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Efektivitas Ibadah Online Bagi Pertumbuhan Rohani Jemaat di Gereja Bethel Indonesia Parakletos Cengkareng Djone Georges Nicolas; Timothy Amien Rk; Soneta Sang Surya Siahaan; Weni Lolinga; Sedirman Lalowo
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.68 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/fjsr.v1i2.691


This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of online worship for the spiritual growth of the Bethel Church of Indonesia Parakletos Cengkareng, using a descriptive qualitative method approach and data collection through the Bible and various books and journals and interviews.  Online worship at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic was considered ineffective by several individuals, including pastors and congregations, in supporting the spiritual growth of God's community because the distance was considered contrary to the nature of God's assembly as a church, which was called to fellowship in the temple of God in unity.  As a result, online worship allows almost all congregations to be involved in every worship activity organized by the church, namely: Raya Worship, Cell Community Worship, Youth and Youth Worship, evening prayer service, worship, Women's worship, Men's worship, fasting worship, and Discipleship worship so that their spiritual growth is increasingly visible through a lifestyle of loving one another
Analisis Peran Roh Kudus Dalam Eksistensi Pelayanan Dan Pertumbuhan Gereja Djone Georges Nicolas
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 5 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.356 KB) | DOI: 10.37329/kamaya.v5i3.1828


Nowadays, churches are found that are led and managed like companies based on worldly principles, thus ignoring the important role of the Holy Spirit in them.  Whereas the church is a fellowship of those who have received God's grace in faith in Christ. In order to reveal the light of God's Kingdom in the world, serve others, and grow with the aim of expanding God's Kingdom on earth.  This paper aims to analyze the role of the Holy Spirit in the existence, ministry and growth of the Church by using descriptive qualitative methods related to the experience of the early church.  Data collection was carried out through the Bible and various literature, journals, books, and interviews.  As a result, the Holy Spirit acts as a church planter, empowers ministers to carry out church ministry duties, and drives church growth in all things.  The conclusion is that the existence, ministry and growth of the church is the work of the Holy Spirit by deceiving believers for the fulfillment of God's work and plan for the world.  so that the existence, ministry and growth of the church cannot be separated from the role of the Holy Spirit who works to realize the divine plan.
Analisis Peran Roh Kudus Dalam Eksistensi, Pelayanan Dan Pertumbuhan Gereja Tirza Manaroinsong; Aditya Setiawan; Yossy Christian Raranta; Hutana Pasaribu; Djone Georges Nicolas
Asian Journal of Philosophy and Religion Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): April 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajpr.v1i1.432


Pada masa kini, diduga terdapat gereja yang dipimpin dan dikelola selayaknya perusahaan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip duniawi, hingga diduga mengabaikan pentingnya peran Roh Kudus di dalamnya. Padahal gereja merupakan persekutuan mereka yang telah menerima anugerah Allah di dalam iman kepada Kristus.dalam rangka menyatakan terang Kerajaan Allah di tengah dunia, melayani sesama, dan bertumbuh dengan tujuan memperluas Kerajaan Allah di muka bumi. Penulisan ini bertujuan marginalities peran Roh Kudus dalam eksistensi, pelayanan dan pertumbuhan Gereja dengan memakai metode kualitatif deskriptif yang dihubungkan dengan pengalaman gereja mula-mula. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan melalui Alkitab dan berbagai literatur jurnal, buku, maupun wawancara. Hasilnya, Roh Kudus berperan sebagai perintis gereja, memberdayakan pelayan untuk pelaksanaan tugas pelayanan gereja, dan menggerakkan pertumbuhan gereja dalam segala hal. Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa eksistensi, pelayanan dan pertumbuhan gereja merupakan karya Roh Kudus dengan cara memperdayakan orang-orang percaya demi penggenapan karya dan rencana Allah bagi dunia. sehingga eksistensi, pelayanan dan pertumbuhan gereja tidak dapat dipisahkan dari peran Roh Kudus yang berkarya mewujudkan rencana Ilahi.
The Influence of Communication Studies on the Culture of Life in Cemara Jaya Karawang Village Sri Wahyuni; Djone Georges Nicolas; Adolf Bastian Butarbutar; Vroly Rut Wowor; Leyna Nainggolan
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari Vol. 1 No. 8 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jpmb.v1i8.1870


The aim of the research is to study the influence of communication science on the culture of life. The role of cultural life is something that is important in the economic growth and development of society in a region, and the science of communication also has a role in participating in enhancing the cultural development of people's life in a region. Research population 34 people with a research sample of 30 people. The method used is a quantitative research method with data analysis tests carried out with a crude product moment correlation test or Pearson correlation. This research consists of 2 (two) variables, namely Communication Science (X) as the independent variable and Life Culture (Y) as the dependent variable. With the problem under study: The Effect of Communication Studies on the culture of life in Cemara Jaya Village, Cibuaya District, West Karawang Regency. The results of the study show that there is a significant and strong relationship between the science of communication and the culture of life. This is evidenced by the correlation value or influence value of 0.883, the value of α = 0.000. The science of communication has an influence on the culture of life (X → Y), the science of communication has a role in helping to enhance the development of the culture of people's life in a region and the culture of life has a role and is important in the economic growth and development of people in a region.
Dampak Penginjilan Terhadap Pertobatan Mahasiswa di Lembaga Pelayanan Pemimpin Indonesia Tonni Hutasoit; Djone Georges Nicolas; Linda Susanthi; Jona Bungaran Sinaga; Ramses Manurung
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): August 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjsr.v1i3.971


