Ahmad Khoirul Umam
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya

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BIO-MASTIC (Mastitis Natural Antiseptic), Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Kersen sebagai Antiseptik Tear Dipping Oktavia, Vinna; Umam, Ahmad Azmi Khoirul; Purwaningsih, Ratu Tintin; NofitaSari, Anissa; Ramadani, Nurul Qamaril
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Kewirausahaan PKM-K 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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"BIO-MASTIC" is based natural antiseptic compounds containing antibacterial protection cherry leaves. thing more support in making this antiseptic is a special antiseptic product innovation Teat Dipping that has never existed in the market, another advantage with natural ingredients that have been tested, so as to provide protection of live stock against the disease through treatment mastitis post-milking TeatDipping. This productis more economical prices so that farmers do not spend a lotto take care of their animals. "BIO-MASTIC" has great potential to be developed areas such as dairy cattle centers in poor districts and Kota batu and can earn big profit. The Progress of programs divided into six stages including market research and planning, the purchase of means of production, the search for raw materials, implementing production, testing and marketing of products. Stage of market research conducted in the central areas of the dairy farm, the method used is to interview farmers to dairy farmers. Production Stage conducted in the Laboratory of FKM(Microtechnic Physiology and Plant Tissue Culture, the amount of production for 4 months obtained 248 liters. Stage product testing carried out in the laboratory of FKM (Physiology, Plant Tissue culture and Microtechnic) Faculty of Biology and Bacteriology laboratory Brawijaya University. at the marketing stage, we aim at a target market that is central areas of the dairy farm. Mean while applied marketing strategy is to go to the breeder directly and in cooperation with Prosperous UD.Sumber. Moreover, we follow the bazaars both campus and national levels. "BIO-MASTIC" business innovation antiseptict eat dipping first in Indonesia in the field of prospective and sustainable farms, so as to address the needs of animals in an effort to overcome the problems of lack of antiseptics for milking. hoped would also createa goodbrand image and product support antiseptic"BIO- MASTIC", so it has the potential to be commercialized in Indonesia.Keywords : Mastitis, Natural Protection, Teat Dipping, profitable, sustainable.
Jurnal Agriovet Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL AGRIOVET

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Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan di CV. Putra Pratama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar keuntungan dan kelayakan usaha pada peternakan ayam petelur pasca pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus pada peternakan ayam petelur, metode ini dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data secara sistematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata harga telur selama sebulan adalah Rp. 21.500/kg, dan total biaya Rp. 2.879.039.049,-. Total pendapatan adalah Rp. 2.815.323.665,-. Analisis break event point mencapai Rp. 24.960/kg dan hasil rasio biaya pendapatan adalah 0,97. Kriteria tersebut masih layak untuk dilanjutkan meski mengalami kerugian, karena perekonomian di Indonesia pasca Covid-19 bergerak produktif. Abstract This research was conducted at CV. Putra Pratama. The purpose of this study was to find out how much profit and business feasibility on layer farms after the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a case study method on layer chicken farming, this method is done by collecting data systematically. The result of this research showed that the average price of eggs for a month was Rp. 21,500/kg, and the total cost was Rp. 2.879.039.049,-. Total revenue was Rp. 2.815.323.665,. The analysis of break event point was reached Rp. 24.960/kg and the result of revenue of cost ratio was 0,97. These criteria are still feasible to continue despite experiencing losses, because the economy in Indonesia after Covid-19 is moving productively.