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Jurnal Manajemen Vol 10, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Manajemen
Publisher : Jurnal Manajemen

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Customer service quality in the banking industry, especially private banking is a competitive advantage in its efforts to survive amid fiercer competition. The type of product that is almost similar to its competitors that a bank must have a primary key in competition. This study aims to Analyze the Mediation effect  of The Customer Equity upon Customer Relationship Marketing and Customer Satisfaction toward The Brand Equtiy. This research was conducted at Bank Danamon Jabodetabek region, which spread in 8 (eight) districts with a total sample of 124 customers. Structural Equation Modelin (SEM) by AMOS program version 22 used to prove the affecting of among variables have a high loading factor, with conclusions as follows: first; Customer Relationship Marketing has positive and significant  effect to The Customer Equity, second; Customer Satisfaction has positive and significant  effect to The Customer Equity,  Third; Customer Relationship Marketing has positive but not significant effect to The Brand Equity,  Fourth; Customer Satisfaction has positive but not significant effect to The Brand Equity, Fiftth; Customer Satisfaction has positive and significant effect to The brand Equity, Sixth;   mediation  effect of The Customer Equity upon The Effect Customer Relationship Marketing  And Customer satisfaction toward Brand Equtiy more strength and significant than direct effect. Key words: Customer Equity , Customer Relationship Marketing, Customer Satisfaction , Brand Equtiy
Jurnal Manajemen Vol 10 No 2 (2013): Jurnal Manajemen
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.757 KB)


Customer service quality in the banking industry, especially private banking is a competitive advantage to survive amid fierce competition. The type of product that is almost similar to its competitors means that a bank must have a strong point in competition. This study aims to analyze the Mediation effect of Customer Equity upon Customer Relationship Marketing and Customer Satisfaction on Brand Equity. This research was conducted in Bank Danamon Jabodetabek region, which spread in 8 (eight) districts with a total sample of 124 customers. Structural Equation Modelin (SEM) by AMOS program version 22 was used to prove the effects among variables that have high loading factors. The conclusions are as follows. First, Customer Relationship Marketing has a positive and significant effect on Customer Equity. Second, Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Customer Equity.  Third, Customer Relationship Marketing has a positive but not significant effect on Brand Equity.  Fourth, Customer Satisfaction has a positive but not significant effect on Brand Equity. Fiftth, Customer Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on brand Equity. Sixth,   mediation  effect of The Customer Equity upon the effect of Customer Relationship Marketing  and Customer satisfaction on Brand Equtiy has more power and significant than direct effect.
Uji Potensi Antibiotika Neomycin Pada Krim Neomycin Sulfat 5 mg yang Beredar di Indonesia Adriana, Yulis; Ardy, Ardy
Archives Pharmacia Vol 2, No 1 (2020): ARCHIVES PHARMACIA
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

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ABSTRAKSemua sediaan krim neomycin sulfat yang beredar dipasaran Indonesia pada kemasan hanya mencantumkan kandungan dalam neomycin sulfat 5 mg. Padahal yang memberi efek terapi hanya dalam bentuk neomycin. Jumlah kandungan neomycin bergantung ke potensi bahan baku neomycin sulfat yang digunakan. Untuk perhitungan potensi antibiotik krim berdasarkan kandungan neomycin bukan neomycin sulfat. Hal ini yang akan menyebabkan salah tafsir dari pihak regulator dalam melakukan perhitungan jika produk yang ada dipasaran tersebut tidak mencantumkan jumlah kandungan neomycin. Produk krim neomycin yang berada dipasaran Eropa dan India pada label etiket kemasan mencantumkan jumlah kandungan neomycin .Untuk mengetahui jumlah kandungan neomycin, telah dilakukan penelitian uji potensi antibiotik krim neomycin sulfat 5 mg yang beredar di pasaran Indonesia apakah sesuai dengan persyaratan farmakope dengan kadar 90%-135% . Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian eksperimental dengan metoda uji potensi antibiotik secara difusi. Hasil penelitian dari 10 sampel dengan kesetaraan neomycin 3 mg, 3,3 mg, 3,5 dan 4 mg hanya neomycin 3 mg yang memenuhi persyaratan mendekati nilai teoritis 100% . Untuk neomycin 3.3 mg kadar mendekati batas bawah sekitar 90%. Tidak ada satupun sampel krim neomycin sulfat yang memenuhi persyaratan pada kesetaraan 3.5 dan 4 mg.  10 produk krim neomycin sulfat berlabel 1gram pada etiketnya setara dengan neomycin 3 mg. Kata kunci: neomycin, label etiket, kadar, neomycin sulfat  krim      ABSTRACTAll neomycin sulphate cream preparations sent on the Indonesian market on the packaging only include the content in neomycin sulfate 5 mg. Meanwhile,imparts a therapeutic effect only in the form of neomycin. The amount of neomycin content depends on the potential raw material for neomycin sulfate used. To calculate potential. There is no neomycin sulfate. This will cause a misinterpretation of the regulator in calculating products in the market that do not include the amount of neomycin content. Neomycin cream products that are suitable in the European and Indian markets on the label of the label etiquette include the amount of neomycin content. To find out the amount of neomycin content, research has been conducted on the potential test of 5 mg neomycin sulfate cream used in the Indonesian market, following pharmacopoeiademand with 90% content - 135%. This research is an experimental research using the method. The results of the study of 10 samples with equality of neomycin 3 mg, 3.3 mg, 3.5 and 4 mg only neomycin 3 mg that met the requirements reached 100%. For neomycin 3.3 mg the lower limit is around 90%. Equality 3.5 and 4 mg none of the 10 samples met the requirements. Means that of the 10 neomycin sulfate cream products bought the Indonesian market have a claim label of 1 gram of neomycin sulfate cream according to neomycin 3 mg. Keywords: neomycin, label etiquette, antibiotic potential, neomycin sulfate cream