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PROXIES Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PROXIES

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One goal of clustering data mining is to find a cluster of a particular data modeling. By modeling the data, it can provide more description of the data being analyzed and can be visualized in graphical form. One of the methods used in data mining to search for data modeling is to use K-means algorithm analysis. K-Means algorithm is used to find groupings of data with specific points, called the centroid. By grouping the data, then large amounts of data, grouped in a simpler visualization. The final results can be used as Decision Support System
PROXIES Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : PROXIES

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Habits of computer users are storing data with poor management, this causes the data search process becomes more difficult. Software on a computer that is commonly used for searching process use "key" in the form of text. This research try to find a picturre based on picture input using template metcing method. Template matching method compare input picture with every picture on the directory file
Data Mining: Implementasi Regresi Linear Untuk Prediksi Nilai Ujian Andriani, Widyastuti; Leong, Hironimus
PROXIES Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PROXIES

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One of the objectives of data mining is prediction based on the pattern of data that already exists. One method used to form linear prediction data is linear regression. Prediction data using linear regression using two variables that can be described in two dimensions. This journal uses linear regression method for the prediction of test scores. Keyword: Regresi Linear, Data Mining, Prediksi
Efektivitas dan Ef"lSiensi SMS Gateway Menggunakan Multi Modem Leong, Hironimus; Cristianti, Risa Farid
PROXIES Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PROXIES

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One goal of clustering data mining is to find a cluster of a particular data modeling. By modeling the data, it can provide more description of the data being analyzed and can be visualized in graphical form. One of the methods used in data mining to search for data modeling is to use KMeans algorithm analysis. K-Means algorithm Is used to find groupings of data with specific points, caUed the centroid. By grouping the data, then large amounts of data, grouped in a simpler visualization. The final results can be used as Decision Support System. Keyword: SMS Gateway, Multi Modem
Sistem Pengaturan Penggunaan Perangkat Listrik Rumah Tangga Menggunakan Komputer Mini Hemat Daya Hironimus Leong; Suyanto E.A.
Praxis : Jurnal Sains, Teknologi, Masyarakat dan Jejaring Vol 1, No 2: Maret 2019
Publisher : Soegijapranata Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/praxis.v1i2.1630


Abstract: The use of household electrical appliances can be controlled automatically by utilizing computer that can control when the device is switched on or off according to the schedules and conditions provided by the user. Provisions and schedules can be determined by the user through software management that regulates the date and time regularly or specifically. By utilixing "Rasberry Pi" energy saving mini computer that that is equipped with special software, electrical control center can be connected to the mini computer and the user can use integrated software to control the use of household electrical appliances according to the need on determined schedules. The final goal of this research is to produce computer based system to manage the electric use that results in the efficiency of the use of electricity in the household and to create smart house that environmentally friendly Keywords: electrical devices, management, setting, rasberry pi, saving power Abstrak: Penggunaan perangkat listrik rumah tangga dapat dikendalikan secara automatis dengan memanfaatkan kemampuan komputer yang mampu mengontrol kapan perangkat tersebut dinyalakan atau dimatikan sesuai dengan jadwal dan ketentuan yang diberikan oleh pengguna. Ketentuan dan jadwal dapat ditentukan oleh pengguna melalui software manajemen yang mengatur waktu tanggal dan jam baik secara regular maupun jadwal dan jam yang berlaku secara khusus atau spesifik. Dengan memanfaatkan komputer mini hemat “Raspberry Pi” dan dilengkapi dengan software khusus, maka pusat kontrol listrik dapat dihubungkan ke komputer mini tersebut dan pengguna dapat memanfaatkan software terintegrasi untuk mengatur penggunaan perangkat listrik rumah tangga sesuai dengan kebutuhan pada jadwal-jadwal yang sudah ditentukan. Tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sistem berbasis komputer untuk mengatur penggunaan listrik yang berdampak pada efisiensi penggunaan listrik dalam rumah tangga serta menciptakan rumah pintar yang ramah lingkungan. Kata kunci: perangkat listrik, manajemen, pengaturan, raspberry pi, hemat daya
The Implementation of MBKM Policy and Its Impact on the Curriculum and Learning Model Heny Hartono; Berta Bekti Retnawati; Hironimus Leong; Tri Hesti Mulyani; Lucia Hernawati
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature Vol 22, No 1: June 2022, Nationally Accredited
Publisher : Soegijapranata Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/celt.v22i1.4246


This article is a report of a research on the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) at Soegijapranata Catholic University  (SCU), Semarang supported by the Directorate General of Research and Technology, Directorate General of Higher Education, Republic Indonesia). This study involved 5275 respondents as the sample taken from a total of 7775 population which consisted of lecturers, administrative staff, and students. It aimed to see the implementation of MBKM at SCU and how the stakeholders perceived the impacts of MBKM implementation on the curriculum, syllabus, and learning model. This study applied sequential method by which the results of qualitative and quantitative data analysis were elaborated. The instruments used were Focus Group Discussion and SPADA survey. The results of this study showed that respondents had positive perceptions on the implementation of MBKM but not all respondents fully understood the system, process, and procedure of the MBKM implementation. The implementation of MBKM also affected the curriculum and learning model. Therefore, a model of curriculum and learning model based on contextual learning was suggested to support the implementation of MBKM at SCU.
Pemodelan Rodit Untuk Menghitung Gaya Lateral Pada Pondasi Tiang Pancang Ujung Bebas Pada Tanah Kohesif Menggunakan Metode Brom’s Berbasis Mit App Inventor Liong Leandro Lionggono; Ardito Saharuddin; Daniel Hartanto Daniel Hartanto; Hironimus Leong
G-SMART Vol 7, No 1: Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24167/gsmart.v7i1.10252


Pondasi adalah salah satu bagian awal dari sebuah struktur yang berperan sangat penting untuk menopang beban diatasnya. Pondasi tiang pancang termasuk ke dalam bagian struktur bawah bangunan yang berguna untuk menahan beban aksial dan juga beban lateral pada perencanaannya. Tiang pancang yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan tipe tiang pancang panjang ujung bebas yang memiliki berbagai bentuk penampang antara lain: tiang pancang segitiga, bujur sangkar dan lingkaran dengan jenis tanah kohesif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis daya dukung pondasi tiang pancang ujung bebas akibat gaya lateral, pemodelan Rodit berbasis MIT App Inventor dan juga melakukan perbandingan hasil perhitungan manual dengan Rodit. Hasil penelitian ini dapat mengetahui besarnya gaya lateral ultimit (Qu), gaya lateral ijin (QIjin), defleksi (y0) dan rotasi (θ) yang terjadi pada pondasi tiang tiang pancang tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Brom’s. Dari hasil perbandingan perhitungan manual dengan model Rodit diperoleh hasil Qu = 1.195,012 kg, Qijin = 478 kg, defleksi tiang (y0) = 0,475 cm dan rotasi tiang (θ)= 0,00205 rad, untuk tiang pancang bujur sangkar memiliki hasil Qu = 3.111,58 kg, Qijin = 1.244,63 kg, defleksi tiang pancang (y0) = 0,993 cm dan rotasi tiang (θ)= 0,0031 rad dan tiang pancang lingkaran memiliki hasil Qu = 6.572,98 kg, Qijin = 2.629,19 kg, defleksi tiang pancang (y0) = 0,777 cm dan rotasi tiang (θ)= 0,00181 rad. Selisih yang didapat sebesar 0 dengan presentase error 0%.