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INTRODUKSI GHE.VENT DRYER PADA PROSES PENGERINGAN IKAN DI PANTAI LHOK SEUDU Mustaqimah Mustaqimah; Diswandi Nurba; Raida Agustina; Muhammad Yasar
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
Publisher : Bappeda Provinsi Aceh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jep.v11i1.71


Pantai Lhok Seudu terletak pada perlintasan jalan raya Banda Aceh - Meulaboh yangberjarak ±20 km jika ditempuh dari Kota Banda Aceh. Pantai Lhok Seudu terletak diKecamatan Leupung Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Letak strategis pantai Lhok Seudu yang beradadi perlintasan Barat-Selatan Aceh dengan Timur-Utara Aceh merupakan suatu potensi besaruntuk pengembangan sektor ekonomi. Potensi lain, Lhok Seudu secara umum merupakansalah satu destinasi wisata yang indah di Provinsi Aceh. Pengolahan ikan selama iniumumnya dengan metode pengeringan alami. Permasalahan yang dihadapi dengan sistempengeringan konvensional antara lain; sangat tergantung pada cuaca, ketika cuaca mendungdan musim penghujan, pengeringan tidak bisa dilakukan sehingga produk olahanterbengkalai. Pengeringan dengan sistem terbuka juga seringkali mendapat gangguan sepertiburung, kucing dan selanjutnya kontaminasi debu juga tid ak dapat dihindari, sehinggaproduk yang dihasilkan kurang higienis. Solusi yang tepat dari permasalahan tersebut adalahpenggunaan alat pengering tipe efek rumah kaca yang telah dinamakan dengan GHE Vent.dryer (Green House Effect Ventilator dryer). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengaplikasikandan evaluasi performansi alat pengering ikan GHE Vent. dryer pada proses pengeringan ikansebagai produk unggulan daerah Pantai Lhok Seudu Kecamatan Leupung Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan eksperimen yangdiawali dengan persiapan alat dan bahan (GHE Vent. dryer dan ikan), kemudian diikutidengan proses pengeringan ikan secara konvensional dan penggunaan GHE Vent. dryer.Selanjutnya, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan waktu dan kapasitas pengeringan.Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan menggunakan GHE Vent. dryer dapatmempersingkat waktu pengeringan dan produk yang dihasilkan lebih hiegenis.
Optimization of Chocolate Drink Production at MSMEs Grah Indonesia using The Simplex Method Juanda Juanda; Sri Hartuti; Rita Khathir; Raida Agustina; Ahlillah Ahlillah
Jurnal Ecodemica : Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Ecodemica: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Bisnis
Publisher : LPPM Universitas BSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/eco.v7i1.15239


Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in economic growth in various regions of Indonesia. MSME Grah Indonesia produces chocolate drinks with three products, namely grass jelly cappuccino, taro, and chocolate pop ice. The weaknesses of the MSME Grah Indonesia include limited management capabilities, capital, technology, market access, technical and non-technical costs in the field that are difficult to avoid. The study aimed to maximize the production profit of SMEs Grah Indonesia and determine the optimal number and types of beverage products using the simplex method. The simplex method can be used to maximize or minimize based on the constraint function or available resources. The results shows that the profit of the contemporary chocolate drink production of MSMEs Grah Indonesia is IDR 2,000,000 per month, with a total production of 200 cups of grass jelly cappuccino (X₁), 67 cups of taro (X₂), and 400 cups of chocolate pop ice (X₃). The raw materials needed to produce contemporary chocolate drinks at MSME Grah Indonesia are 20 kg of sugar, 10 liters of sweetened condensed milk, 200 sachets of cappuccino powder, 2 kg of taro powder, 400 sachets of chocolate pop ice powder, and grass jelly 10 kg. 
Kajian Mutu Ikan Lele (Clarias batrachus) Asap Kering Raida Agustina; Hendri Syah; Muhammad Ridha
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pertanian Indonesia Vol 5, No 3 (2013): Vol.(5) No.3, October 2013
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (129.499 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jtipi.v5i3.1978


Catfish is health food which contains good nutritional values. Aceh people frequently consume this fish in fresh with complicated special recipe, so that the rate consumption of this fish is still low. Therefore, it is important to find the method for preserving this fish to improve its consumption. Liquid smoke can be used as one method to prepare the fish. The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of catfish under the treatments with and without soaking the fish in liquid smoke.Catfish was cleaned and washed, then it was dipped in solution with 2% salt for 30 min. Afterthat, catfish were air-dried for about 1 hour. About 200 ml of liquid smoke was diluted in 9800 ml water. After soaking in solution with 2% liquid smoke for 10min, catfish were dried by using a cabinet dryer which has three layers. The parameters observed were moisture content and sensory analysis. About 25 panelists had evaluated the samples for appearance, flavor, taste, texture, and color.The results showed that the combination process of smoking and drying might maintain the product quality. The moisture contents of all products were still in appropriate amount as required by the Indonesian Standar (SNI).  According to organoleptic test, the smoke-dried catfish was preferred by panelist than the unsmoked-dried one. Therefore, soaking catfish in liquid smoke can be used to improve the taste of the fish. Further study is recommended to evaluate the shelf life of smoke-dried catfish.