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Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan (Demandia) Vol 6 No 1 (2021): demandia - Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual, Manajemen Desain dan Periklanan
Publisher : Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/demandia.v6i1.3424


Native advertising secara halus menyesuaikan bentuk kontennya dengan media yang menerbitkannya. sebagai media online yang secara masif menyebarkan konten native advertising namun memiliki bounce rate rendah dibanding kompetitor lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana native advertising sebagai konten media online dalam Pendekatan penelitian mengunakan metode kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mewawancarai empat informan yang terdiri dari Kepala Redaksi, Account Executive, Marketing Executive CIMB Niaga, dan audiens. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa konten native advertising yang dihasilkan oleh memuat pesan informasi dan merek. Penyebaran konten native advertising dilakukan melalui semua platform yang dimiliki seperti website, radio online, dan media sosial. Selain itu, keterlibatan komunitas, akun sosial media berbayar, serta kerjasama dengan influencer dan kanal berita lain juga dilakukan untuk memperluas penyebaran konten native advertising. Hal ini agar mencapai objektif yang telah ditentukan sehingga dapat berdampak bagi, pengiklan, maupun audiens. Konten native advertising mampu membentuk awareness dari audiens, namun belum dapat mencapai tujuan lain dalam beriklan. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi kajian dan acuan dalam membentuk konten native advertising secara efektif.Kata Kunci: Native advertising, Media Online, Online Advertising
Analisis Dampak Gaya Komunikasi Juru Bicara KPK Terhadap Persepsi Publik Sigit Pramono Hadi
Inter Komunika Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Inter Komunika: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Inter Studi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33376/ik.v5i1.577


Since its establishment in 2002, the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi – KPK) has become the center of public attention in the context of combating corruption in Indonesia. In the area of KPK's legal action, they often carry out arrest operations against the perpetrators of corruption, which are followed by a press conference with the aim of explaining the cases of corruption that are allegedly committed to the perpetrators. At the press conference the prominent role of the KPK spokesman was seen as the official representative of the institution. Likewise on various occasions, the Spokesman spoke on behalf of the KPK to explain the corruption cases handled by the KPK. This study aims to measure the impact of the KPK spokesman's communication style on public perception in the context of eradicating corruption in Indonesia. By using a quantitative approach, this study aims to find out how the causality relationship between the independent variable (X) is the Communication Style with the dependent variable (Y), namely Public Perception. Respondents were selected using a non-probability sampling technique, namely accidental sampling. From the results of the study, it was found that the communication style of the KPK Spokesman had a positive impact on public perception and this positive impact had an influence strength of 15%. Thus an understanding that public perception about eradicating corruption in Indonesia is influenced by the communication style of the KPK spokesman by 15%. While the other 85% is determined by other variables not included in this study.
Pengaruh Manfaat Dasar, Fisik & Tambahan Pada Perilaku Pembelian Tabloid Soccer A.Sigit Pramono Hadi
Inter Komunika Vol 1, No 1 (2016): Inter Komunika: Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Inter Studi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.996 KB) | DOI: 10.33376/ik.v1i1.7


The fierce competition in sport magazine industry cause the creativity of strategic marketing to manipulate on how to keep the loyality of their audience and exist in media industry. This research aims to give descriptions and explanation of correlation between variables : Basic Gratifications (X1) Physical Gratifications (X2). More others Gratifications (X3) and Duplication Purchasing Behaviour Soccer magazine (Y). by using regression statistic analysis, the results shows that hypothesis on this research is rejected. This means that there is no correlations between interdependent varibles with duplication purchasing behavior audience. Base on this results we suggest to media industry to create innovation and use modern technology of information and communication to challenge their market share in industrial market media and to keep their audience loyalty and increase of their sastifactions. For more studies this research can use and Gratifications theory to explore moe the gratification Sought and Gratification Obtained
“Strategi Media Relations dan Kaitannya dengan Citra Perusahaan” (Studi Kasus Proses Transformasi OT Grup) Sigit Pramono Hadi; Aldila Dense
Jurnal Visi Komunikasi Vol 21, No 01 (2022): MEI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/visikom.v21i01.15373


