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Teologi Kebangkitan: Mengkaji Kembali Pemikiran Wolfhart Panenberg Tentang Kebangkitan Tolop Oloan Marbun
Danum Pambelum: Jurnal Teologi dan Musik Gereja Vol 1 No 1 (2021): DPJTMG: Mei
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.699 KB) | DOI: 10.54170/dp.v1i1.45


This article examines the theology of resurrection: rethinking the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg about resurrection. Resurrection is the centre of Pannenberg theology. In his views, the bible should be approached in a historical approach and the resurrection is the climax of incarnation since the incarnation was progressive. The method is a qualitative method with a literature approach. The author will describe Pannenberg’s thought, after that the author will evaluate his thought, and last the author will give argumentations. As the result, histories were written in the bible because of revelation, the resurrection was not the climax of the incarnation. Bible did not agree with the progressive incarnation, and the death of Jesus was not a catastrophe. The conclusion, Bible should be approached in a revelation approach, Jesus as fully God from eternity to eternity. Bible does not have internal testimony that incarnation was progressive. The death of Jesus is penal substitution. Artikel ini membahas tentang Teologi Kebangkitan: Mengkaji ulang pemikiran Wolfhart Pannenberg tentang kebangkitan. Kebangkitan merupakan sentral dari teologi Pannenberg. Dalam pandangan Pannenberg, Alkitab harus dipelajari dengan pendekatan historis dan kebangkitan merupakan klimaks dari inkarnasi. Metode yang digunakan metode kualiatas dengan pendekatan studi Pustaka. Pertama penulis akan deskripsikan pemikiran Pannenberg, selanjutanya penulis akan mengkaji ulang pemikirannya dan terakhir penulis akan memberikan argumentasi. Hasilnya, sejarah ditulis dalam Alkitab karena pewahyuan, kebangkitan bukan klimaks inkarnasi, Alkitab tidak menyetujui inkaranis progresif dan kematian Yesus Kristus bukan sebuah catastrophe. Kesimpulannya, mempelajari Alkitab harus menggunakan pendekatan wahyu, Yesus Kristus adalah Allah dari kekekalan sampai kekekalan, Alkitab tidak memiliki kesaksian internal mengenai inkarnasi progresif, dan kematian Yesus adalah penal substitusi.
Memetakan Tantangan dan Peluang Gereja melalui Teknologi Metaverse Tolop Oloan Marbun
TEMISIEN: Jurnal Teologi, Misi, dan Entrepreneurship Vol 3, No 1: Maret 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.9876/temisien.v3i1.55


This article examines the metaverse as an opportunity and challenge for the church in the future. Metaverse can be a huge opportunity and also as challenging for the church. The purpose of this article is to describe opportunities that churches have in the metaverse and the challenges which churches encounter. The method is qualitative research on literature study. The result is that churches have opportunities such as buying land and building the virtual church. The church also runs virtual service, ministry, cell group, bible study, and evangelization. The challenge is such as not all churches will be able to afford virtual church, not all churches will engage with metaverse, not all congregations will have an account on metaverse, the congregation might be disconnected from their reality, uncontrol promiscuity, uncontrol false teaching, and virtual crimes. In conclusion, churches have opportunities to optimize their virtual ministry in the metaverse and must be ready to solve any challenges. The author suggests that the churches start virtual church services, and the next researcher examines the metaverse application in virtual church ministry.  AbstrakArtikel membahas metaverse sebagai peluang dan tantangan bagi gereja masa depan. Metaverse bisa menjadi peluang besar bagi gereja dan bisa juga sekaligus menjadi tantangan bagi gereja. Tujuan dari artikel ini memamparkan peluang-peluang yang dimiliki gereja di masa depan dan tantangan-tantangannya. Metode yang digunakan penelitian kualiatif model studi pustaka. Adapun hasil penelitian ini gereja memiliki peluang-peluang di metaverse; gereja bisa membeli lahan dan membangun gereja virtual, gereja bisa mengadakan ibadah virtual, komunitas sel virtual, pelayanan virtual, pendalaman Alkitab virtual serta penginjilan virtual. Tantangan bagi gereja ialah tidak bisa gereka mampu memiliki akun metaverse, tidak semua gereja melek metaverse, tidak semua jemaat mampu memiliki akun metaverse, jemaat bisa terhilang di metaverse, pengaulan bebas yang tidak terkendali, pengajasaran sesat semakin meraja lela serta kejahatan virtual. Kesimpulannya gereja memiliki peluang untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan di metaverse dan geraja juga harus mempersiapkan diri untuk mengatasi tantangannya. Saran untuk bagi gereja segera miliki gereja virtual. Saran untuk peneliti berikutnya untuk bisa membahas applikasi metaverse dalam pelayanan gerejawi. 
Yesus Kristus Lahir 25 Desember: Studi Historis Tolop Marbun
Publisher : STT Pelita Dunia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47304/jl.v9i1.327


