Susanto Polamolo, Susanto
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“Nalar Fenomenologi”; Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Pusaran Kekuasaan dan Bahaya Krisis Weltanschauung Polamolo, Susanto
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 11, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.391 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk%x


Constitutional Court who was born as one of the reforms agenda in the continued process of judicial power itself into an independent institution that is at the forefront in  guarding  the  constitution.  As  an  agency  that  handles  matters constitutional, posisiny is clearly confronted with the vortex power of the oligarchs who seemed never be separated from the Indonesian constitutional journey. Struggle not only with critics but also systemic critique of scientific laws, which the agency is expected to not thick with legalistic positivism absolutizing the workings of the law and the constitution. Besides, what is the most feared and to be consequences if the judges are in crisis Weltanschauung. This is where the need to check the perspective that not only cast a normative critique, but also reflective criticism, as an affirmation of the political and dismantle structural hegemony explore perspectives on the human being as the central value of justice.
Presidensialisme di Indonesia Antara Amanah Konstitusi dan Kuasa Partai Polamolo, Susanto
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 13, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.906 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1325


Presidential power in Indonesia, was born exactly in between the mandate of the constitution, and the power of the party. Various constitutional experiments since the era of Sukarno, Suharto, to the current era of reform, shows how the starting- pull of interests, especially the interests of political parties melingkati Indonesian presidential system. The president’s powers in many respects, depend on how the political constellation, so the coalition model was prone to deadlocks, as a result of the apparent coalition. Therefore, in the future, the constitution must be addressed, and should clearly indicate the limits of political parties, so that the presidential system can really concentrate to the   people.
Gelap-Terang Panca Sila: Otokritik Atas Teks Sejarah Yang Melenceng Polamolo, Susanto
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.339 KB) | DOI: 10.31078/jk1528


