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Krisan Sisdiyantoro
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung

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Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Dalam Menggunakan Jasa Konstruksi CV Aini Maulana Kediri Krisan Sisdiyantoro; Marendhika M.
BENEFIT Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019): BENEFIT
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung

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Abstrak Kepuasan pelanggan sangatlah penting bagi setiap jenis usaha terutama usaha yang menawarkan jasa di mana tidak ada produksi rill yang diperjualbelikan secara langsung sebagai pemuas kebutuhan sebagaimana dalam usaha jenis lain yang menawarkan benda sebagai pemuasan kebutuhan. Kualitas pelayanan didefinisikan sebagai suatu upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan maupun keinginan pelanggan secara tepat dengan menyesuaikan apa yang diharapkan pelanggan dalam hal bukti fisik, reliabilitas, daya tanggap, jaminan maupun empati yang tentunya berperan penting semua. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mendeskripsikan kepuasan pengguna/pelanggan jasa terhadap kualitas pelayanan jasa konstruksi pada CV Aini Maulana di Kediri. Metode survei pendekatan deskriptif dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, sedangkan pengambilan sampelnya dengan teknik random sampling sejumlah 60 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan (Costumer Satisfaction Index), IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) dan Diagram Kartesius. Skor rata-rata kinerja dan skor rata-rata harapan yang dihasilkan penelitian ini masing-masing sebesar 4,27 dan sebesar 4,30. Kepuasan pengguna/pelanggan rata-rata atas kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan tingkat kesesuaian (TKi) sebesar 99,12% (merasa cukup puas). Tingkat kinerja pelayanan jasa konstruksi CV Aini Maulana rata-rata masih dibawah harapan pelanggan/pengguna, berarti masih banyak memerlukan pembenahan. Melalui diagram kartesius berhasil memetakan kualitas pelayanan menjadi 4 bagian: (1) Kuadran A merupakan wilayah dengan anggapan faktor/atribut sangat penting bagi pengguna tetapi kenyataan kinerjanya masih kurang. Atribut dalam wilayah ini adalah sarana fasilitas pisik perusahaan (gedung, ruang tunggu, peralatan, perlengkapan, toilet, dan tempat parkir); (2) Kuadran B merupakan wilayah dengan anggapan faktor/atribut penting bagi pelanggan dimana anggapan kinerja sudah baik sesuai harapan. Atribut harus dipertahankan di kuadran ini; (3) Kuadran C sebagai wilayah dimana pengguna/pelanggan menganggap faktor/atribut ini kurang penting dan kurang memenuhi harapan dalam hal pelaksanaannya, tidak ada prioritas perbaikan kinerja oleh manajemen; (4) Kuadran D adalah faktor/atribut dengan anggapan kurang penting bagi pengguna/pelanggan namun dilaksanakan dengan baik bahkan cenderung agak berlebihan oleh perusahaan. Kata kunci: Bukti nyata, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan, empati, kinerja dan harapan layanan. Abstract Customer satisfaction is very important for every type of business, especially businesses that offer services where no real production is traded directly to satisfy needs as in other types of businesses that offer objects to satisfy needs. Quality of service is an effort to meet the needs and desires of customers and the accuracy of delivery in balancing customer expectations including physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, each of which has an equally important role. This study aims to describe the satisfaction of users / customers of services to the quality of construction services at CV Aini Maulana in Kediri. A survey method in this research with a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, while sampling using random sampling by taking a sample of 60 respondents. Data analysis techniques using the Customer Satisfaction Index (Customer Satisfaction Index), IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) and Cartesian Diagrams. The results showed that the average score of performance was 4.27 and the average score of expectation was 4.30. The average user / customer satisfaction for service quality based on the level of conformity (TKI) of 99.12% (feeling quite satisfied). The level of performance of construction services CV Aini Maulana on average is still below the expectations of customers / users, meaning there are still many that need improvement. Through the Cartesian diagram successfully mapped the quality of service into 4 parts: (1) Quadrant A is an area that contains factors / attributes that are considered very important by users but the reality of their performance is still lacking. Attributes in this area are the complete physical facilities owned by the company (buildings, waiting rooms, equipment, equipment, toilets, and parking lots); (2) Quadrant B is an area that contains factors / attributes that are considered important by customers and in fact the performance is good as expected. The attributes included in this quadrant must be preserved; (3) Quadrant C shows the area that contains factors / attributes that are considered less important for users / customers and their implementation is considered not meeting the expectations of users / customers, in other words management does not prioritize to improve performance; (4) Quadrant D shows the factors / attributes that are located in this quadrant are considered less important by users / customers but the implementation has been done well by the company and even tends to be excessive. Keyword: Tangible, reliability, renponsiveness, assurance, emphaty, performance, importance
Penerapan Program Hansa Renkei Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung Krisan Sisdiyantoro; Bayu Setya B.
