-based Palliative Care) di negara berkembang lainnya termasuk Indonesia. Metode dengan peninjauan cepat (rapid review) terhadap lima database elektronik dilakukan selama periode delapan minggu pada bulan April-Juni 2018. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan terkait praktik perawatan paliatif di India dan Uganda yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris dari tahun 2000 hingga 2018 adalah kriteria inklusinya. Semua judul dan abstrak (n = 542) ditinjau relevansinya, dan lima belas artikel yang relevan telah teridentifikasi. Perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas di India dan Uganda diprakarsai oleh The Pain and Palliative Care Society (PPCS), dan Hospice Uganda (HU). Kolaborasi antara Non-goventmental Organisations (NGOs), pemerintah daerah, WHO, dan organisasi potensial lainnya telah diinisiasi untuk membantu memberikan pelatihan perawatan paliatif, peraturan dan kebijakan, serta memastikan ketersediaan morfin. Relawan komunitas juga dilatih untuk memberi dukungan kepada pasien dengan penyakit kronis dan keluarganya di masyarakat, terutama di daerah pedesaan, dengan kemampuan mengidentifikasi masalah, memberikan dukungan non-medis, dan bertindak sebagai 'jembatan' antara pasien dan profesional perawatan kesehatan. Media lokal juga dimanfaatkan untuk membantu meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat yang lebih luas. Perkembangan perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas di India dan Uganda dan strategi yang digunakan telah teridentifikasi. Oleh karena itu, beberapa rekomendasi telah diuraikan untuk mempromosikan pengembangan perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas di Indonesia. Saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya adalah pentingnya mengeksplorasi bagaimana manajemen finansial yang efektif dilakukan pada praktik perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas di negara berkembang lainnya dengan memaksimalkan peran relawan. Kata Kunci: Perawatan Paliatif; komunitas; relawan; perawatan di rumah; penyakit terminal; AbstractIndia and Uganda are developing countries with similar barriers and potential resources with Indonesia in relations to palliative care provision. However, they were finally able to tackle the barriers and prove that palliative care is now available and accessible in their communities. This study aims to explore the palliative care services that have been implemented in these two countries, and then to identify strategies used that might be needed in supporting community-based palliative care (CBPC) practices in other developing countries including Indonesia. A rapid review of five electronic databases was undertaken over an eight-week period in April-June 2018. Prior studies of palliative care practices in India and Uganda published in English from 2000 to 2018 were included. All titles and abstracts (n=542) were reviewed for relevance, and fifteen articles were identified. The CBPC in India and Uganda were initiated by the Pain and Palliative Care Society, and Hospice Uganda respectively. The collaborations between these NGOs, local governments, WHO, and other potential organizations have been initiated to help providing palliative care trainings, regulations and policies as well as ensuring availability of free morphine. The Community volunteers have been trained to support chronically ill patients and their families in society, particularly in rural areas, by identifying their issues, providing non-medical support, and acting as a ‘bridge’ between the patients and health care professionals. Local media was also utilized to help raising awareness of wider population. The development of CBPC in India and Uganda and the strategies used have been identified. Considering these strategies, some recommendations have been outlined to promote the development of community-based palliative care in local areas in Indonesia. It is recommended for the next researcher to explore funding management in the practice of community based palliative care by optimizing the role of volunteers.Keywords: Palliative care; community; volunteer; home care; terminal illness
Pengembangan volunteer palliative training module untuk mengoptimalkan perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas di Indonesia Syarifah Lubbna; M Firman Ismana
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 16, No 7 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/hjk.v16i7.8489


Background: The number of cases of chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases (NCD) is increasing every year, both globally and locally.  The trend of the biggest cause of death shifts from communicable diseases to NCDs. However, this increase has not been accompanied by a better understanding and awareness of the community about the importance of palliative care for patients with chronic and terminal illnesses, and how they can support the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects in order to improve the quality of life of patients and their families.Purpose: To produce a palliative volunteer training module to optimize community-based palliative care.Method: Research and Development (R&D) with three phases of study. Phase I data collection and problem identification; phase II design and module development; and phase III evaluation. Participants in this study were the general public, namely health cadres and families of patients with chronic diseases as many as 90 people. The module was validated by material experts, also instructional design and language experts. Then, the field trial was undergone. The research was conducted in Tengah Tani District, Cirebon Regency, West Java.Results: The validation results from material experts, instructional design, and linguistic experts stated that the modules that had been developed were rated very well. Nine training topics have been developed in three sessions. The results of the field trial show that the module is feasible to use (score 3.58 out of 4). Based on the comparison of pre-test and post-test results, the t-test measure resulted in 2.178 (> t-table 1.662) with a significance level of 0.05.Conclusion: this module is effective for improving the learning outcomes of palliative trainees.Suggestion: It is recommended that a wider-scale trial be conducted to assess the effectiveness of this module in larger regions of Indonesia. Keywords: Developing; Volunteer; Palliative; Training; Module; Care; Community.Pendahuluan: Meningkatnya jumlah kasus penyakit kronis atau Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) setiap tahun, baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya pergeseran tren penyakit penyebab kematian terbesar, dari penyakit menular ke PTM. Namun, peningkatan ini belum dibarengi dengan pemahaman dan awareness masyarakat yang baik pula tentang pentingnya perawatan paliatif bagi pasien dengan penyakit kronis dan terminal, serta bagaimana dukungan fisik, psikososial, dan spiritual dapat diberikan di lingkup komunitas untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dan keluarganya.Tujuan: Menghasilkan modul pelatihan relawan paliatif untuk mengoptimalkan perawatan paliatif berbasis komunitas.Metode: Research and Development (R&D) dengan tiga tahapan penelitian, yaitu tahap I pengumpulan data dan identifikasi masalah; tahap II desain dan pengembangan modul; dan tahap III evaluasi. Partisipan dalam penelitian adalah masyarakat awam yaitu kader-kader kesehatan dan keluarga pasien dengan penyakit kronis sebanyak 90 orang. Untuk melihat kelayakan modul, dilakukan validasi/ telaah dari ahli materi, ahli desain instruksional dan ahli Bahasa; dan uji coba lapangan field trials. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Tengah Tani, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat.Hasil: Hasil validasi dari ahli materi, ahli desain instruksional, dan ahli bahasa menyatakan bahwa modul yang telah dikembangkan dinilai sangat baik. Telah dikembangkan 9 topik pelatihan yang diberikan dalam tiga sesi. Hasil uji coba field trials menunjukkan bahwa modul layak digunakan (skor 3,58 dari 4). Berdasarkan perbandingan pre-test dan post-test, hasil t hitung diperoleh angka 2,178 (> t table 1,662) dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05.Simpulan: Modul ini efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta pelatihan paliatif dalam lingkup komunitas.Saran: Direkomendasikan agar dilakukan uji coba dalam skala yang lebih luas untuk menilai efektivitas dari modul ini di wilayah-wilayah lainnya di Indonesia. 