ABSTRAKPerusahaan OT Grup telah eksis sejak tahun 1948 di Indonesia, kini tumbuh dengan memiliki 400 varian produk yang dikelola berdasar beberapa cluster produk yaitu makanan, minuman, perawatan, serta kebersihan dan sanitasi. Perusahaan mengusung spirit “Go Beyond” dimana perusahaan ingin dikenal selalu melihat selangkah lebih ke depan, tidak pernah menyerah dan selalu mengedepankan inovasi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi hubungan media OT Grup dan kaitannya dengan citra perusahaan. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data indepth interview. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa OT Grup menjalankan strategi media relations dengan fokus 3 kegiatan yaitu mengelola relasi, mengembangkan strategi dan mengembangkan jaringan. Dalam mengelola relasi, OT Grup membangun hubungan baik dengan pimpinan media dan wartawan. Dalam mengembangkan strategi, perusahaan memilih strategi earned media untuk memperoleh publisitas yang diperoleh dari pemberitaan dan percakapan di berbagai platform media terutama media digital. Dan dalam mengembangkan jaringan, perusahaan meningkatkan engagement di kalangan followers media sosial karena segmen yang disasar adalah kaum milenial. Meskipun konsumen sudah familiar dengan OT Grup, namun spirit inovasi yang diinginkan dalam OT “Go Beyond” belum tertangkap oleh konsumen. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa strategi media relations yang dilakukan oleh OT Grup belum bisa dikaitkan seutuhnya dengan citra perusahaan. Kata kunci: corporate image; media relations; public relations; OT Grup 
Pengaruh Marketing Public Relations terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Florensia Prihandini; A. Sigit Pramono Hadi
Jurnal Riset Public Relations Volume 1, No. 1, Juli 2021, Jurnal Riset Public Relations (JRPR)
Publisher : UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.914 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/jrpr.v1i1.114


Abstract. The high public interest in cake and bakery products has made many people join online baking classes. Some of them enrolled on Titan Baking Course. To build and maintain customer loyalty, and to prevent customers from switching to another course, Titan Baking Course conducted Marketing Public Relation activities in the form of free online baking demo. This study aims to measure the impact of the Marketing Public Relations on customer loyalty in Titan Baking Course. By using a quantitative approach, this study aims to find out how the causality relationship between the independent variable (X) is the Marketing Public Relations with the dependent variable (Y), namely Customer Loyalty. Respondents were selected using probability sampling technique, namely simple random sampling. From the results of the study, it was found that the Marketing Public Relations of the Titan Baking Course had a positive impact on Customer Loyalty and had an influence strength of 38%. Thus an understanding that customer loyalty in Titan Baking Couse is influenced by the Marketing Public Relations by 38%. While the other 62% is determined by other factors not included in this study. Abstrak. Tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap produk kue dan roti membuat banyak orang mengikuti kelas pelatihan membuat kue secara daring, salah satunya di Titan Baking Course. Untuk membentuk dan mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan, serta mencegah agar pelanggan tidak beralih ke tempat kursus lainnya, banyak cara yang dilakukan oleh Titan Baking Course. Salah satunya dengan melakukan kegiatan Marketing Public Relations berupa baking demo online tak berbayar. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh pelaksanaan Marketing Public Relations terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada Titan Baking Course. Dengan pendekatan yang bersifat kuantitatif, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan sebab akibat antara variabel independen (X) yaitu Marketing Public Relations dengan variabel dependen (Y) yaitu loyalitas pelanggan. Responden dipilih dengan menggunakan metode probability sampling berupa simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan, terdapat fakta bahwa Marketing Public Relations Titan Baking Course berdampak positif terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dan memiliki kekuatan pengaruh sebesar 38%. Sedangkan 62% lainnya ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak termasuk dalam kajian penelitian ini.
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jpsik.v6i2.6242


