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Need Identification on Android-Based Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Dashboard View Using The Kano Model Fajar, Nurhikmah; Wibisono, Muh Arif; Kusuma, Enas Dhuhri
Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri Vol. 23 No. 2 (2021): JSTI Volume 23 Number 2 July 2021
Publisher : TALENTA Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jsti.v23i2.6388


A customer is someone who repeatedly comes to the same place when he wants to buy an item or get service because he is satisfied with the goods or services. Companies must understand the needs and desires of customers in order to satisfy customer needs. Technology that is currently developing is electric cars, especially the Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) with the application of smartphones. Conventional dashboards can be replaced with smartphones Android-based. Fulfillment of customer satisfaction with smartphone dashboard products is identified by conducting a customer desires survey and categorized it using the Kano model. The survey was conducted on 14 attributes by producing three categories, such as one dimensional, attractive and indifferent. The Android dashboard is built based on survey results instruments. The use of Arduino nano and ESP32 as controllers that process vehicle instrument data sent using Wi-Fi in real time to Android-based smartphones has a maximum error of 5% for speed data.
Seleksi Open Source Software ERP Yang Sesuai Dengan Karakter UMKM Indonesia Muhammad Zainuddin Fathoni; Bimo Sunarfri Hantono; Anna Maria Sri Asih; Muh. Arif Wibisono
Matrik : Jurnal Manajemen dan Teknik Industri Produksi Vol 22 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/matrik.v22i2.3553


Kreatifitas dan inovasi dibutuhkan oleh setiap perusahaan dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya, setiap proses bisnis perlu dibuat lebih efektif dan efisien agar perusahaan tetap agile terhadap perubahan yang terjadi, salah satunya dengan melakukan integrasi data antar proses bisnis. Pendekatan yang populer untuk pengembangan sistem yang terintegrasi di seluruh perusahaan adalah penerapan sistem enterprise resource planning (ERP). Inovasi yang dilakukan diharapkan bisa menghasilkan manajemen organisasi yang lebih baik dalam kegiatan bisnis. UMKM merupakan bidang usaha yang memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia dikarenakan UMKM bisa menyerap banyak tenaga kerja. Sebagai bentuk usaha, UMKM juga dituntut untuk melakukan pengembangan di bidang desain dan teknologi. Penerapan ERP di UMKM tentunya perlu mempertimbangkan karakteristik dari UMKM itu sendiri. Saat ini banyak tersedia open source software ERP yang dapat menyesuaikan dengan kondisi UMKM, baik dari segi biaya implementasi sistem maupun infrastruktur IT pendukungnya. Pemilihan three parties ERP yaitu software, implementation partner, dan application service provider perlu dilakukan dengan tepat. Kriteria dari setiap bagian tersebut dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi UMKM ketika mau mengimplementasikan ERP. Pemilihan yang tepat dari ketiga bagian tersebut dapat membantu kelangsungan kegiatan bisnis UMKM agar lebih efektif dan efisien. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan penyusunan kerangka pemilihan software ERP yang sesuai dengan karakter UMKM. Alat pendukung yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat keputusan adalah Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), yaitu alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan proses seleksi. Terdapat 18 kriteria yang bisa dijadikan variabel keputusan dan 5 alternatif pilihan open source ERP.
ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering Vol 5, No 1 (2021): ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering
Publisher : Master in Systems Engineering

