Adi F Mahmud, Adi F
Univeristas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

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ELT WORLDWIDE Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar

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ABSTRACTTo achieve the teaching goals well, the teachers or lecturers are demanded to master all teaching components. One of the components is teaching model. Teaching model can drive the teachers or lecturers to achieve teaching goals well. This research attempted to find out (i) the English lecturers’ teaching models applied in teaching in the classroom, (ii) the English lecturers’ reasons for applying those teaching models, and (iii) the English students’ perceptions of the English lecturers’ teaching models applied.  Data were collected by classroom observation and semi-structure interview. Then, data were analyzed by employing descriptive qualitative method. The participants consisted of five English lecturers and students. The findings of the research showed that (i) Most of the respondents in this research did not apply innovative teaching models. Most of the teaching models applied by respondents still conventional. (ii) There were some respondents who applied group discussions and presentation, but the sequences of teaching that were applied did not characterize an innovative teaching model, (iii) The respondent 4 applied innovative teaching models twice in two meetings. However, he also applied conventional teaching models. Then, all respondents’ teaching models did not involve a new teaching model or method in teaching interaction in the classroom, (iv) Lecturing is one of the dominances teaching models used by all respondents in teaching in the classroom, (v) There were some reasons underpinning all respondents in choosing a teaching model to be applied. The reasons included the students’ proficiency, the instructional material, students’ understanding, the easiness, simple, and teaching goals. Further, all respondents considered that those teaching models were appropriate and effective to be applied in teaching and learning interaction, and (v) Not all respondents’ reasons in line with the five students’ perceptions. All students’ perceptions showed that some teaching models used by respondents were boring and uninteresting.
ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/eltww.v2i1.1250


To achieve the teaching goals well, the teachers or lecturers are demanded to master all teaching components. One of the components is teaching model. Teaching model can drive the teachers or lecturers to achieve teaching goals well. This research attempted to find out (i) the English lecturers’ teaching models applied in teaching in the classroom, (ii) the English lecturers’ reasons for applying those teaching models, and (iii) the English students’ perceptions of the English lecturers’ teaching models applied. Data were collected by classroom observation and semi-structure interview. Then, data were analyzed by employing descriptive qualitative method. The participants consisted of five English lecturers and students. The findings of the research showed that (i) Most of the respondents in this research did not apply innovative teaching models. Most of the teaching models applied by respondents were still conventional. (ii) There were some respondents who applied group discussions and presentation, but the sequences of teaching that were applied did not characterize an innovative teaching model, (iii) The respondent 4 applied innovative teaching models twice in two meetings. However, he also applied conventional teaching models. Then, all respondents’ teaching models did not involve a new teaching model or method in teaching interaction in the classroom, (iv) Lecturing is one of the dominances teaching models used by all respondents in teaching in the classroom, (v) There were some reasons underpinning all respondents in choosing a teaching model to be applied. The reasons included the students’ proficiency, the instructional material, students’ understanding, the easiness, simple, and teaching goals. Further, all respondents considered that those teaching models were appropriate and effective to be applied in teaching and learning interaction, and (v) Not all respondents’ reasons in line with the five students’ perceptions. All students’ perceptions showed that some teaching models used by respondents were boring and uninteresting. Key Words: analysis, teaching models, English lecturers
Male and female English students’ perspectives in English speaking class activities Adi F Mahmud; Adamu M Babikkoi
International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): March
Publisher : Center for Humanities and Innovation Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33750/ijhi.v1i1.2


This research aims to investigate male and female English students’ perspectives in English speaking class activities. This research applied qualitative approach with the descriptive qualitative design. Unstructured interview technique used to collect the data of this study. The researcher interviewed ten participants who consist of five male and five female at English students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara. The participants are from the third semester to the fifth semester who have joined English speaking class activities. In analyzing data, the researcher followed three steps consists of reading/memoing, describing, and classifying. In the Reading/memoing step, the researcher transcribed all results of the interview from the recorder and read transcription to catch the initial sense of data. The describing step lead the researcher to develop the thorough and comprehensive description of participants, setting, and the phenomenon of the research to cover the rich complexity of the research. In classifying stage, the research made the research data and brooked it down into a smaller unit, put the appropriate unit together in more general and analytic form. Results showed that there are four main perspectives revealed by students (1) language used by a lecturer in English speaking activities, (2) learning approaches, (3) learning strategies, and (4) learning the place. Then, male and female students’ stated similar perspectives, (2) Male and female students’ perspectives do not in line with lecturers perspectives in English speaking class activities.
LANGUAGE AS A REFLECTION OF THINKING Abdurrahman Hi Usman; Adi F Mahmud; Abdulhalim Daud; Suratman Dahlan
EDUKASI Vol 19, No 1 (2021): Edisi Mei 2021
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/


