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Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 16, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (77.294 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v16i2.6568


This study aims to determine the perception of the Koran about takabbur this research uses descriptive method and uses the maudhu'iy interpretation approach or thematic interpretation which is collecting a number of verses that discuss the concept of takabbur while the selected interpretation book is the interpretation of al-Misbah which represents the work of modern interpretation and Ibn Kathir representing classical interpretations. Knowledge about takabbur is very urgent or important to be known by every Muslim person because in the statement of the Qur'an and al-Hadith it is stated that does not enter heaven when someone dies in his heart is stored in the character of takabbur. The results of the study found that the origin of the nature of this obscurity was initiated by Shaytan who then transformed into human behavior and also found forms of behavior categorized as takabbur behavior such as; walking proudly, talking like a donkey, looking away, looking down on others.
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (69.818 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v16i1.5742


Menyangkut kebutuhan manusia terhadap hidayah, al-Qur’an memberikan perhatian yang serius, salah satu bentuk perhatian dan tuntunannya terhadap konsep hidayah adalah perintah untuk membacanya  dalam setiap rakaat shalat, hidayah secara makna adalah bimbingan dari Allah swt. Dalam menjalani hidup, hidayah adanya memang  diberi dan ada pula keharusan untuk mencari serta dipelihara di dalam diri setiap muslim. Hal ini penting, karena satu kemustahilan seseorang selamat sampai ke tujuan apabila tanpa hidayah. Karenanya seseorang harus tahu cara-cara untuk mendapatkan hidayah. Dan seseorang juga harus mengetahui bagaimana cara melestarikan hidayah dalam dirinya.
Tasbihnya Makhluk Tuhan di Muka bumi Suhemi, Emi
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v18i1.10538


The Qur'an tells a lot about the condition of creatures who glorify their Lord, both living things and creatures created as inanimate objects, such as rocks, mountains, and others. Based on the above understanding, the author aims to find out how the verses of the Qur'an describe the exaltation of creatures to His Lord. In this research, the writer uses the descriptive analysis method with the scientific approach of interpretation (hermeneutics). In this study, the authors found 15 verses that tell about beings who are exalted, be they humans, living things, plants (nabataat) or inanimate objects (jamadaa). Linguistically, the word tasbih is a mashdar form of sabbaha yusabbihu-tasbihan, which comes from the word sabh, which is the word to purify Allah SWT. In terminology, at-tasbiih means remembrance by glorifying and purifying accompanied by cleansing God from all shortcomings.AbstrakAl-Quran banyak bercerita tentang keadaan makhluk yang bertasbih terhadap Tuhan-nya, baik itu makhluk hidup maupun makhluk yang tercipta sebagai benda mati, seperti batu, gunung, dan lain-lain. Secara terminologi, at-tasbiih bermakna zikir dengan mengagungkan dan mensucikan disertai dengan pembersihan Tuhan dari segala kekurangan. Berdasarkan pengertian diatas, penulis bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana ayat Al-Quran mendeskripsikan tentang bertasbihnya makhluk kepada Tuhan-Nya. Dalam Penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode analisis Deskriptif dengan pendekatan ilmu Tafsir (Hermeuneutics). Hasil kajian ini, penulis menemukan 15 ayat yang berceritakan tentang makhluk yang bertaasbih baik itu insan, makhluk hidup tumbuuh-tumbuhan (nabataat) maupun benda mati (jamadaa). Secara bahasa, kata tasbih merupakan bentuk mashdar dari sabbaha yusabbihu-tasbihan, yang berasal dari kata sabh yaitu ucapan menyucikan Allah SWT. 
Konsep Manasik/Nusuk dalam Al-Qur’an (Kajian Tafsir Maudhu’i) Suhemi, Emi
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 19, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v19i1.12746


This research is entitled Nusuk Concept in Al-Qur’an. This research uses a maudhu'i interpretation approach. The steps taken in this approach are collecting verses with the theme of prickling in the Al-Qur’an, then also collecting hadiths on the theme of pricking. As well as several dictionaries that will be used to find an etymological understanding of stabbed. The purpose of this research is to know the concept of nusuk in the Al-Qur’an. What will be discussed in this study is how the concept of pricking in the Koran. The results of this study are that nusuk is not only interpreted as a pilgrimage ritual, but also contains a broad meaning such as zuhud and taqarrub to Allah.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul konsep manasik/nusuk dalam al-Qur’an dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutics (tafsir maudhu’i). Adapun langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam pendekatan ini yaitu mengumpulkan ayat-ayat yang bertemakan manasik-nusuk di dalam al-Qur’an, kemudian juga mengumpulkan hadist-hadist yang bertemakan manasik/nusuk, dan juga menggunakan beberapa kamus yang dijadikan alat untuk menemukan pemahaman manasik/nusuk secara etimologi. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui akan konsep manasik/nusuk di dalam al-Qur’an.  Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa manasik/nusuk itu tidak hanya dimaknai sebagai ritual ibadah haji, tetapi juga mengandung makna yang luas seperti zuhud dan taqarrub kepada Allah serta berqurban.
Family law reform in Indonesia according to the Maqashid al-shari’a perspective (A case study of Law no. 16 of 2019) Yuni Roslaili; Aisyah Idris; Emi Suhemi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v7i2.9397