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The problem of plastic waste is getting more and more worrying day by day. Meanwhile, the industrial demand for plastics is also increasing. So we need a recycling business that can bridge this. Plastic waste in the environment can be decomposed, and the industry fulfills plastic needs at low prices. This study aims to analyze and optimize the business of recycling plastic waste into plastic ore to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment and obtain material benefits. The research method used is a case study in a plastic waste processing company with the collection of data needed to determine the formulation of the problem so that a mathematical model of linear equations can be formed, which then, through production simulations, will be obtained optimization. The results are then analyzed with a techno-economic study to determine the feasibility of the business.After optimization of production from simulations based on a mathematical model of linear equations, if the company wants to get maximum profit, then the company must produce PP Black A of 1022.73 kg, PP Black B of 852.27 kg, PP Gray of 625 kg. Meanwhile, PP Gray Jumbo should not be produced. Based on the techno-economic study, the feasibility analysis before optimization was obtained as ROIa=23.40%, ROIb=23.24%, POTa=2.99 years, POTb=3 years, BEP=36.07%, SDP=23.98% LANG=4.1, DCFRR=18.8 %. Then the feasibility analysis after optimization is ROIa=29.88%, ROIb=29.73%, POTa=2.5 years, POTb=2.51 years, BEP=31.03%, SDP=20.63%, LANG=4.1, DCFRR=24.85%.
Pengembangan Computer Aided Design(CAD) Warna Batik Mega Inayati Rif’ah; Muh. Arif Wibisono
Forum Teknik Vol 37, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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One of the problem faced by Indonesian batik industry is about environment issue. This is because batik industry uses synthetic dyes on their coloring process. The use of natural dyes for batik makers deemed to be impractical and has many disadvantages, including lack of bright colors, longer process, and more expensive. Therefore, this research aims to reduce the use of synthetic dye in batik design process, by developing computer aided batik color design (CAD for batik color). This development includes a method for predicting color, methods and algorithms used in the CAD and measurement of its usability level. The results showed that the method can predict color with average error rate of 5% (< 10% tolerance error established), CAD for batik color has been able to run as the concept of batik making, and its usability average value is 3.86. Therefore, it is concluded that CAD for batik color has usability aspects and can be implemented as a design batik color tool that can be operated by its user.Keywords: batik, creative, design, CAD, color
Publisher : IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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Produksi batik saat ini lebih memperhatikan variasi motif sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen. Hal ini mengarahkan strategi produksi batik menjadi make to order. Canting cap batik berperan besar dalam pembentukan variasi motif batik, oleh karena itu proses pembuatannya merupakan hal yang dibutuhkan pengembangannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui cara produksi canting cap berbahan multiplex, dengan menggunakan mesin laser cutting untuk mendapatkan waktu produksi yang singkat dan variasi yang tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perancangan desain dan pembuatan produk. Pada perancangan desain, canting cap dibuat berdasarkan lebar motif pada cap, spasi antar motif pada cap. Gambar desain canting cap dibuat menggunakan software Coreldraw X8 menggunakan fitur rectangle, sebanyak dua tipe. Desain 1 berdasarkan variasi lebar motif 1 sampai dengan 10 mm, dan spasi antar motif 5 mm. Desain 2 berdasarkan variasi spasi antar motif 1 sampai dengan 10 mm, dan lebar motif 3 mm. Masing-masing desain canting cap memiliki ukuran 100 x 100 mm. Dibuat desain tangkai cap untuk menempelkan motif canting cap. Desain canting dan tangkai cap selanjutnya dipotong menggunakan mesin laser cutting dengan variasi ketinggian bahan 3 mm, 5 mm, dan 9 mm untuk setiap tipe desain. Hasil pemotongan selanjutnya digabungkan dengan menggunakan lem untuk mendapatkan canting cap sesuai desain. Hasil produksi pembuatan canting cap dengan bahan multiplex membutuhkan waktu produksi dua puluh kali lebih cepat dan biaya produksi tiga puluh kali lebih murah dibandingkan canting cap dengan bahan alumunium.
Perbaikan Kualitas Pembatikan pada CNC Batik Tulis Rotary Bed Menggunakan Metode Taguchi Kurniawan Hamidi; Muh. Arif Wibisono
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Juli 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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The nglowongi process is one part of the batik process, which is making patterns on mori. As technology develops, this process is replaced by machines that apply CNC technology, namely the CNC rotary bed. In its implementation, obstacles were found such as failure to form motifs that have perfect angles on the fabric. There are many possible factors that cause the failure, but the authors focus on the limiting factors on the speed and acceleration of the stepper motor movement and the design angle of the motif. The purpose of this research is to optimize the input setup (speed and acceleration) on GRBL during the process of making angular motifs on batik cloth. The method used is the Taguchi method and two way-ANOVA. The results of this study indicate that the optimal combination of motif design angle, speed and acceleration is 91°-180°, 833.33 mm/s or 500 mm/min respectively and the input acceleration is 4000 mm/s2