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Model Rancangan Rumah Susun Di Kampung Wisata Jetisharjo Yogyakarta Dengan Pendekatan Green Landscape Dan Green Facade Suparwoko, Suparwoko; Dewi, Piana
Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi Lingkungan Vol 7, No 2 (2015): SAINS & TEKNOLOGI LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan penulisan adalah merencanakan dan merancang rumah susun di permukiman kampung wisata Jetisharjodengan penekanan Green Landscape dan Green Facade. Permasalahan lingkungan di sekitar kali Code merupakanpemukiman yang sangat padat dan sebagian di antaranya kumuh dan kurang ruang terbuka hijau. Di lingkunganperkotaan Yogyakarta, khusunya di kawasan pinggiran sungai Code, dapat dinilai kurang berkembang pada aspek tatalingkungan landscape maupun facade bangunan. Konsep tersebut sangat relevan dengan pendekatan greenarchitecture sebagai metoda yang digunakan dalam mewujudkan arsitektur ekologis atau ramah lingkungan untukmencapai keseimbangan pada sistem interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan. Metoda untuk memperoleh data dilakukandengan cara pengambilan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer berupa kondisi sosial fisik lingkungan lokasiperencanaan dilakukan dengan pencatatan, wawancara, dan pengambilan gambar (foto dan internet). Sedangkan datasekunder berupa data statistik dan literatur diperoleh melalui pencarian pada media internet dan perpustakaan.Metoda analisis perancangan lansekap dilakukan dengan penetapan green open space strategi yang mengedepankanaspek civic space dan kind of vegetation. Adapun analisis green facade dilakukan dengan strategi perancangan greenroof dan green wall. Diharapkan pendekatan tersebut akan memberikan citra dan estetika lingkungan rumah susunyang ramah terhadap lingkungan pinggiran suangai. Studi kasus perencanaan berada di kampung wisata Jetisharjo,Yogyakarta yang sebagian berada di bantaran kali Code Yogyakarta. Analisis perundangan tata bangunan danlingkungan serta kebijakan green landscape yang akan menghasilkan zona-zona yang ramah lingkungan dimana ruangterbuka hijau direncanakan lebih besar dibanding luas maksimum diijinkan oleh peraturan daerah setempat, sehingaperlu adanya insentif menambah ruang hijau perkotaan. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah suatu masterplan untuk sebagaidasar penataan landscape dan perancangan bangunan rumah susun dengan penekanan Green Landscape dan GreenFacade.Kata Kunci : rumah susun, Jetisharjo, green landscape, green facade
Islamic Values of the Northern Town Square of the Yogyakarta Sultanate Woko Suparwoko; Wiryono Raharjo; Ahmad Saifudin
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 2 (2020): Volume 22 No. 2, May 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.2.271-286


Since the end of the 13th century during the era of the Majapahit Kingdom, the Public Square or town square has always become part of the kingdom. The square is a manifestation of public space, an integral part of the spatial layout of the royal capital. This concept was later adopted by cities in Indonesia, which provides an open space right in front of the palace or government office. Public squares as public spaces can play various roles in enhancing the quality of urban life, especially to express the social economic and environmental values. This paper aims to solely focus on the northern town square located inside the palace complex, especially by addressing the Islamic values of the northern town square of the Yogyakarta Sultanate using qualitative approaches in terms of its social economic and environmental aspects. Primary data were directly obtained from the research location by taking some photographs, field observation, and notes, while secondary data were derived from the literature and the Internet. The research suggests that the northern town square serves as the symbol and manifestation of not only the media to relate mankind to God but also the media to relate mankind to nature. In terms of mankind-to-God relation, the northern town square serves as a place for Eid prayers every year, including the Eid Fitr and the Eid Adha. Also, some annual events like the Sekaten are held every year to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sekaten Fun Fair to celebrate the birth of the Prophet highlights the Islamic values related to social economic and tourism activities. In the context of northern town square landscape, the element of 64-banyan trees around the northern town square symbolizes the age of the Prophet Muhammad. This tree concept has been successfully protected the environment around the northern town square and serves as a public open space in the city of Yogyakarta.
Model Rancangan Rumah Susun Di Kampung Wisata Jetisharjo Yogyakarta Dengan Pendekatan Green Landscape Dan Green Facade Suparwoko Suparwoko; Piana Dewi
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015): SAINS & TEKNOLOGI LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jstl.vol7.iss2.art5