Chiki, which had suspended for 8 years in the 2010 era, has been in Indonesia since 1980. In 2021, Chiki released a snack innovation called Chiki Twist. The extruded snack which is made of corn flour requires a public relations (PR) strategy to increase brand awareness. Through the communicating #PlayTheCircleofFun, Chiki Twist communicates that it is a playmate among the daily activities by its target market. The purpose of this research is to find out how the PR strategy of Chiki Twist as a new brand increases brand awareness. The research method is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). The results of the study reveals that Chiki Twist carried out both offline and online PR strategies. The PR strategies implemented were sampling, bundling, and education. While the PR strategy was online (digital), Chiki Twist focused on digital assets on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter. In this digital asset, Chiki Twist communicated value and positioning in the form of content. Other support run on digital was also using media ads, micro influencers, macro influencers, to increase awareness. Consumers have received the message communicated by Chiki Twist. The results state that the PR strategy to increase awareness which was conducted by Chiki Twist has been successful.
Personal Branding Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia (#MenhubVlog pada YouTube Channel dalam Lingkup Generasi Milenial) Syifa Fatimah; Sigit Pramono Hadi
Inter Komunika Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Inter Komunika : Jurnal Komunikasi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Inter Studi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33376/ik.v6i2.1434


Abstrak. Media sosial saat ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membangun personal branding stiap individu. Hal ini dimanfaatkan oleh Menteri Perhubungan RI untuk membangun personal branding-nya melalui #MenhubVlog pada channel YouTube Kementerian Perhubungan RI. Tujuan penelitian untuk menggambarkan personal branding Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia melalui vlog dalam rangka menumbuhkan efektivitas komunikasi antara Menteri Perhubungan dengan publik, terutama generasi milenial. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma konstruktivisme dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dan teknik wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Menteri Perhubungan RI berhasil membangun personal branding melalui #MenhubVlog berdasarkan tiga dimensi utama pembentuk personal branding, yaitu Kompetensi, Standar, dan Gaya. Kesimpulannya, Menteri Perhubungan RI memiliki reputasi yang bagus dan dapat menciptakan komunikasi yang efektif dengan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Personal Branding, Vlog, Menteri Perhubungan, generasi milenial.. Abstract. Today's social media can be used to build personal branding for each individual. This is used by the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia to build his personal branding through #MenhubVlog on the YouTube channel of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation. The purpose of the study is to describe the personal branding of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia through vlogs in order to grow the effectiveness of communication between the Minister of Transportation and the public, especially the millennial generation. The paradigm used is the contructivism paradigm with qualitative research methods and in-depth interview techniques. The result of this research is that the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia has succeeded in building personal branding through #MenhubVlog based on the three main dimensions that form personal branding, namely Competence, Standards, and Style. In conclusion, the Indonesian Minister of Transportation has a good reputation and can create effective communication with the public.Keywords: Personal Branding, Vlog, Minister for Transportation, millennial generation. 
Pengaruh User Generated Content Sharing Motives dalam Kolaborasi Lemonilo x NCT DREAM terhadap Sharing Intention Quality Lusianna Lusianna; Sigit Pramono Hadi
Ganaya : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/ganaya.v6i2.2119


Nowadays, business communication is growing with the presence of user generated content (UGC) as one of the communication strategies through social media. This study aims to examine the influence of UGC Sharing motives on Sharing Intention from a qualitative perspective in the Lemonilo x NCT DREAM collaboration. By 5 motives tested, Self Creation, Community Commitment, Self Expression, Social Relationship and Reward. The method used is a quantitative approach with purposive sampling as the sampling technique. The study population was Lemonilo consumers who knew of the Lemonilo x NCT DREAM collaboration with 100 respondent as a representative sample. By collecting data through surveys using online questionnaires and processig the data through the Partial Least Square (PLS) software application. The results of this study show that Self Creation, Community Commitment, Self Expression, Social Relationship and Reward have a positive effect to UGC Sharing Intention Quality. The positive effect that produced together is 75% according to the Coefficient of Determination (R2) which is 0.757. The results also showed that the Self Creation motive is most dominant in influencing users to share their content compared to other motives. Based on these findings, Lemonilo can communicate its business by increasing content sharing activities in order to direct positive and quality UGC to users.  
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jpsik.v6i2.6242