Indonesia pernah melalui masa sulit di rezim Orde Baru. Kala itu, segala sesuatu yang paralel dengan khususnya sejarah seputar perumusan dasar negara (Panca Sila), menjadi begitu sulit untuk diperoleh, apalagi untuk mengemukakan fakta yang sebenarnya. Penelusuran dokumen-dokumen sejarah begitu minim didukung pemerintah, dokumen-dokumen itupun tercecer di mana-mana, publik hanya diedukasi dengan pendidikan sejarah dari para sejarawan versi pemerintah saja. Bukan karena Orde Baru telah menjadi masa lalu, tetapi, karena apa yang disebut sebagai sumber-sumber primer perlu diperiksa kembali. Di antaranya seperti: Naskah UUD 1945, yang disusun M. Yamin; Risalah Sidang BPUPKI-PPKI yang disusun oleh Sekretariat Negara; Sejarah Nasional Indonesia Jilid VI, yang disusun oleh Nugroho Notosusanto (dkk); Piagam Jakarta, yang disusun oleh Endang Saifuddin Anshari; Sejarah Pemikiran Tentang Panca Sila, yang disusun oleh Pranarka. Sumber-sumber ini diam-diam diterima, dan diam-diam pula diakui bermasalah, atau diragukan keotentikannya. Persoalan tersebut semakin diperjelas dengan temuan sejumlah arsip oleh para sejarawan tata negara seperti A.B. Kusuma, di mana sebelumnya, “Panitia Lima” (1975) telah pula menegaskan bahwa sumber-sumber yang dipakai pemerintah tidak valid, di antaranya adalah naskah yang disusun M. Yamin. Maka, sejarah perumusan Panca Sila kadang berada di jalan bersimpang, simpang batas-tegas pertentangan tentang keotentikan sumber sejarah, menjadi tugas utama agar sumber-sumber tersebut diuji satu dengan lainnya (metode heuristik dan konklusi eksplanatoris). Agar mengerucut satu kesimpulan yang utuh dan sistematis mengenai sejarah perumusan dasar negara dan pemikiran-pemikiran yang dikemukakan di dalamnya menjadi satu kesatuan pemahaman atas kenyataan, dan agar menguatkan sendi-sendi konstitusionalitas kita hari ini yang mulai tercerabut dari akar sejarahnya, bagaikan “inang yang dipaksa berpisah dari induknya”.Indonesia had been through a difficult period in the “Orde Baru” regime. At that time, everything parallel with history especially around the basic principle of the state (Panca Sila) became so difficult to obtain, especially to express the facts. The tracking of historical documents was so poorly endorsed by the government. The documents were scattered everywhere. The public was only educated with historical education from only government version historians. Not because the “Orde Baru” has become the past, but, because the so-called primary sources need to be checked again. Among them are: Naskah UUD 1945, compiled by M. Yamin; Risalah Sidang BPUPKI-PPKI, prepared by State Secretariat; Sejarah Nasional Indonesia Jilid VI, compiled by Nugroho Notosusanto (; Piagam Jakarta, prepared by Endang Saifuddin Anshari; Sejarah Pemikiran Tentang Panca Sila, prepared by Pranarka. The above sources are secretly accepted, and secretly admittedly problematic, or are doubted the authenticity. The issue was further clarified by the findings of archives by state historians such as A.B. Kusuma, in which before, the “Panitia Lima” (1975) had also asserted that the sources used by the government were invalid, one of them was the text compiled by M. Yamin. Thus, the history of Panca Sila sometimes in a stray way of disputes about the historical sources authenticity. That became the primary task for which resources were tested against each other (heuristic methods and explanatory conclusions). In order to conceal a whole and systematic conclusion about the history of the basic formulation of the state and the ideas expressed in it become a unity of understanding of reality, in order to strengthen the joints of our constitutionality today which begins to be uprooted from its historical roots, like “a host which is forced to apart from its main”.
KEKUATAN HUKUM PREAMBULE UUD 1945 DALAM SISTIM HUKUM KETATANEGARAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA (Studi Hermeneutika-Fenomenologi, Metastudi-Metateorisasi, Dan Perbandingan Sistim Hukum Tata Negara) POLAMOLO, SUSANTO
Dinamika Hukum Vol 6 No 1 (2015): DINAMIKA HUKUM
Publisher : Dinamika Hukum

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The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the force of law Preamble 1945 in the Indonesian legal system of the State governance, both at the level of legal theory and praxis. Background problem from two issues, first, about the historicity Preamble that in many studies present with different explanations, particularly in relation to the history of the birth of Pancasila. Secondly, in the case where the theoretical Preamble scientifically unexplained laws, especially how the strength and position of legally binding and guiding rule of law under the 1945 Constitution. The method used them, from the point of nature is divided into three types, namely exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory. A multidisciplinary focus on a mix of several existing science, in this case as hermeneutic-phenomenology, meta study-meta theory, and comparative constitutional law system of the State. In addition, this study in relation to Preamble 1945 also examine and analyze legal doctrinal and non-doctrinal. While the shape of the corner, this research focuses on three things: first, to diagnose because the emergence of a problem begins from historicity, to the problem of theorising law, following the practice. Secondly, it aims to give an overview prescriptive fit the facts. Third, do a critical evaluation. The results of the research points to three main conclusions, first, history Preamble formulation loaded with manipulation of facts, especially related to the Pancasila. Second, the law scientifically, there are complications surrounding hirearki theoretical law and legal sources in assessing Preamble both its existence and its significance as a legal text. The complications associated with issues such as text meta-yuristik Declaration of Independence in 1945 and Pancasila. Third, the legal framework regarding the inventory of where lies Preamble as a source of law and within the law in Indonesia hirearki not get significant position, although its strength doctrinally and objective circumstances empirically demonstrated, that Preamble born a juridical act, in the nature of space consensus philosophical-juridical. Keywords: History, Power of Law, Legal Force, Comparative Legal Systems