Tujuan penulisan adalah merencanakan dan merancang rumah susun di permukiman kampung wisata Jetisharjo dengan penekanan Green Landscape dan Green Facade. Permasalahan lingkungan di sekitar kali Code merupakan pemukiman yang sangat padat dan sebagian di antaranya kumuh dan kurang ruang terbuka hijau. Di lingkungan perkotaan Yogyakarta, khusunya di kawasan pinggiran sungai Code, dapat dinilai kurang berkembang pada aspek tata lingkungan landscape maupun facade bangunan. Konsep tersebut sangat relevan dengan pendekatan green architecture sebagai metoda yang digunakan dalam mewujudkan arsitektur ekologis atau ramah lingkungan untuk mencapai keseimbangan pada sistem interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan. Metoda untuk memperoleh data dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer berupa kondisi sosial fisik lingkungan lokasi perencanaan dilakukan dengan pencatatan, wawancara, dan pengambilan gambar (foto dan internet). Sedangkan data sekunder berupa data statistik dan literatur diperoleh melalui pencarian pada media internet dan perpustakaan. Metoda analisis perancangan lansekap dilakukan dengan penetapan green open space strategi yang mengedepankan aspek civic space dan kind of vegetation. Adapun analisis green facade dilakukan dengan strategi perancangan green roof dan green wall. Diharapkan pendekatan tersebut akan memberikan citra dan estetika lingkungan rumah susun yang ramah terhadap lingkungan pinggiran suangai. Studi kasus perencanaan berada di kampung wisata Jetisharjo, Yogyakarta yang sebagian berada di bantaran kali Code Yogyakarta. Analisis perundangan tata bangunan dan lingkungan serta kebijakan green landscape yang akan menghasilkan zona-zona yang ramah lingkungan dimana ruang terbuka hijau direncanakan lebih besar dibanding luas maksimum diijinkan oleh peraturan daerah setempat, sehinga perlu adanya insentif menambah ruang hijau perkotaan. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah suatu masterplan untuk sebagai dasar penataan landscape dan perancangan bangunan rumah susun dengan penekanan Green Landscape dan Green Facade.
Analisis Pemilihan Jenis Tanaman dan Keamanan Pohon pada Lansekap Jalan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Sampah Piyungan Yogyakarta Suparwoko Suparwoko
Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2012): SAINS & TEKNOLOGI LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jstl.vol4.iss2.art6


Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis pemilihan jenis tanaman dan rancangan keamanan pohon dari gangguan ternak pada lansekap jalan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sampah di wilayah Kartomantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Pemilihan jenis tanaman menjadi penting karena penentuannya sangat ditentukan oleh fungsi tanaman untuk mengurangi bau sampah, mereduksi polusi, dan bermanfaat bagi konservasi air, fungsi pengarah dan aspek keindahan. Masalah lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah adanya ternak sapi yang setiap hari melewati jalan lingkungan TPA sampah Piyungan tersebut sehingga keberadaan pohon pada lansekap jalan lingkungan TPA menjadi terancam keamanannya, dimana daun pepohonan di lingkungan jalan di kawasan TPA sering dimakan oleh ternak sapi yang melewati jalan lingkungan TPA tersebut. Cara pemilihan jenis pohon untuk lansekap jalan di lingkungan TPA didasarkan atas aspek fungsi, manfaat dan keamanan pertumbuhan pohon di lingkungan TPA Piyungan. Pepohonnan lansekap jalur jalan menuju TPA sampah Piyungan akan dipilih dengan dasar fungsi tanaman pengarah dan keindahan. Untuk mengurangi bau sampah akan dipilih jenis pohon dengan kriteria pohon yang beraroma dan bermanfaat mengurangi polusi udara. Pada jalur menuju lokasi TPA digunakan jenis pohon pengarah seperti glodogan tiang, glodogan biasa dan pohon flamboyan, dsb. Karena pepohonan tersebut selain berfungsi sebagai pengarah dan fungsi keindahgan, maka pepohonan tersebut mampu menyerap polusi dan pepohonan tersebut juga berfungsi untuk mendukung keindahan lingkungan. Tanaman jenis perdu yang beraroma juga akan digunakan pada lansekap jalan lokasi TPA seperti tanaman kenangan, cempaka, mawar, serta melati dimana bau harup tanaman tersebut akan mempu mereduksi bau sampah di lingkungan TPA Piyungan. Tanaman peneduh, pengarah dan perdu di lingkungan TPA sampah Pitungan juga akan dikombinasi dengan tanaman lain yang berfungsi untuk mereduksi polusi udara seperti mahoni, angsana dsb.
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jattec.vol1.iss1.art7