This research discusses family law reform in Indonesia in relation to the Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning the minimum age for child marriage. The study has been conducted using Maqashid al-syariah perspective in order to analyze first, the formulation of family law reform in Indonesia related to No. 16 of 2019, and second, the perspective of maqasid al-syariah in the law. The primary resource in this library research was Law No. 16 of 2019, and Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974. The results of the study found that family law reform regarding the age limit for marriage in Indonesia began with the existence of the judicial review process to the Constitutional Court regarding Law No.1 of 1974, more specifically Article 7 paragraph (1) which was perceived as contradictory to the 1945 Constitution Article 27 paragraph (1). This paper also proved that the determination of the age limit for marriage in Law No. 16 of 2019 is in accordance with the purpose of marriage and the objectives of sharia in general. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that there has been a reform of family law in Indonesia which can be seen from the aspect of the law regarding the age limit for marriage from nine years in the fiqh literature version to nineteen years in the version of Law No. 16 of 2019. In addition, Law no. 16 of 2019 also equates the minimum age for marriage between boys and girls, which is nineteen years, although classical fiqh literature distinguishes it.
‘Ibadurrahman dalam Perpekstif Al-Qur’an: Studi Hermeneutics/Tafsir Maudhu’i Emi Suhemi
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu ashirah Vol 19, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v19i2.13546


‘Ibadurrahman is an expression in Arabic which consists of 2 words, namely Ibad and arrahman. Ibad means servant, in the Qur'an it is usually indicated for those who believe, those who obey the commands of Allah and His Messenger. While arrahman means the most merciful. So, ‘Ibadurrahman is a servant of Allah who was given honor by Allah as a most merciful servant. This research is entitled ‘Ibadurrahman in the perspective of the Koran Al-Quran by using a hermeneutics approach (tafsir maudhu'i). The steps taken in this approach are collecting verses with the theme of ‘Ibadurrahman in the Al-Quran, then also collecting hadiths on the theme of ‘Ibadurrahman criteria, and also using several dictionaries which are used as tools to find an etymological understanding of Ibadurrahman's criteria. The purpose of this research is to know the criteria of Ibadurrahman in the Al-Quran. The result of this research is that it is found that there are ten criteria from ‘Ibadurrahman.ABSTRAK‘Ibadurrahman adalah ungkapan dalam bahasa Arab yang terdiri dari 2 kata yaitu Ibad dan ar-Rahman. Ibad artinya hamba, dalam al-Qur'an biasa ditunjukkan untuk orang-orang yang beriman, orang-orang yang ta'at kepada perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Sedangkan ar-Rahman artinya yang maha pengasih. Jadi, ‘Ibadurrahman adalah hamba Allah yang diberi kemulian oleh Allah sebagai hamba yang maha penyayang. Penelitian ini berjudul ‘Ibadurrahman dalam Perspektif Al-Quran penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutics (tafsir maudhu’i). Adapun langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam pendekatan ini yaitu mengumpulkan ayat-ayat yang bertemakan ‘Ibadurrahman di dalam al-Qur’an, kemudian juga mengumpulkan hadist-hadist yang bertemakan kriteria ‘Ibadurrahman, dan juga menggunakan beberapa kamus yang dijadikan alat untuk menemukan pemahaman kriteria ‘Ibadurrahman secara etimologi. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kriteria ‘Ibadurrahman dari sudut pandang penafsiran  al-Qur’an.  Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah  ditemukan pemahaman yang bervariasi tentang penafsiran dari kriteria  ‘Ibadurrahman.
Mashdar dalam Surat Al-Kahfi: Suatu Kajian Morfologis Emi Suhemi
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 17, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v17i2.9180


Masdar is a word that shows an event that is independent of time. The researcher chose masdar as the object of research because masdar has a very important role in Arabic, especially the recording of masdar as part of shigat or a part of the wazan tasrif isthilahy form, and even some scholars mention masdar as the origin of ushul from a word or lafadh. Researchers are interested in choosing surah al-kahfi as the object of study on masdar because al-Kahfi is one of the surahs that has virtue. And in surah al-Kahfi, almost half of the verse uses the masdar form. This research is library research using a content analysis method or content analysis. And this research has found some 37 forms of masdar consisting of masdar fill stulasty.AbstrakMasdar adalah kata yang menunjukkan suatu kejadian tanpa terikat dengan waktu. Peneliti memilih  masdar sebagai objek penelitian  karena masdar memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam bahasa Arab terutama tercatatnya masdar sebagai bagian dari shigat atau satu bagian dari bentuk wazan tasrif isthilahy dan bahkan oleh sebagian ulama menyebut masdar sebagai asal ushul dari suatu  kata atau lafadh . Peneliti tertarik memilih surah al-kahfi sebagai objek kajian tentang masdar karena al-Kahfi adalah salah satu surah yang memiliki keutamaan. Dan dalam surah al-Kahfi ini  hampir setengah dari ujung ayatnya menggunakan bentuk masdar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka dengan menggunakan methode content analisis atau analisis isi . Dan penelitian ini telah menemukan sejumlah 37 bentuk masdar yang terdiri dari masdarnya fiil- fiil stulasti.
Tafsir Scholar's View on Black Magic Emi Suhemi
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu ashirah: Media Kajian Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadits Multi Perspektif Vol 20, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Forum Intelektual Qur'an dan Hadits Asia Tenggara (SEARFIQH) Kota Banda Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jim.v20i1.17287


This study aims to discuss black magic (sihir) from the perspective of Tafsir scholars. The method used in this article is literature review with a hermeneutic approach, also known as tafsir maudhu'i. With this method, the author conducts various steps, including collecting literature and verses with the theme of magic in the Quran, collecting hadiths with the theme of magic, and also using dictionaries as tools to find the etymological use for black magic. The results of this study show that the tafsir scholars have agreed on the sinful practice of black magic, so they suggest staying away from themselves, their families, and loved ones rather than this great slander and harm that has swallowed up many people. Even if we are rich and happy because of black magic, it really is not comparable to the poverty and suffering that will be accepted in the hereafter.