The study deals with humans’ language performance connected to mind, thought, intelligence and way of thinking. The discussion was elaborated through ideas and argumensts explored in the work of library research design. The data were collected and presented in descriptive-qualitative way. The data were obtained from many sources concerning with the topic. Based on the research results, it was found that someone’s language performance is also identified as the ability, quality, and activity of thinking. Someone can be known, recognized, and respected by other people through his/her intelligence and way of thinking. It is caused by the function and urgency of language in human’s everyday life. In the process of thinking, someone requires language/languages to identify, characterise, communicate, and explain what he/she is thinking. It means that someone’s ability of performing or communicating ideas in a language reflects his/her quality of thinking and intelligence. The better someone in thinking and producing ideas the higher quality of communication in language he/she performs. The degree of someone’s intelligence and way of thinking can be measured through the quality of his/her communication in language. The fluency and accuracy of someone’s language production is the reflection of his/her ability of mind and thoughts.
Journal of English Education Vol 1, No 1 (2016): JEE
Publisher : Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (521.579 KB) | DOI: 10.31327/jee.v1i1.77


Vocabulary is a fundamental unit in learning a language. Vocabulary drives us in learning and understanding English skills (reading, listening, speaking, and writing). Without vocabulary, a reader, listener, speaker, or writer does nothing. This study attempted to carry out Community Language Learning Method to enhance secondary school students’ English vocabulary. Its hypotheses are (1) Community Language Learning Method cannot enhance secondary school students’ English vocabulary (H0) and (2) Community Language Learning Method enhance secondary school students’ English vocabulary (H1). This study used quantitative study by applying experimental design of one group pretest-posttest. The population was secondary school students at SMP Negri 4 Kota Ternate. The number of the population were 337 students. The sample was 35 students from the secondary school. They classified into two sexes namely; 15 male students and 20 female students. Simple random sampling technique used in taking the sample.  The instrument applied in this study was a multiple choice test. It consisted of 30 items.  The data were collected by applying pretest, treatment, and posttest. The data obtained were analyzed by using t-test formula from SPSS 16 version. Data findings and analysis on score mean and standard deviation indicated that pretest score mean was lower then posttest = (15.625), than for the posttest score mean was higher than pretest = (72.69). And, it compared standard deviation of pretest and posttest, standard deviation score of pretest and posttest showed difference each other. Standard deviation score of pretest = (15.625) and posttest = (10.707).  it means that the independent variable had an effect on the total score of the subject (dependent variable). Moreover, t-test results showed that the average score in posttest x2 = 40.163. is greater than  pretest x1 = 15.037. by applying the level of significance of 0.5. Therefore, its conclusion that the Community Language Learning Method is effective in teaching English vocabulary to the secondary school students. The alternative hypothesis stating that the Community Language Learning Method enhance students’ English vocabulary was accepted (H1)and null hypothesis stating that the Community Language Learning Method cannot enhance students’ English vocabulary was rejected (H0).
The Influence of Background Knowledge on Students’ Translation Results: An Interlingual Translation Abdurrahman Hi. Usman; Suratman Dahlan; Abdulhalim Daud; Adi F. Mahmud
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 10, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v10i3.5189


This research aims to identify whether students’ background knowledge influenced the translated texts from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). This research employs descriptive qualitative method design throught the use of semi-structured interviews and observation in one of the state universities in east Indonesia. The participants in this research included 30 students. The documents as students' target texts were used as primary data and the transcripts of semi-structured interviews were used as supporting data. To Analyse the data, the researchers used qualitative ways. Data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification were used to reveal students’ background knowledge of translation. The data showed that most of the students need background knowledge in the translation of source language into the target language. These reasons confirm that there is a close relationship between background knowledge and translation. It means that in an interlingual translation, even if translators are bilinguals and master the grammar of a language, background knowledge of a text should also be dominated. Moreover, background knowledge is not a single problem for translators, there are also other problems that were found in students’ translation namely new words, complex sentences, reading comprehension, and expression in the target language.
LANGUAGE AS A SOCIAL INSTRUMENT Abdurrahman Hi. Usman; Adi F. Mahmud; Abdulhalim Daud; Suratman Dahlan
EDUKASI Vol 18, No 2 (2020): Edisi Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/