The purpose of this study is to examine how the impact of evangelism on student conversions at the Indonesian Leaders Service Institute. In conducting this research, the author uses qualitative and quantitative methods by collecting data through direct questions with students who are members of the Indonesian Leadership Service Institute as well as through the Bible and various books and journals. At first before these students joined the Indonesian Leadership Service Institute 99% of them had not experienced conversion, due to several factors as follows: They did not know the importance of being born again and felt they had become Christians because they were born into a Christian family, besides that they think that if they are baptized, they will definitely go to heaven, and their activeness in worship and being actively involved in church services is enough to represent their faith in God. However, after the students were evangelized at the Indonesian Leaders Service Institute (LPPI). So the result is, that the number of students who want to repent and accept Jesus in their hearts personally through services since 2000-2020 has accumulated 20,000 people
Gereja Sehat: Kesehatian Sebagai Pemersatu Tubuh Kristus Berdasarkan Kisah Para Rasul 4:32 Djone Georges Nicolas; Vroly Ruth Wowor; Natassa Sandriana; Herry Saragih; Pantas Butarbutar
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): August 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjsr.v1i3.983


This study aims to analyze health as a unifying Body of Christ as a healthy church based on Acts 4:32. The method used is qualitative exegesis and data collection through Bible sources, books, and journals that discuss topics as needed. The Church is usually a community of people whom God has justified function as God's representative on earth. Because, as a divine organism, love should be the basis of all forms of activities and goals of the Church as a sign that the Church is in good health and carrying out her responsibilities correctly and maximally. Only at this time, it is suspected that many churches are not showing signs of health, so they experience internal conflicts and eventually split. The result: a healthy church has unity in the community together among its congregations. In conclusion, the Church as a spiritual institution and belongs to God must be fit by showing the characteristics of oneness and unity within the assembly, so God's name is glorified.
Analysis of Spiritual Renewal in Christian Life According to 1 Peter 2:1-4 Marlianti Hasibuan; Djone Georges Nicolas; Wernye Rahmat Wati Lawolo; Arthur fredryk Sahetapy; Yulianti Fransiska
Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research Vol. 1 No. 6 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjsr.v1i6.1752


This writing aims to describe the spiritual renewal of Christian life based on 1 Peter 2:1-4. In this paper using exegesis and qualitative descriptive approach, by collecting data through the Bible, other literature books such as journals, interviews and documents related to the object of research. In Christian life, spiritual renewal is a priority for church leaders. However, spiritual renewal is certainly inseparable from various challenges and problems. Allegedly at this time the lives of believers still prioritize deception and have a hypocritical nature and the habit of slandering others. As a result, spiritual renewal in the lives of believers occurs because they live in holiness, become healthy spiritual babies and live relying on God. In conclusion, to increase spiritual renewal, God's people must be like babies who have just come into the world, namely thirsty for milk that has not sinned and is spiritual, because believers have received salvation
Analisis Iman Yang Hidup Dalam Kekristenan Berdasarkan Yakobus 2:17-20 Djone Georges Nicolas; Adolf Bastian Butarbutar; Rosianna Purba; Siesta Napitupulu; Vroly Ruth Wowor
Jurnal Multidisiplin Madani Vol. 2 No. 7 (2022): July 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/mudima.v2i7.828


The purpose and focus of this research are to analyze the living faith in Christianity based on James 2:17-20. As an approach, the author uses descriptive qualitative methods and exegesis and collects data through the Bible, various journals and books, and documents that discuss and relate to the topic of discussion. For example, confession of faith in Christ, which is limited only to the words that come out of one's mouth, often becomes a stumbling block because it is not appropriate or different from the deeds it shows. As a result, the believer's faith in Christianity is a living faith: faith that is evidenced through acts of obedience to the commandments of God which are believed. In conclusion, if the faith professed by believers is active, the world can certainly see it, not only by hearing about the believers' confession of faith but also will prove it through the lives of believers who practice the word of God that they believe in and want to enjoy. Because something that is alive or has life must have characteristics that can witness its life, as well as faith
Analysis of the Behavior of Forgiveness as a Believer's Responsibility Djone Georges Nicolas; Wajar Budiman Laia; Suyanto; Oktavian Harefa; Anjur Pasaribu
Formosa Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 1 No. 7 (2022): November 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/fjmr.v1i7.1800


The purpose of this study is to analyze the behavior of believers towards the act of forgiveness as a responsibility before God, using a descriptive qualitative method approach, and collecting data through various books including the Bible, interviews, journals, digital media, and documents related to topic of study in this research. Forgiveness is one of the most effective actions to solve problems in a believer's life. However, it is suspected that there are many among believers who have not been able to apply it to others, thus causing problems with the growth of faith in God. Then the result, forgiveness becomes the right and right action that must be done by believers according to God's commands.
God's Vision and Faith as the Basis of the Effectiveness of a Church Leader's Ministry Djone Georges Nicolas; Catur Saputra; Nuh Gosianes; Makhtar N’diaye; Renita Septiani
Asian Journal of Philosophy and Religion Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): October 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajpr.v1i2.1460


The purpose of this study was to analyze God's vision and faith as the basis for the effectiveness of a church leader's ministry, using a qualitative method approach by collecting data from books, journals and interviews. First, the point of the ministry of church leaders is the fruit of God's vision and firm faith that the leader has received. A leader is essentially a visionary because the concept is the foundation of every plan to achieve goals or targets. However, it has been suspect that some Christian leaders, especially in the Church, do not have a clear vision, causing the implementation of services in the Church to be less effective. In conclusion, the effectiveness of ministry for a leader in the Church is greatly influenced by the collective vision and faith because they are one unity and the grace of God to support the Church.