Tatang Surjana
Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

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Production of The Entomopathogenic Fungi Beauveria bassiana using Starch Rich Substrate and Its Infectivity against Tribolium castaneum Lutfi Afifah; Dhiya Mutsla Afifah; Tatang Surjana; Anik Kurniati; Rosalia Maryana
Jurnal ILMU DASAR Vol 23 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/jid.v23i2.21435


The entomopathogenic fungi of Beauveria bassiana is known to infect the Tribolium castaneum pest. Mass production of B. bassiana is currently carried out using alternative media, the amount of conidia produced on alternative media is quite large and can tolerate temperature. This research aims to select alternative media for the propagation of B. bassiana to gain germination, conidia density, and virulence of the best alternative media concentration against the pest of T. castaneum. The method used was a compiled in the Completely Randomized Design (RAL) at all stages of research. In the first stage of alternative media selection consisting of 4 treatments in 6 replications: A (PDA); B (peanuts); C (soybean); D (old coconut meat). The second stage of alternative media infectivity consisting of 5 treatments in 5 replications: positive control (synthesis insecticide); negative control (aquades); 107; 108; 109 spores/ml. The results achieved that alternative media selection given a highest colony diameter is 4.39 cm on soybean, the highest conidia density is 5,61 x 108 spores/ml on peanuts, the highest germinating power is 31.76% on peanuts. Furthermore, the infectivity of alternative media obtained on peanut media had a significant effect on the mortality of T. castaneum (36.00%) at a concentration of 109 spores/ml, LC50 was obtained at 5.6 x 105 spores/ml, and LT50 within 5.42 days. The results indicated that the peanut media was a good propagation medium of B. bassiana and it was necessary to find other alternatives to increase the infectivity of B. bassiana against T. castaneum.
Mortalitas Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith Akibat Racun Kontak Dari Ekstrak Daun Mimba (Azadirachta indica) Dan Beauveria bassiana Miftahul Ma'wa; Lutfi Afifah; Tatang Surjana; Dedi Darmadi
AGRICA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Agriculture Faculty of Flores University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/agr.v16i2.2943


S. frugiperda ialah hama invasif pada tanaman jagung Indonesia yang serangannya dapat mengganggu dan merugingan petani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan perlakuan yang tepat dan mampu meningkatkan mortalitas dan menekan serangan larva S. frugiperda. Metode yang dipakai merupakan metode eksperimental dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal yang terdiri dari 8 perlakuan dengan 4 kali ulangan : K1 (Kontrol aquades) ; K2 (Kontrol insektisida deltametrin 1 ml/l) ; M1 (Ekstrak daun mimba 40 g/l) ; M2 (Ekstrak daun mimba 80 g/l) ; M3 (Ekstrak daun mimba 120 g/l) ; B1 (B. bassiana 107 konidia/ml) ; B2 (B. bassiana 108 konidia/ml) ; B3 (B. bassiana 109 konidia/ml). Pengaplikasian dilakukan secara kontak ketubuh larva S. frugiperda. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan 10 larva instar 2 disetiap ulangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perlakuan ekstrak daun mimba mencapai mortalitas tertinggi yaitu 100% pada konsentrasi 120 g/l dengan nilai LT50 mencapai 5.18 hari, sedangkan pada perlakuan cendawan B. bassiana mortalitas tertinggi pada kerapatan 109 konidia/ml mencapai 87.5% dengan nilai LT50 7.26 hari. Dengan demikian konsentrasi ekstrak daun mimba 120 g/l dan kerapatan konidia cendawan entomopatogen B. bassiana 109 konidia/ml mampu untuk mengendalikan S. frugiperda dan menekan populasinya.
Mortalitas Hama Gudang Tribolium castaneum dan Susut Bobot Pada Beras dan Jagung Dalam Bentuk Utuh, Patah, dan Tepung Alda Vania Augusta; Lutfi Afifah; Tatang Surjana; Sudarti Sudarti
AGRICA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Agriculture Faculty of Flores University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37478/agr.v16i2.3067


Tribolium castaneum is one of stored pests with vast host against stored commodites. The purpose of this research is to know the survivability of T. castaneum and weight loss on rice and corn in the shape of whole grain, broken grain, and flour. This research used single factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 7 treatments with 4 replications: A (control), B (whole grain of rice), C (broken grain of rice), D (rice flour), E (whole grain of corn), F (broken grain of corn). G (corn flour). The observed variables were temperature and humidity, adult mortality, and feed weight loss. The results showed the differences of feed did not give significant effect on T. castaneum mortality but has siginificant effect on feed weight loss. Corn flour has the most weight loss by 8,50grams. This conclude that T. castaneum has high comsumption activity on corn flour.