Memories are memory that will be a reflection of humans in facing challenges in the future. In the process of memory and memory forgetting, architecture becomes a place where collective memory can be knitted, but also plays a role in the process of forgetting. The purpose of this research is to identify whether the use of recycle of old building materials to new buildings can evoke the collective memory of the Ahmadiyya Community of Indonesia. The old building in this study is the Arif Rahman Hakim building which will be demolished soon. The dismantled material that has been selected will be used in the new building which is currently still in the form of the Ahmadiyya Congregation Versatile Building design. Data collection techniques are by conducting in-depth interviews, documentation and theoretical studies. Analysis technique is done by analyzing the facts obtained and then related to important aspects of the study of theory. The results of this study are that the use of recycle material as a new building element has not been successful in generating collective memory. Because the original shape of the building material has a significant change. The thing that evokes the memory of the users is actually not from the material but from the shape of the space and the atmosphere of the space that is formed.
Bencana Alam Tak Terhindarkan: Sebuah Tinjauan Pariwisata Nias Suparwoko -
Unisia No. 57: Tahun XXVIII Triwulan III 2005
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.vol28.iss57.art8


Indonesian  tourism was grief due to the Bali bombing on October 12, 2002. The tsunami on December 2004 also made the Indonesian tourism was sorrow. The Aceh tsunami devastating some regions of Aceh and North Sumatra had killed more than 125.000 people. The sad feeling from the disaster was not overyet; however, the earthquake in Nias, North Sumatra, was happened just several months after the Aceh tsunami. Because of the Nias victims were more than 500 people, this Nias disaster was proposed as a national disaster. It was reasonable because the echo of the Nias earthquake was not only at regional level but also at the international level. Nias Island is well-known as an international surfing adventure, it was proved that aids from allover the world came to Nias. In this event, however, the condition of domestic and overseas tourists in Nias was not clear. The other question is how much the damage of the tourist facilities, particularly hotels, as the impact of the Nias disaster. This paper discusses the impact of the Nias earthquake focusing on some aspects of tourism, social-politic, regional economy, public and tourist facilities.
Upaya Penataan PKl Diperkotaan: Studi Kasus di Jalan Kaliurang Author: Suparwoko
Unisia No. 59: Tahun XXIX Triwulan I 2006
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/unisia.vol29.iss59.art1


On one hand the existence street vendors (PKL) have a positive impact on its economic contribution including ernployment and economic income of lower people in urban areas. On the other hand, the existence of the streets vendors in urban areas has been blamed because they are making some problems of urban traffic jams and the beautification of cities. As a matter of the fact, they are needed by many people living in urban areas because they can provide cheap goods and services. The paper is to examine the location and place where street vendors are trading during the day and night. The growth of street vendors along the Jalan Kaliurang  is due to the potential public facility established along the jalan Kaliurang such as campus, housing, and commercial facilities. The research suggests it is possible to integrate the street vendors as informal sector exist together with forrnal sector in certain areas. The other alternative of street vendor arrangement is that they can possibly working together with any commercial facility along jalan Kaliurang by using its parking area during the night where some of the commercial facilities do not operate in the night.
Arsitekno Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Arsitekno
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/arj.v9i2.8447