Chiki, which had suspended for 8 years in the 2010 era, has been in Indonesia since 1980. In 2021, Chiki released a snack innovation called Chiki Twist. The extruded snack which is made of corn flour requires a public relations (PR) strategy to increase brand awareness. Through the communicating #PlayTheCircleofFun, Chiki Twist communicates that it is a playmate among the daily activities by its target market. The purpose of this research is to find out how the PR strategy of Chiki Twist as a new brand increases brand awareness. The research method is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). The results of the study reveals that Chiki Twist carried out both offline and online PR strategies. The PR strategies implemented were sampling, bundling, and education. While the PR strategy was online (digital), Chiki Twist focused on digital assets on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter. In this digital asset, Chiki Twist communicated value and positioning in the form of content. Other support run on digital was also using media ads, micro influencers, macro influencers, to increase awareness. Consumers have received the message communicated by Chiki Twist. The results state that the PR strategy to increase awareness which was conducted by Chiki Twist has been successful.
Strategi Digital Public Relations Instagram dalam Membangun Brand Awareness Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Endi Dwi Kurnia; Sigit Pramono Hadi
Bandung Conference Series: Public Relations Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): Bandung Conference Series: Public Relations
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/bcspr.v3i3.9623


Abstract. Covid-19 or also known as CoronaVirus Disease 2019 is transmitted through human-to- human interaction. During Covid-19 pandemic there are many problems related to mental health, because during the pandemic of Covid-19 people are encouraged to do their activities at home. These prolonged restrictions have affected social and economic changes in life. So that the use of internet media or social media becomes an important center in finding or disseminating all kinds of information. The rise of social media platforms in the field of mental health in Indonesia has given birth to new ways to build audience awareness in social media, especially Instagram. Ibunda is an organization that focuses on mental health services and the welfare of the Indonesian people through psychological and technological innovations. Ibunda takes advantage of the existence of today's advanced technology, including internet-based technology or Instagram social media to reach awareness of their customers or the public. The main purpose of this research is to find out the digital public relations strategy of Ibunda as a service in the field of mental health in social media, especially Instagram to build Brand Awareness during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The type of research used is descriptive. The results of this research are divided into 2 strategies which are credibility and consistency in building brand awareness as a mental health service through Instagram social media. Abstrak. Covid-19 atau bisa disebut juga dengan Coronavirus Disease 2019 ditularkan melalui interaksi manusia ke manusia. Selama pandemi Covid-19 terjadi peningkatan beberapa masalah yang mengganggu kesehatan jiwa maupun kesehatan mental, dikarenakan selama pandemi Covid-19 masyarakat dihimbau untuk melakukan aktivitas atau kegiatannya di rumah. Pembatasan yang berkepanjangan ini telah mempengaruhi perubahan sosial dan ekonomi dalam kehidupan. Sehingga penggunaan media internet maupun media sosial menjadi pusat penting dalam mencari atau menyebarluaskan segala macam informasi. Maraknya platform media sosial dibidang kesehatan mental di Indonesia melahirkan cara-cara baru untuk membangun awareness audiens dalam media sosial khususnya Instagram. Ibunda adalah salah satu organisasi yang berfokus pada layanan kesehatan mental dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia melalui inovasi psikologi dan teknologi. Ibunda memanfaatkan keberadaan teknologi canggih saat ini, termasuk teknologi berbasis internet atau media sosial Instagram untuk menjangkau awareness atau kesadaran pelanggan mereka atau masyarakat. Tujuan utama penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi digital public relations Ibunda sebagai layanan dibidang kesehatan mental di dalam media sosial khususnya Instagram untuk membangun Brand Awareness saat Pandemi Covid-19. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah secara deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa, ada dua strategi dari teori Implementing the Strategy yang paling difokuskan atau diperhatikan oleh Ibunda yaitu, kredibilitas dan konsistensi dalam membangun brand awareness sebagai layanan kesehatan mental melalui media sosial Instagram.