BENEFIT Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): BENEFIT
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung

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ABSTRAKSI Penerapan program Hansa Renkei sebagai harapan pelanggan pada Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung perlu dianalisis demi pengembangan untuk selanjutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan program hansa renkei terhadap peningkatan jumlah unit servis dan perbedaan antara peningkatan jumlah unit servis sebelum dan sesudah penerapan program hansa renkei. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan kombinasi, yakni kausal dan komparatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 50 responden dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan analisis pembahasan menggunakan regresi sederhana dan uji beda (t-test). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa: (1) Penerapan program hansa renkei berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan jumlah unit servis, ditunjukkan nilai t-hitung > t-tabel dengan sig. 0,000 < 0,05. Kontribusi penerapan program hansa renkei terhadap peningkatan jumlah unit servis sebesar 46,30%. (2) Rata-rata jumlah unit servis per bulan sebelum penerapan program hansa renkei (X) sebesar 530,42 unit, dan sesudah penerapan (Y) sebesar 691,58 unit. Peningkatan jumlah unit servis sesudah penerapan program hansa renkei rata-rata sebesar 161,16 unit. Paired Sampel Corelation menunjukkan hasil korelasi antara dua sampel (data jumlah unit servis per bulan sebelum dan sesudah penerapan), yaitu sebesar 0,598 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,040 < 0,05. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara jumlah unit servis per bulan sebelum penerapan program hansa renkei dan sesudah penerapan adalah erat. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan t-tabel < t- hitung, berarti jumlah unit servis sebelum dan sesudah penerapan program adalah tidak identik atau berbeda nyata. Dengan demikian penerapan program hansa renkei cukup efektif digunakan untuk meningkatkan jumlah unit servis pada Auto2000 Tulungagung. Kata kunci: Unit servis, penerapan Hansa Renkei, regresi, Uji Beda. ABSTRACTION The application of the Hansa Renkei program as customer expectations in Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung needs to be analyzed for further development. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of the hansa renkei program on the increase in the number of service units and the difference between the increase in the number of service units before and after the implementation of the hansa renkei program. The research design used a combination, namely causal and comparative with a quantitative approach. The sample used was 50 respondents and data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews, and documentation, while the discussion analysis used simple regression and different test (t-test). The results showed that: (1) The implementation of the hansa renkei program had a positive effect on the increase in the number of service units, seen from the value of t-count> t-table with sig. 0.000 <0.05. The contribution of the implementation of the hansa renkei program to the increase in the number of service units was 46.30%. (2) The average number of service units per month before the implementation of the hansa renkei program (X) was 530.42 units, and after implementation (Y) was 691.58 units. The increase in the number of service units after the implementation of the hansa renkei program was an average of 161.16 units. Paired Sample Correlation shows the results of the correlation between the two samples (data on the number of service units per month before and after implementation), which is 0.598 with a significance value of 0.040 <0.05. These results indicate that the correlation between the number of service units per month before the implementation of the Hansa Renkei program and after implementation is strong. Hypothesis test results show t-table <t-count, meaning that the number of service units before and after the implementation of the program is not identical or significantly different. Thus, the implementation of the hansa renkei program is quite effective in increasing the number of service units in Auto2000 Cabang Tulungagung. Keywords: service unit, application of hansa renkei, regression, difference test.