Ruang belajar merupakan ruangan yang didalamnya dipergunakan untuk proses belajar mengajar. Ruang yang baik memiliki tingkat pencahayaan yang optimal sehingga meningkatkan produktifitas yang dihasilkan. Pada penelitian ini menawarkan desain ruang belajar Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang memenuhi kriteria pencahayaan alami yang baik disebabkan oleh orientasi dan konteks yang ada disekitar bangunan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode komputasi atau simulasi komputer dengan menggunakan Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Honeybee dan Ladybug, Radian, Daysim, dan Galapagos. Metrik Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) dari 100-2000 Lux digunakan untuk mengetahui kriteria pencahayaan alami yang masuk kedalam ruangan dalam waktu setahun berdasarkan iklim Kota Lhokseumawe. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah ruang belajar dengan Window Wall Ratio (WWR) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pencahayaan alami yang masuk keruangan. Sehuingga akan menghasilkan ruang yang nyaman dan hemat energi. Ukuran bukaan standar memiliki tingkat pencahayaan optimal atau pencahayaan yang ideal antau 39% sampai dengan 89%. Setelah dilakukan Optimisasi tingkat pencahyaan yang ideal meningkat di antara 82% hinga 97%. Orientasi bangunan memanjang Timur-Barat dengan WWR di Utara dan Selatan memiliki kualitas pencahayaan alami lebih baik daripada orientasi bangunan yang memanjang Utara-Selatan dengan WWR di sebelah Timur dan Barat.
Spatial Changes In The Rantau Ulayat Area Case Study Tarok Nagari Kepala Hilalang Asri Mariza Oktavia; Suparwoko
Journal of Architectural Research and Design Studies Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Departement of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jars.vol6.iss1.art4


Population growth and expansion of urban and industrial areas in peri-urban areas and customary ulayat areas lead to spatial changes that have an impact on differences in the definition of the area, boundaries, location settings, and control of Mamak Pusako over collective inheritance land. One of the customary areas that have experienced this development is Tarok Nagari, the Head of Hilalang, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra, which is called the rantau which is the locus of this research. This spatial change research study needs to be carried out to examine the potential for spatial planning for the purposes of inheritance from generation to generation and the next generation. In this study, the method used is the normative approach of ulayat inheritance. The analysis was carried out qualitatively related to land use patterns with a normative approach (customary law). While quantitative is used for mapping the pattern of inheritance of customary land with the Behavior Mapping technique. Strengthening data from informants regarding the description of regional development is carried out with the support of Design Guidance Structure theory, land use triangle theory, regulations and related literature. Temporal data based on the period before and after the land inheritance process were obtained through interviews with indigenous peoples' leaders and resource persons as well as literature studies on related customary lands. The results of the research on inheritance land spatial planning based on the customary law approach (ulayat) provide ambiguity in setting and spatial arrangement. Meanwhile, the theoretical approach to Space Syntax is the existence of a network from the development of functions, and the potential for access. Where this process cannot be seen by the Mamak Pusako, it raises the issue of lack of spatial control that is far away and developing at this time. Key Words: ulayat land, customary law, spatial planning, behavior mapping.
Behavior Setting Pemanfaatan Tanah Ulayat dalam Pola Penataan Ruang Waris dan Sirkulasi Kawasan Studi Kasus Korong Tarok Nagari Kepala Hilalang Asri Mariza Oktavia; Suparwoko
Retii Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII Ke-14 2019
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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Abstract. Behavior setting is the user's behavior towards the environment in forming spaces according to activities. With the development and population growth problems arise in the use of land, especially customary land. The issue of unclear structuring patterns, applicable legal dualism, and control of land from communal land belonging to a people becomes SHM that occurs in overseas areas. Overseas area is the development area of ​​the original Minangkabau luhak region. Where customary law has been combined with state law. Departing from these issues the question arises how the behavior setting in the process of obtaining inheritance land related to the layout of land and buildings and circulation paths obtained. Primary and secondary data is obtained through drawing, photographing, writing, interviewing, and obtaining documents related to the Minangkabau customary inheritance process. Supporting data obtained through the study of literature and regulations - regulations. Analysis is carried out using a behavior setting approach through user studies, activities and needs to obtain a typology of spatial use patterns that produce a place center mapping. To obtain the pattern of arrangement, history or phenomenology of inheritance and use of traditional land. Data analysis was supported by triangulation through traditional figures, indigenous peoples' speakers and literature related to behavior settings. The results obtained that there are three typologies of users in the utilization of inheritance land inheritance, namely the inheritance of the family inheritance space on the side of the road, the inheritance typology behind the family inheritance space, and the inheritance typology of migrant inheritance space behind the inheritance space. Keywords: behavior setting, customary law, inheritance space pattern, ulayat land