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Publisher : STIE Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37932/ja.v10i1.294


The study aims to determine the effect of the Agency Level Financial Application System (SAKTI), the competence of Human Resources (SDM), Internal Control (PI) on the Quality of Government Financial Reports (KLKP). This study uses a quantitative approach. Data was collected through questionnaires from 92 respondents to the SAKTI application operator at the Directorate General of Treasury's work unit, Ministry of Finance. Data analysis using SmartPLS. The results showed that the implementation of SAKTI and PI had a significant effect on KLKP, while SDM competencies had no effect on KLKP. This research is limited to conduct within the work unit of the Directorate General of Treasury on the island of Java.
Analisa Pencatatan Nikah (Kawin Belum Tercatat) Pada Kk Dalam Persfektif Disdukcapil Purwakarta Yusuf Setiawan
Muttaqien Indonesian Journal of Multidiciplinary Islamic Studies
Publisher : Muttaqien Publishing, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Mayarakat (P3M) STAI DR. KH.EZ. Muttaqien Purwakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52593/mtq.03.2.02


KK (family card) is a very important family identity card and must be owned by every citizen. The author's purpose in this study is to answer two problem formulations, namely how the legal basis for the marriage category has not been recorded as marital status in the KK form and how the importance of legal fulfillment and protection of marriage has not been recorded as marital status on the KK blank. This research is a research using qualitative methods. Where the data analyzed is in the form of word exposure and description of the situation, not numbers. The data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. Starting from theories that discuss marriage registration and population administration along with the data that has been collected, then further analyzed by juridical analysis using applicable laws and regulations, which are contained in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, Article 2 of Government Regulation Number 9 1975 concerning marriage registration, Islamic Law Compilation Book 1 of Marriage Law and Minister of Religion Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2018 concerning Marriage Registration to then draw a conclusion. The results of this study indicate that, changes in the status of marriage in the blank of the family card which originally had marital status, unmarried to registered marriage and unregistered marriage. This regulation is regulated in Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 118 of 2017 concerning Blank Family Cards, Registration, and Quotations of Civil Registration Deeds which was followed up with the development of SIAK 7 (Population Administration Information System version 7) by the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration The Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, where one of the requirements in the population registration must attach a marriage book or marriage certificate, and for unregistered marriages can attach a Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) the truth of marriage on the basis of clear considerations in accordance with the study of cases of family problems in Indonesia. society, human rights, rights of citizens, civil law, the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and legislation.
Ekosistem Halal Rumah Potong Hewan: Studi Kasus Juru Sembelih Halal U.D. Dragon Broiler dan Sinar Raya Abadi Yusuf Setiawan; Nurhidayati; Auliya Lathifah
Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37567/alwatzikhoebillah.v10i1.2275


Slaughter person has an important role in determining the halalness and quality of the meat. Slaughterperson competence has been regulated in SKKNI No. 196 of 2014 concerning Indonesian national work competency standards for the categories of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, main groups of livestock support services in the field of halal animal slaughter. However, what happens between understanding the material during training and practice in the field is not easy to implement. This study aims to explore the understanding gaps of halal butchers about the critical points of halal slaughter in poultry at UD Dragon Broiler, Bantul and Sinar Raya Abadi, Sleman. The research method used was qualitative through observational data collection techniques and direct interviews with the butchers in charge of slaughtering at the slaughterhouse. The results of the study found that UD Dragon Broiler already has a certified halal slaughterman but acts as a supervisor, not a slaughterman, there are no banners containing procedures for the halal slaughter system, it's just that there is the word bismilah allahu akbar, and the competence of the slaughterers is based on experience, while RPA Sinar Raya Abadi do not yet have a certified halal slaughterman, there is a SOP for halal slaughter but it is very small, and the competence of the slaughterer is based on experience.