Abstract: This research aims to discover historical evidence of Christmas celebrations before 274AD to disprove the claim that December 25th is paganism. Christmas on December 25th is accused of being a pagan celebration. The accusation of paganism at Christmas mainly refers to a Christian theologian named Paul Ernst Jablonski asserted in the 18th century that Christmas is a pagan celebration. Jablonski's claim refers to the Emperor of Constantinople's foundation of Christmas in 316 and Emperor Aurelia's nomination of December 25th as Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in 274M. The historical technique with heuristic steps was applied in the investigation. Heuristic is a Greek word that means "to seek and find." Heuristics are used in the historical method to look for and discover sources that are relevant to research. The Author undertakes source criticism after the heuristic stage. External criticism and internal criticism are the two types of source criticism. Following that, Interpretation and Histography are applied. According to the findings of this research, Christmas has been celebrated 239 years before 274 AD, on Kislev 25th according to the Jewish calendar, January 6th according to the Julian calendar, and December 25th according to the Gregorian calendar. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini menggali bukti-bukti sejarah perayaan natal sebelum tahun 274M untuk membantah tuduhan natal 25 Desember merupakan paganisme. Perayaan Natal tanggal 25 Desember sering dituduh sebagai perayaan paganisme. Tuduhan Natal merupakan paganisme pada umumnya merujuk pada seorang Teolog Kristen yang Bernama Paul Ernst Jablonski pada abad ke 18 yang menyatakan bahwa perayaan natal merupakan perayaan kafir. Tuduhan Jablonski mengacu kepada pentapan natal oleh Kaisar Konstantinopel pada tahun 316 dan penetapan kaisar Aurelia tangal 25 desember sebagai Dies Natalis Solis Invicti pada tahuan 274M. Metode yang gunakan dalam dalam penelitian metode sejarah dengan tahapan Heuristik. Heuristik berasala dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti mencari dan menemukan. Jadi dalam metode sejarah, heuristik merupakan mencari dan menemukan sumber yang relevan dengan penelitian. Setelah tahapan Heuristik, penulis melakukan kririk sumber. Kritik sumber terbagi dua yaitu kritik external dan kritik interla. Selanjutnya, digunakan Interpretasi dan Histografia. Hasil dari peneletian ini menunjukkan perayaan natal sudah laksanakan 239 tahun sebelum tahun 274M yang jatuh pada tanggal 25 Kislev menurut kalender Yahudi, 6 Januari menurut kalender Julian, dan 25 Desember menurut Kalender Gregorian.
Jurnal PKM Setiadharma Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal PkM Setiadharma
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47457/jps.v4i2.370


This article is a report on community service through a Seminar about increasing congregations’ economic through online business. The seminar was conducted for the members of Pasahutoan Gotorong Imanuel at Cisauk as the action of sharing ideas for the goodness of each member.  The community service was conducted through a seminar with discourse and discussion methods. The media was PowerPoint and TV Screens.  The purpose of this report is reference for increasing the congregation’s economy through online business. The method is qualitative research with a literature study. It started by collecting literature such as a recent journal. The analytic method is content analysis. Analytic results display descriptive. The result is the seminar has impacted the member to start and continue their online business.
The Implementation of Artificial Intelligence, Chatgpt, And Critical Thinking Method for Academic Endeavors at Theological Higher Education Tolop Oloan Marbun
Jurnal Didaskalia Vol 6 No 2: Journal Didaskalia - October 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33856/didaskalia.v6i2.309


The primary aim of this research is to incorporate the use of Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, and the Critical Thinking Method to enhance academic endeavors. Employing Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT in academic work offers advantages to educators and students. Although educators and students are still required to verify data and references independently, the use of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT enables the quick and precise presentation of information. Therefore, it is essential to integrate the Critical Thinking methodology with the utilization of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence. Verifying and validating data improves the credibility of the knowledge acquired by both professors and students. The research methodology employed in this project involved library research, where the author collected primary and secondary data. Subsequently, content analysis methodology was applied, and the data was presented descriptively. The study results indicate that the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, and the Critical Thinking method has enhanced the quality of academic work produced by educators and students. Furthermore, this combination can expedite the production of scholarly articles. When engaging in academic research, educators and students should adhere to the guidelines on Artifact Intelligence and ChatGPT policies.
Kajian Teologis terhadap Tradisi Manulangi dalam Budaya Batak Toba Tolop Marbun
TEVUNAH: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 1 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen Luwuk Banggai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59361/tevunah.v1i1.4


According to Batak Toba's ancestors, The manulangi ritual is one of the ways to give the highest respect to parents. Since the manulangi tradition is the ancestor's legacy, few people assume it is irrelevant because there are many ways to honour parents. Some sectarians think all Batak Toba rituals are sins and against the Bible. This research aims to discover the theological values in the manulangi tradition for Batak Toba, which still keeps the manulangi ritual in Christians' values. The method is qualitative research with a literature study. The data are collected from works of literature that are related to the topic. All literature will be analyzed with the content analytics method to build frames of thinking. Lastly, the author will apply the theological approach to the manulangi ritual to discover theological value. All data is displayed descriptively.  The manulangi tradition is relevant to the great; the first commandment is to love God and neighbours. Loving God through the manulangi ritual is to glorify God and obey God. Loving neighbours through the manulangi ritual is to bless one another, restore relationships with neighbours, and bear one another's burdens.
Transposition of Ecclesiastical Ministry Paradigm in the Era Society 5.0 Tolop Oloan Marbun
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/b.v6i2.496


Abstract: Paradigm transposition in church ministry indicates the action of transposing the paradigm toward church ministry, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. To stop the spread of COVID-19, churches must provide online services to serve their congregation better. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, many Christians disagreed with online church ministries. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they started accepting online church ministries and became accustomed to it. This transposition might be continued to Metaverse in Society 5.0. This research aims to show the transposition of the paradigm toward church ministry in Era Society 5.0. The method is qualitative research. The source of data is works of literature, surveys, and interviews. The analytic model is content analysis and descriptive-analytic. Since this is also descriptive research, all the analysis results are displayed descriptively. As a result, respondents experience the transposition of paradigms toward church ministry in Era Society 5.0. Transposition toward the online church, online service, online prayer and counseling, online sacraments, and community. The conclusion is that all respondents experienced all models of transposition. Keywords: Church Ministry; Metaverse; Paradigm Transposition; Society 5.0;