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Kesehatan (JIRAH) Vol 2, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract:The number of patients with Diabetes Mellitus increases globally. Negative impacts can be felt physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually. Impaired fulfillment of basic needs may decrease the quality of life. Therefore, efforts to optimize the support system are needed, one of which is offering health education.  The purpose is to raise new awareness and change in the behavior of the participants in order to provide social support in the community. This activity was carried out in Astapada Village, Tengah Tani District, Cirebon Regency, West Java, on 22 October, 2022, attended by 25 participants consisting of village officials, health cadres, and patients with DM and their families. There are three stages of process: the problem identification, implementation, and evaluation. The aim was achieved characterized by the increased participants’ understanding about the topics presented, and the emergence of mutual agreement to strive to increase their respective roles in providing support and assistance to patients with DM and their families. This is important in supporting society to play an active role as part of the support system, so that the quality of life of patients and their families can be more optimal, and the risks of worse complications can be reduced.Keywords: Palliative care, Diabetes Mellitus, Support, CommunityAbstrak: Jumlah pasien dengan Diabetes Mellitus terus meningkat secara global. Dampak negatif dapat dirasakan secara fisik, psikologis, sosial, dan spiritual. Gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar pada akhirnya dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup pasien dengan DM dan keluarganya. Sehingga, upaya-upaya untuk mengoptimalkan support system sangat diperlukan salah satunya dengan melakukan penyuluhan kesehatan sesuai kebutuhan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk memunculkan kesadaran baru dan perubahan perilaku para peserta guna memberikan dukungan sosial dan pendampingan yang baik di lingkup komunitas. Kegiatan dilakukan di Desa Astapada, Kecamatan Tengah Tani, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat, pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2022 diikuti oleh 25 peserta yang terdiri dari pejabat desa, para kader kesehatan, dan pasien dengan DM serta keluarganya. Terdapat tiga tahapan proses, yaitu tahap identifikasi masalah dan perencanaan bersama, tahap implementasi, dan tahap evaluasi. Proses berjalan sesuai dengan harapan dan tujuan tercapai ditandai dengan kemampuan peserta yang meningkat dalam memahami topik yang dipaparkan, dan timbulnya kesepakatan bersama untuk berupaya meningkatkan peran masing-masing dalam memberikan dukungan dan pendampingan pada pasien dengan DM dan keluarganya. Upaya-upaya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat untuk berperan aktif sebagai bagian dari support system adalah hal yang penting untuk terus menerus dilakukan sehingga kualitas hidup pasien dan keluarganya dapat lebih optimal, dan resiko-resiko komplikasi yang lebih buruk dapat dikurangi.Kata Kunci: Perawatan paliatif, Diabetes Mellitus, Support, Komunitas
The effects of slow-stroke back massage on anxiety and sleep problems in elderly stroke patients Syarifah Lubbna; Awis Hamid Dani; Septi Warni Asih
Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/minh.v6i1.8874


Background: The increasing population of the elderly may cause a large burden of health problems, such as poor sleep quality and anxiety. It was reported that as many as 20 percent – 50 percent of the elderly population in Indonesia experienced sleep problems, and 35 percent of the elderly who had anxiety also had the same problems. Slow Stroke Back Massage (SSBM) may be given as a non-pharmacological to increase sleep quality.Purpose: To analyze the effect of SSBM on sleep quality and anxiety in the elderly at the Tresna Wreda As-Salaam Social Institution, Cirebon City.Method: The pre-experimental design with one group pretest and posttest design. The 15 elderly was the sample, as a total sampling technique was used.  The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and Geriatric Anxiety Scale (GAS) questionnaires were used as instruments for measuring sleep quality and anxiety levels. The sleep quality was analyzed by Wilcoxon test and Paired sample t-test was used to analyze anxiety variables.Results: Before the SSBM, all the elderly (100 percent) had poor sleep quality and the majority (93,3 percent) had moderate anxiety levels. Whereas after the intervention, the majority (93,3 percent) had good sleep quality and mild anxiety levels (73,3 percent). The p-value of the Wilcoxon test was 0,001 for sleep quality, and the p-value of paired sample t-test was 0,000 for anxiety.Conclusion: This study indicated that there was a positive effect of SSBM on sleep quality and anxiety levels in the elderly. It is recommended for nurses to widely implement SSBM to help reduce the elderly’s anxiety and sleep problems.