The study focuses on the usefulness and the use of language as an instrument to associate a group of people in the society, both in the large and in the small groups to fulfill their everyday needs. They were described in the form of ideas and arguments that were investigated in the form of activities of library research design. The data were collected from many references both primary and secondary ones in terms of the topic. The primary data dealt with the roles and functions of language in terms of the usefulness and the usage of language in society. The findings of the study showed that language is used as an important instrument to connect people in many aspects of human life consisting of language in the world of education, language in the world of science and technology, language in economic and business contexts, language in the social and political contexts, language in the aspects of national defense and security, language and international relation.
FEEDBACK STRATEGIES TEACHING WRITING ONLINE DURING COVID-19 Abdurahman Hi Usman; Abdulhalim Daud; Suratman Dahlan; Adi F Mahmud
Cakrawala Bahasa Vol 9, No 2: Edisi Oktober, 2020
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (794.252 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/j.cakra.v9i2.2780


Teaching writing as a process at the university level leads lecturers to give feedback on students’ writing drafts. This research aims to investigate the feedback strategies used by the lecturer in giving feedback to students. This is a qualitative case study research designed for several reasons. This study was conducted in a natural setting in which the researcher focus on feedback strategies used by lecturersto respond to students’ writing drafts. A purposive sample was used in choosing the subject of this research (Alwasilah, 2012). The instrument of this study were researchers. Researchersactas non-participant of an observer (Djam'an Satory and Aan Komariah, 2010). This study was conducted at Universitas Khairun Ternate. The subjects of this research were fourth-semester students who study essay writing online. Data of this study were obtained from students’ documents. Content analysis was focused in this study. The findings in this research were consistent with the ones presented by several scholars in teaching writing.There were several feedback strategies used to respond to students’ writing, namely indirect feedback, direct feedback, and commentary feedback to respond to students’ writing.
JURNAL DODOTO Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Jurnal Pendidikan “Dodoto” Volume 02 No 01, Desember 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (285.754 KB)


Elliptical construction usually applies namely in spoken and written form. Elliptical construction is combination from two sentences, with different subject but have the same verb complement. And the elliptical construction or arrangement of sentence used to avoid unnecessary repetition of words in a sentence. This research aimed to know the extent of students’ competence in using elliptical construction to the fourth semester students at English Department of Muhammadiyah University. This research used descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were the fourth semester students of the English Department, they consisted of 20 respondents. The data were collected through test items, the data were analyzed by using tabulated into rating scale and qualification. This research found out that only 2 respondents had very good category with the score 90-93, there were 3 respondents had good category with the score 80, there were 4 respondents had sufficient category with the score 60-70, there were 5 respondents had poor category with the score 40-50 and 6 respondents got very poor category with the score 0-30. The students’ mastery use elliptical construction to complete the sentences categorized poor. This proven by the evidence total presentation students’ ability in doing the test of elliptical construction is 49, 9 %. Keywords--- Key words: Students, Competence, Elliptical Construction
Building Students' Communication Skills in Learning English through Lesson Study at Senior High School Adi F. Mahmud; Sabariah Umahuk; Sri Rahayu Fudji; Sofia A. Noh; Ferawati Soleman; Amin Gafar
Journal of Languages and Language Teaching Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jollt.v11i1.6540


One of the 21st century learning skills needed is communication skills. Communication skills have crucial roles to help students in facing global competitive and digital era nowadays. However, most of learnings at the middle and senior high schools ignore it but teachers still apply conventional learning methods to achieve it.  Due to the problems, this study aims to build students' communication skills, and to find out the implementation of lesson study on students’ communication skills in learning English at senior high school through lesson study. It is a descriptive qualitative study conducted at Senior High School of 10 Kota Ternate. 100 students were selected through purposive sampling as the research samples. Data were collected by applying lesson study activities in 4 cycles through direct observation in learning process using communication skills instruments developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Communication skill indicators focus on 6 indicators. Data were analysed using a Likert scale of 5-1. Based on the result of analysis, the study showed that students’ communication skills are improved and developed gradually. In addition, lesson study has given a positive impact toward students ‘communication skills in learning English. It was proven that students’ communication skill develops significantly and linearly from cycle I (43.33) into cycle II (63, 33). Thus, the students’ communicative skills were improved as well from cycle III (76, 66) into cycle IV (93,33).  Therefore, this study can be concluded lesson study activities in learning English are alternative solution to build students' communication skills, learning English through the implementation of lesson study has a positive impact on the development of communication skills, and students' communication skills through lesson study develop gradually and linearly and convey significant development.