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Desain e-Microteaching Sebagai Aplikasi E-Learning Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Keguruan Febrino Febrino
Tarbawy : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 9 No 1 (2022): Tarbawy : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/tarbawy.v9i1.2211


The development of e-Microteaching applications is motivated by the demands for innovation due to education disruption. Teacher Universities are required to use LMS-based e-learning in lectures to improve the quality of education. In the implementation of Microteaching lectures, it is necessary to pay attention to the e-learning facilities to ensure the quality of training for prospective teachers. Many research results show that Open Source LMS is effectively used in lectures, but there are still few lecturers who can develop it. Selection of Proprietary LMS can be a solution to be developed. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to obtain a valid e-Microteaching application design. This development research adapts the steps of the Plomp (2013) model. The stages of development are preliminary research, prototyping phase. In the preliminary research, a preliminary study is conducted by conducting a needs analysis, literature review and framework development. The prototyping phase consists of three stages, namely: designing the prototype, conducting formative evaluation and revising the prototype. Formative evaluation was conducted to determine the validity of the prototype of the e-Microteaching application model and the application manual. The results showed that the e-Learning application model based on the Proprietary Learning Management System in Microteaching lectures at PTKIN which was developed in the form of an e-Microteaching application and manual for its use, had met the criteria of a valid model. The validation results from the experts show that the e-Microteaching application and user manual are very valid from the aspect of content, construction and language.
Mitigasi Bencana Pantai Ujung Gusung Melalui Penanaman Pohon Ketapang Di Pesisir Pantai Desa Kumbung Kecamatan Lepar Pongok, Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Febrino Febrino
AL QUWWAH : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2022): AL QUWWAH : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/aq.v2i2.2861


Kumbung Village is a village in Lepar Pongok sub-district, South Bangka district, Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia. The people of Kumbung village live in the coastal area, but over time the village is often submerged in sea water so that the people of Kumbung village move to higher ground. The condition of the beach is experiencing abrasion, causing the coastline of Kumbung village to be damaged and there are no trees that can withstand the abrasion, and there are also no breakwater stones on the coast so that the tides eat up the coastline, causing abrasion and damage to the beach. Therefore, KKN students get the opportunity to carry out community service tasks in coastal areas by running workshops with the village government and the Kumbung village community through disaster mitigation activities by planting Ketapang tree seedlings on the coast. This activity was carried out using Ketapang tree seeds that grow on Kumbung village land. The planting of tree seedlings was carried out to save the beach in Kumbung village, namely Ujung Gusung Beach, so that the Ketapang tree seedlings planted on the coast can restore the sea water ecosystem and revive the beach tourism. Hopefully this activity will continue to run by always paying attention to the environment wherever we are. Desa Kumbung adalah desa yang berada di kecamatan Lepar Pongok, kabupaten Bangka Selatan, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. Masyarakat desa kumbung tinggal di daerah pesisir pantai, namun seiring berjalannya waktu desa sering terendam air laut sehingga masyarakat desa kumbung pindah kedataran yang lebih tinggi. Kondisi pantai yang mengalami abrasi, membuat pesisir pantai desa kumbung rusak dan tidak ada pohon yang dapat menahan abrasi, juga tidak ada batu pemecah ombak yang ada di pesisir pantai sehingga pasang surut air laut memakan pesisir pantai yang menyebabkan abrasi dan kerusakan pantai. Oleh karena itu mahasisiwa KKN mendapatkan peluang untuk melaksanakan tugas pengabdian di daerah pesisir pantai tersebut dengan menjalankan lokakarya dengan pemdes dan masyarakat desa kumbung melalui kegiatan mitigasi bencana penanaman bibit pohon ketapang dipesisir pantai. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan bibit pohon ketapang yang tumbuh pada lahan desa kumbung. Penanaman bibit pohon dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan pantai yang ada di desa kumbung yaitu pantai ujung gusung sehingga bibit pohon ketapang yang ditanam dipesisir pantai tersebut dapat mengembalikan ekosistem air laut dan menghidupakan kembali wisata pantai tersebut. Semoga kegiatan ini akan terus berjalan dengan selalu memperhatikan lingkungan dimanapun kita berada.