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Journal : Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam

Reaktualisasi Strategi Politik Islam di Indonesia Yulianti, Rahmani Timorita
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 7 (2002): Hukum Islam dan Isu-isu Kontemporer
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Langkah-langkah akomodatif negara terhadap umat Islam secara sosiologis dan politis diawali dari terintegrasinya pemikiran generasi baru Islam. Mereka mencoba mentransformasikan intelektual dan aktivitas yang dahulu bersifat legalistik formalistik menjadi lebih bersifat substansialistik, sehingga sikap semacam itu tidak antagonistik dengan konstruk negara bangsa Indonesia yang berideologi Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Kondisi ini diresponi oleh negara (pemerintah) dengan sikap akomodatif konstruktif. Baik di bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya maupun keagamaan. Karena sikap umat Islam yang bersifat integratif itu telah menimbulkan kestabilan dan kemapanan sehingga memperlancar pembangunan.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 16 (2006): Penegakan Syariat Islam di Indonesia: Prospek, Peluang dan Tantangan
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Dalam sejarah perkembangan hukum Islam pernah mengalami stagnasi perkembangannya, yang diakibatkan oleh suatu paham bahwa pintu ijtihad telah tertutup Pada masa ini masyarakat Islam hanya mengandalkan hukum Islam dari hasil pemikiran para mujtahid zaman dahulu yang jauh berbeda dengan seting sosial dan geografisnya dengan zaman sekarang. Sebagian masyarakat masih menganggap bahwa segala sesuatu yang terdapat di dalam kitab-kitab fiqih merupakan hal yang sakral dan tidak seorangpun yang berkompeten merubahnya. Dengan paham ini pula seseorang tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti pendapat madzab lain. Bahkan kecenderungan yang terjadi adalah mereka sangat sulit untuk menerima perubahan yang terjadi dalam kehidupan masyarakat sat ini.
[BOOK REVIEW] Menuju Fiqh Keluarga Progresif Yulianti, Rahmani Timorita
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Islamic Family Law Reform in Contemporary Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Discourse of Muslim family issues from the classical period to the contemporary era today, has undergone with dynamics need to be responsive justification of Islamic law. The dynamics of family issues can not be separated from the changes taking place in society. According to James W. Vand er Zanden in Nasruddin Rusli1 that happened changes were caused by several factors, for instances a) Increasing or decreasing the population and changes in the ecosystem that exists around humans. b) Other Effect of cultural community as a result of cultural interaction. c) The nature of the community collectively, movement, and social revolution. and d) Tech- and modernity.
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 15 (2006): Fiqh dan Kontroversi Seputar Legislasi Pornografi dan Pornoaksi
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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It is actually ironically, in one hand Indonesia society talking about the morality of nation, on the other hand, this nation ignore pornography and pornoaction.Instead, Some people refuse the proposed academic manuscript regarding pornography and pornoaction. Apart from the pros and cons toward the act of pornography and pornoaction, pornography and pornoaction denote ophyum in the living of society. According to the writer of the following article, because of majority of Indonesian population are Moslem, so Indonesian Moslem should participate in the discourse of the act. But, how to search for horizon wisely, either in term of culture or the principles of Islam. Kata kunci: pornogarfi, pornoaksi, Islam, budaya, dan Indonesia.
DIRECT FINANCIAL MARKET: ISLAMIC EQUITY MARKET (Bursa Saham dalam Islam) Timorita Yulianti, Rahmani
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 11, No 1 (2010): Penerapan Syariah dalam Aspek Ekonomi dan Hukum Keluarga di Indonesia
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Islamic capital market is developed in order to accommodate the needs of Muslims in Indonesia who wish to invest in the instrument of capital-market instruments in accordance with Islamic principles. The industrial sector is expected to accommodate the capital market and also involves the participation of Muslim citizens to take active steps directly into the main market actors, namely as local investors in the Indonesian capital market. In an effort to realize this, then it is reasonable provided and developed investment instruments such as shares in the Indonesian capital market in accordance with the principles of Islamic teachings. There are requirements for a stock can be categorized in accordance with the provisions of sharia. Companies issuing shares of Islamic law, a company with business and management that do not conflict with the Sharia, and has a kosher product. The companies will be excluded from the index if it has an Islamic stock exchange for the debt and financial ratios or levels of income from certain interest.
Sengketa Ekonomi Syari’ah (Antara Kompetensi Pengadilan Agama dan Badan Arbitrase Syari’ah) Timorita Yulianti, Rahmani
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 17 (2007): Menyikapi UU No. 3/2006 tentang Perubahan UU No. 7/1989 mengenai Peradilan Agama
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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The legislating Act No. 3 year 2006 regarding the amending Act No.7year 1979 concerning Islamic Court in Indonesia has implied the fundamental changing toward the existence of Islamic court nowadays. One of the changing is adding or enlarging of Islamic court jurisdiction for handling Syari’ah economics. According to article 49 (i) of Act No.3 year 2006 declares that Islamic court has jurisdiction to handle the cases of Syari’ah economics. This implies that The judges of Islamic courtshould master Syari’ah economics knowledge.TBut this also influences on the existence of National Syari’ah Abritase council (Badan Abritase Syariah Nasional) in term of Syari’ah economics cases handling. Kata kunci: Sengketa, kompetensi, arbitrase Syari’ah, dan peradilan agama.