Peran Pengendalian Internal Guna Peningkatan Kinerja Pada Koperasi Dinkopta Bersemi Tulungagung Eni Minarni; Krisan Sisdiyantoro; Sri Winda Hermiati
BENEFIT Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): BENEFIT
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung

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ABSTRAK Sebagai tujuan penelitian yang dilakukan peneliti yaitu peran aspek pengendalian internal (lingkungan pengendalian, penilaian atas risiko, aktivitas proses pengendalian, informasi komunikasi dan pemantauan) di Koperasi Dinkopta Bersemi Tulungagung. Sebagai penelitian deskriptif, sumber informasi diperoleh dari Pengurus dan Pengawas dan perwakilan anggota Koperasi. Wawancara dilakukan disertai observasi serta dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian. Kelanjutan kegiatan berupa uji melalui triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik untuk keabsahannya. Proses reduksi, display atas data dilakukan dalam analisis dilanjutkan penarikan kesimpulan lalu memverifikasi data. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sistem Pengendalian Intern (SPI) Koperasi Dinkopta Bersemi Tulungagung telah dilaksanakan dengan cukup baik, dalam pelaksanaan aspek pengendalian intern setiap aspek yang diteliti sesuai hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: 1) cukup sesuai dalam hal lingkungan pengendalian, 2) sudah sesuai dalam hal penilaian risiko dan 3) kondisi belum sesuai untuk aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi serta monitoring pemantauan. Peran unsur pengendalian intern terhadap kinerja pengurus dan pengawas adalah bahwa pengendalian internal sangat dibutuhkan untuk perusahaan, organisasi bahkan koperasi. Sistem pengendalian menjadi kebutuhan manajemen dalam rangka menjamin kondisi aman atas aset perusahaan, meyakinkan laporan yang dibuat sebagai sesuatu yang terpercaya, menekankan efisiensi usaha serta secara kontinyu mamantau kesesuaian ketetapan kebijaksanaan dan pelaksanaannya. Pengendalian intern yang bagus, pengurus maupun pengawas sebagai pelaksana manajemen koperasi akan lebih meningkatkan kinerjanya dengan menjalankan amanah, tugas dengan beban yang lebih ringan, tanpa menanggung adanya prasangka buruk atas tanggung jawab dan wewenangnya dari anggota lainnya. Kata Kunci: Unsur SPI, Pengendalian Internal, Kinerja Koperasi . Abstraction As the purpose of the research conducted by the researcher, namely the role of internal control aspects (control environment, risk assessment, control process activities, communication and monitoring information) in the Cooperative Dinkopta Bersemi Tulungagung. As a descriptive study, the source of information was obtained from the Management and Supervisors and representatives of the members of the Cooperative. Interviews were conducted with observation and documentation to collect research data. Continuation of activities in the form of testing through triangulation of sources and triangulation of techniques for validity. The reduction process, display of data is carried out in the analysis followed by drawing conclusions and then verifying the data. The research shows that the Internal Control System (SPI) of the Cooperative Dinkopta Bersemi Tulungagung has been implemented quite well, in the implementation of the internal control aspects of each aspect studied according to the results of the study as follows: 1) quite appropriate in terms of the control environment, 2) is appropriate in terms of assessment risk and 3) conditions are not suitable for control, information and communication activities as well as monitoring and monitoring. The role of internal control elements on the performance of management and supervisors is that internal control is needed for companies, organizations and even cooperatives. The control system is a management requirement in order to ensure the safe condition of the company's assets, ensure that reports are made as reliable, emphasize business efficiency and continuously monitor the suitability of policy provisions and their implementation. Good internal control, administrators and supervisors as executor of cooperative management will further improve their performance by carrying out mandates, tasks with lighter burdens, without bearing any prejudice to their responsibilities and authorities from other members. .Keywords: Elements of SPI, Internal Control, Cooperative Performance
Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Protokol Kesehatan Krisan Sisdiyantoro; Eni Minarni
BENEFIT Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): BENEFIT
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung

