Hery Budi Yosef
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Membaca Pemikiran Ulrich Zwingli Tentang Reformasi Gereja (Sebuah Penelusuran Sejarah Gereja Hingga Sekarang ini) Hery Budi Yosef
Ritornera - Jurnal Teologi Pentakosta Indonesia Vol 1, No 3 (2021): Ritornera - Jurnal Teologi Pentakosta Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Pentakosta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.304 KB) | DOI: 10.54403/rjtpi.v1i3.24


This journal examines the historical description of Ulrich Zwingli's thoughts on church reform, especially after Martin Luther. And the results of the research provide new thinking that was left behind towards the reforms at that time. Though doctrinal thought began to move away from the papal hierarchy, but there are still things that were maintained by the reformers, and until now in the modern era it seems to be running (held), namely the practice of infant baptism, and the concept of the relationship between church and state. It's just that the results of this research are not more there, because the focus is solely on searching. There are many other sources that review Zwingli's actions in his involvement in removing other groups of believers (read: Anabaptists) from the church decisions that he fought for after the reformation. Because the concrete evidence has not shown the accuracy of the event, the author only focuses on his thoughts, specifically confronting his thoughts with the previous proclaimer of reform, namely Martin Luther. In this study, the background of the character, Zwingli's movement in Switzerland in an effort to reform the church will also be described successively as an extension of the previous important figures. In another section, Zwingli's thoughts which are the reasons for the reform of the church will be presented, Zwingli is slightly different from his predecessors in post-reform theology from Luther's. This journal uses a descriptive-historical qualitative approach, it is said that because the author examines it by tracing the sources contained in the literature regarding the characters studied, and linking them to the church today. Of course there will be limitations in the study, that's why the author hopes that there will be further research on this church figure, especially in other studiesJurnal ini mengkaji uraian historis terhadap pemikiran Ulrich Zwingli mengenai reformasi gereja khususnya setelah Martin Luther.  Banyak sumber yang mengulas tentang sepak terjang Zwingli dalam keterlibatannya menyingkirkan kelompok orang percaya lainnya (baca: Anabaptis) dari ketetapan gereja yang diperjuangkannya pasca reformasi.  Oleh sebab bukti-bukti konkrit belum menunjukkan keakuratan terhadap pristiwa tersebut, penulis hanya menyoroti pemikiran-pemikirannya, secara khusus mengkonfrontasikan pemikirannya dengan proklamator reformasi sebelumnya, yakni Martin Luther.  Dalam kajian ini juga akan dipaparkan secara berturut-turut tentang latar belakang tokoh, pergerakan Zwingli di Swiss dalam upaya pembaharuan gereja sebagai perluasan dari tokoh-tokoh penting sebelumnya.  Di bagian lain pemikiran-pemikiran Zwingli yang menjadi alasan reformasi gereja akan dipaparkan, Zwingli sedikit berbeda dengan pendahulunya dalam berteologi asca reformasi.  Jurnal ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskritif – historis, dikatakan demikian karena penulis mengkaji dengan menelusuri sumber-sumber yang terdapat di literartur mengenai tokoh yang diteliti, dan mengkaitkan kepada gereja di masa kini.  Tentunya aka nada keterbatasan dalam pengkajiannya, itu sebabnya penulis berharap aka nada penelitian lanjut terhadap tokoh gereja ini, khususnya dalam kajian yang lain.
Mengkonfirmasi Ulang Kemesiasan Judaisme di Era Antar Testament (Sebuah Pengenalan ke dalam Perjanjian Lama) Hery Budi Yosef
Ritornera - Jurnal Teologi Pentakosta Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Ritornera - Jurnal Teologi Pentakosta Indonesia
Publisher : Pusat Studi Pentakosta Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54403/rjtpi.v2i2.44


This article presents some of the messianic thoughts that fall within the range of the Inter-Testament especially on the apocryphal books. The author begins with some important terms about the "messiah" that are often used in the Israelite tradition, even in this modern era, of course with a new hermeneutical version of the modern rabbinic version. The discussion is based on a search for sources about the messiah in the Apocryphal books, related to the Messiah contained in additional stories that are also in the additional canon (read: deuterocanonical, and equivalent). It also includes the "Messiah" which describes a strong character contained in the "hero" who is brave and has the spirit to defend his nationalism. And to this day especially after the Temple was torn down, rabbinic speculates about the Messiah, even rebuilding a new qualification (read: worldview) connected with the prophet's sayings throughout the Tanakh. The methodology used by the author is to collect some literature that explains the messiahship in the apocryphal books, along with the meanings implied in the thoughts of the authors of the book. According to Subagyo, qualitative methods in religious contexts, especially those related to texts or scriptures, of course prioritize assessment in the form of comparisons to the object under study. Of course, this refers to interpretation, especially the dynamic assumptions about messiahship in some selected Apocryphal booksArtikel ini menghadirkankan beberapa pemikiran mesianik yang berada di dalam kisaran Antar Testament khususnya pada kitab-kitab apokrifa.  Penulis mengawalinya dengan beberapa istilah penting tentang “mesias” yang sering digunakan dalam tradisi Israel, bahkan di era modern ini, tentunya dengan hermeneutis yang baru versi para rabinik modern.  Pembahasannya berdasarkan penelusuran sumber tentang mesias di kitab-kitab Apokrif, terkait dengan Mesias yang tertuang pada cerita-cerita tambahan yang juga di kanon tambahan (baca: deuterokanonika, dan setaranya).  Di dalamnya juga telah hadir “Mesias” yang menggambarkan sebuah karakter kuat yang terdapat di dalam diri sang “pahlawan” yang berani dan semangat untuk mempertahankan nasionalismenya.  Dan hingga sekarang ini khususnya setelah Bait Suci diruntuhkan, para rabinik berspekulasi tentang sosok Mesias, bahkan membangun kembali kualifikasi baru (baca: worldview) yang terhubung dengan ucapan-ucapan nabi di seluruh kitab Tanakh. Metodologi yang digunakan oleh penulis yakni mengumpulkan beberapa literatur yang menjelaskan tentang kemesiasan dalam kitab-kitab apokrifa, berikut dengan pemaknaan yang tersirat dalam pemikiran penulis kitab tersebut.  Menurut Subagyo metode kualitatif dalam konteks keagamaan, khususnya terkait dengan teks atau kekitaban, tentunya mengedapankan penilaian berupa perbandingan terhadap obyek yang diteliti.  Tentunya disini mengacu kepada penafsiran, khususnya asumsi-asumsi yang dinamis mengenai kemesiasan di beberapa kitab Apokrifa terpilih
Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): April : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Ilmu (JIMI)
Publisher : CV. Denasya Smart Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69714/9t1k8742


The large amount of research that examines leadership has made it possible that the lack of quality in a leader has recently stopped using Bible principles as a strong weapon to minimize the values and direction of the times which are now rapidly changing, especially among God's servants in dealing with Christian leadership issues. Listen to many reviews of leadership research which tend to focus on leadership methods (decision models) which are also assessed for the management needs of a company, church or other Christian institution, and so on. Others also discuss the characteristics of a leader, even trying to relate it to the life of Jesus' service as a teacher or leader who also had various backgrounds for foster children (read: His students). Researchers place the leadership pattern of Jesus, who was so strong and authoritative, that his leadership behavior has become an exemplary example for all time until now, even though he had to face increasingly rapidly changing times so that the character's model no longer played a role because it was being swallowed up by rapidly changing times. There are still other discussions about leadership which are answers to leadership issues, in this case touching on the calling of God's servants as leaders in the current era. The main problem lies in leaders who are absorbed in the development of modernism, thus shifting or even eliminating the values of Christ as the center of ideal and strong Christian leadership. The introduction of rationalistic understanding as the beginning of the development of leaders' modernity in leading, rationalist values and mentality enter into leading behavior so that it becomes more humanistic because of a leader's liberalist decisions. That is why researchers emphasize the importance of highlighting the causes of a leader being influenced by rationalism which is the cause of the arrival of modernity or the birth of postmodernity in leadership. So the author wants to find out where the shift is, or at what point a change occurs in the context of leadership. The influence of postmodernism for researchers does not change much of its significance, considering the movements and idealism of Christian leaders in this rapidly changing era. On the contrary, Christian leaders use postmodern influence as a connecting bridge in service programs, and do not shift the value of their 'godliness'. The method used by the author is purely literary and followed by historical references to strengthen the relationship between the birth or emergence of postmodernity from the forces of the rationalist, existentialist and modern eras (contemporary). In relation to Christian leadership, what the author explores is the connection to leadership behavior and the focus on integrity. Highlighting leadership behavior, the author finds ways of thinking, and taking responsibility, and so on in taking and finding the right solution to the problem. In leadership integrity, the author traces his disciplined life (leadership mentality), and his routine spirituality which the author assesses has been inherent in him since receiving a call (read: divine calling) as a leader, either in his church or in the institution he leads.