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ABSTRAK Permasalahan dalam sistem pelayanan kesehatan masa pandemi Covid-19 berupa kualitas atas pelayanan kesehatan dalam rangka menangani pandemi maupun esensial pada pelayanan kesehatan secara seimbang. Tujuan yang ditetapkan mengetahui kepuasan pasien pada masa pandemi Covid-19 terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dengan moderasi protokol kesehatan di Klinik Pratama Romo Wijoyo Tulungagung. Pendekatan eksplanatori didukung metode survei dilakukan, alat pengumpulan data primer melalui kuesioner atas 100 sampel pasien diambil secara purposive sampling. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dalam memberi penjelasan hubungan kausal antara variabel-variabelnya. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas dilakukan dalam uji kualitas data dengan Cronbach’s Alpha. Moderated regression analysis (MRA) digunakan dalam uji hipotesis yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji yakni normalitas, heteroskedastisitas dan multikolinieritas sebagai bagian pengujian asumsi klasik. Hasil uji model regresi I diperoleh bahwa hipotesis diterima, yakni kualitas atas pelayanan kesehatan mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien masa pandemi Covid-19 secara signifikan dengan nilai R2 (koefisien determinasi) sebesar 0,735. Model regresi II menunjukkan hasil penolakan hipotesis, yakni protokol kesehatan tidak memoderasi hubungan atas kualitas atas pelayanan kesehatan tersebut terhadap kepuasan pasien saat pandemi Covid-19 dan koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,746. Kata kunci: kepuasan pasien, kualitas pelayanan dan protokol kesehatan. ABSTRACT Problems in the health care system during the Covid-19 pandemic are the quality of health services in the context of dealing with the pandemic and essential health services in a balanced way. The goal set was to find out patient satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic with the quality of health services by moderating health protocols at the Pratama Clinic of Romo Wijoyo Tulungagung. An explanatory approach supported by a survey method was carried out, the primary data collection tool was through a questionnaire on 100 patient samples taken by purposive sampling. Hypothesis testing is carried out in explaining the causal relationship between the variables. Validity and reliability tests were carried out in the data quality test with Cronbach's Alpha. Moderated regression analysis (MRA) was used in hypothesis testing that previously do that were the normality, heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity were carried out as part of the classical assumption test. The results of the regression model I found that the hypothesis was accepted, namely that the quality of health services significantly affected patient satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic with an R2 value (coefficient of determination) of 0.735. Regression model II shows the results of the rejection of the hypothesis, namely the health protocol does not moderate the relationship between the quality of health services and patients satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic and the result of determination coefficient (R2) is 0.746. Keywords: Patient satisfaction Service quality and health protocol.
Perilaku Kecurangan Akademik Berdasarkan Dimensi Fraud Diamond Eni Minarni; Krisan Sisdiyantoro; Etik Flourensya S.
BENEFIT Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): BENEFIT
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tulungagung

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ABSTRAKSI Tujuan penelitian guna melihat perilaku tindak kecurangan akademik atas pengaruh dimensi fraud diamond khususnya di Universitas Tulungagung pada prodi Akuntansi. Stratified Random Sampling digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel sebanyak 52 responden. Data primer dikumpulkan dengan survei kuesioner secara langsung. Data dianalisis memakai regresi berganda dan pengujian secara bersama dan parsial untuk hipotesisnya. Secara bersama variabel independen (tekanan; kesempatan; rasionalisasi dan kemampuan) signifikan mempengaruhi variabel dependen (perilaku kecurangan akademik) melalui F hitung (15,216 > t tabel 2,798. Secara parsial setiap variabel bebas signifikan mempengaruhi perilaku kecurangan akademik khususnya kesempatan dan kemampuan t hitung masing-masing 2,443 dan 3,125 > 2,012 hasil t tabel. Sementara variabel tekanan dan variabel rasionalisasi masing-masing tidak mempengaruhi perilaku kecurangan akademik secara signifikan terlihat pada nilai t-hitung lebih kecil dari t-tabel. Perilaku kecurangan akademik adalah kontribusi bersama faktor tekanan, kesempatan, rasionalisasi serta kemampuan sebesar 56,40%, berdasarkan hasil nilai R2 (0,564) sedangkan 43,60% sisanya adalah penjelasan dari variabel lain. Kata kunci: Kecurangan Akademik, Perilaku, Froud Diamond. .Abstraction This study aims to examine the behavior of academic fraud on the influence of the fraud diamond dimension, especially at the University of Tulungagung in the Accounting study program. Stratified Random Sampling was used in the sampling of 52 respondents. Primary data was collected by direct questionnaire survey. The data were analyzed using multiple regression and joint and partial testing for the hypothesis. Together the variables X1 (pressure), X2 (opportunity), X3 (rationalization) and X4 (ability) significantly affect Y (academic cheating behavior) through F count (15.216 > t table 2.798. Partially each independent variable significantly affects academic cheating behavior especially the opportunity and ability to count 2.443 and 3.125 > 2.012, respectively, the results of the t table. Meanwhile, the pressure variable and the rationalization variable do not significantly affect academic cheating behavior, it can be seen from the t-count which is less than the t-table. academic cheating is a joint contribution by pressure, opportunity, rationalization and ability by 56.40%, based on the results of the R2 value (0.564) while the remaining 43.60% is the explanation of other variables. Keyword: academic cheating, behavior, Diamond Froud.