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An Easy Way To Determine The Flexural Quality Of Asphalt Is Using ASTM D113 – 07 and SNI 2432:2011 Surya Pratama; Andri Dwi Cahyono; Candra Dwi Saputra; Lina Budi Lestari; Puput Buqin Laso; Febynia Ananda Putri; Puji Rahayu Febyningtyas
Civilla : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Lamongan Vol 7, No 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Litbang Pemas - Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/cvl.v7i1.751


Asphalt is a material that has non-volatile properties and softens gradually when heated and functions as a binder for aggregates and as a surface covering material to make it impermeable to water. However, asphalt also has a weakness. Namely, it is easy to crack and be damaged when vehicles pass through the main road. To overcome cracked and worn roads, it is necessary to test the ductility of asphalt so that the road becomes flexible/plastic. This ductility test is very important because it greatly affects the pavement layer; Therefore, a ductility test is needed to determine the level of plasticity of an asphalt. The asphalt ductility test method refers to the specifications of ASTM D113 – 07 and SNI 2432:2011 with 3 samples of test objects and a test instrument called a ductilometer of type TAS – 250. Based on the ductility test, the asphalt ductility reaches an average elongation of 117.33 cm; This value indicates that the plasticity level of the asphalt has met the specifications and can be used in sustainable pavement construction layers because it has good plasticity.
CARA MUDAH MENENTUKAN DEBIT STABIL PADA SALURAN TERBUKA DENGAN METODE SNI 8137-2015 Wiwit Mely Yanti Jannah; Andri Dwi Cahyono; Rama Putra Nugraha; Erwindsyah Putra Wijaya; Trini Agustini; Dodi Setiawan; Rahadi Reswara
JURNAL SPEKTRAN Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Master of Civil Engineering Program Study, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/SPEKTRAN.2022.v10.i02.p02


Salah satu sumber air yang banyak dimanfaatkan adalah sungai, hal ini dikarenakan pertimbangan kuantitas airnya yang cukup melimpah. Pemanfaatan air sungai dapat dilakukan secara langsung atau dengan menggunakan bangunan-bangunan tertentu, seperti bangunan bendung dan bendungan. Bendung adalah struktur bangunan penting yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume air serta menghindari penyimpanan air yang berlebihan agar tidak terjadi banjir (sebagai bangunan pengendali banjir dan sebagai saluran irigasi). Penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode analisis eksperimental, yaitu melakukan pengamatan langsung pada replika saluran terbuka berupa saluran air berbentuk persegi panjang dengan menggunakan bendung ambang lebar. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bendung ambang lebar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fungsi dari ambang lebar dan untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari khususnya dalam bidang pertanian. Bendung ambang lebar memiliki kelebihan yaitu Benda-benda hanyut dapat dilewatkan dengan mudah juga memiliki Konstruksi kuat dan memiliki kekurangan yaitu bangunan ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk mengukur saja. Dalam melakukan pencarian debit yang stabil pada aliran menggunakan cara sebagai berikut pertama Penentuan bukaan pintu, kedua mengukur tinggi muka air, ketiga Menghitung debit setelah bukaan pintu. Maka disimpulkan bahwa dari penelitian saluran hidrolika menggunakan ambang lebar dengan variasi 3 bukaan pintu yaitu 1 cm, 1,5 cm, 2 cm diketahui debit yang stabil adalah pada bukaan 1,5 cm dengan debit 0,718 ?/detik. Hasil tersebut digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pembagian air pada sawah atau lahan pertanian sehingga kebutuhan air tanaman selama pengolahan tanah, pembibitan dan pertumbuhan dapat terkendali dengan baik.
U Karst Vol 2, No 2 (2018): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1193.615 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v2i2.255


The stability of the soil structure is something that needs to be considered in development. Increasing soil structure improvement can be done through various efforts using added materials or compaction processes. This study aims to improve the clay soil on the kerot kediri road using paper waste. The research was conducted experimentally by making samples in the laboratory. The land used is from the Totok Kerot road, Kediri, which has damaged the road surface due to land loans. Waste paper was added at 0% 7.5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of the weight of the test object. Waste paper is used with pulp after it is dried and pulverized to a certain gradation. The tests carried out include the Consistency Limit (Atterberg Limit) and Soil Compaction (Proctor) tests. The results showed that the addition of waste paper affects the original properties of the soil. The addition of paper moisture content decreases the Plastic Index value and increases the dry volume of the soil. The addition of waste paper content also increases the volume of dry soil water but decreases after reaching the optimum point, namely at 10% paper waste content and 9.96% water content with a dry volume weight value of 1.97gr/cm3. The greater the dry volume of soil, the dry density indicates that the soil is getting higher. So that by knowing these results, it can be used as a reference in the process of repairing and backfilling the soil on the Totok Kerot Kediri road.
Meningkatkan Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pancang Gedung Abipraya Mojo Kabupaten Kediri Menggunakan Metode Begemann Arif Fathur Rohman; Edy Gardjito; Agata Iwan Candra; Andri Dwi Cahyono
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi & Teknik Sipil Vol 4, No 2 (2021): OCTOBER
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2418.205 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/jurmateks.v4i2.1986


The foundation is a lower structural element that serves to with stand the load of the upper structure. Pile foundation is one type of deep foundation, which is widely used in the construction of buildings. Pile foundation used in hard soil cases is located at a very deep depth. Abipraya Building is a building located in kediri regency which later functioned as a rural office. This study aims to increase the carrying capacity of pile foundation in the abipraya building project using the begemann method. Calculations carried out include the calculation of loading, carrying capacity, buckling factor and determination of foundation point.  Based on the calculations obtained the results of axial load (sigma Vertical Ultimate) Σνυ of 99.70. with a single-pole carrying capacity of 38.89 tons and a group pole carrying capacity of 117,917 tons. These results will be planned the foundation of the stake with a diameter of 30 with a depth of 8 meters, amounting to 4 poles. Calculation factor buckling results in 194.14 kg/cm2 smaller than the allowed maximum 2400 kg/cm2. Thus, with the known components of the planning of the pile foundation, it can be used as a reference in the construction of the abipraya building.
Meningkatkan Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pancang Gedung Baru Rumah Sakit Baptis Kediri Menggunakan Metode Mayerhoff Lintang Ratnasari Satiti; Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo; Sigit Winarto; Andri Dwi Cahyono
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi & Teknik Sipil Vol 4, No 2 (2021): OCTOBER
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering, Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2855.266 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/jurmateks.v4i2.2048


The foundation is an important part of the building structure because it functions as a support. The selection of this pile foundation has various considerations, namely the pile foundation can achieve the hardest soil bearing capacity, made with a manufacturing system, then the quality of the concrete can be guaranteed, the soil bearing capacity is not only obtained from the tip of the pile. Foundation planning needs to be well planned to support user safety and comfort. Pile foundation is one type of foundation chosen because it is more cost-effective and quality than other foundations. This study aims to plan the pile foundation for a new building at Baptist Hospital Kediri. The calculations carried out include calculating the load received by each column, the carrying capacity of a single pile permit, the dimensions and depth of the pile, as well as the required pile cap dimensions. Calculation of the pile foundation is carried out using the Mayerhoff method. The calculation results show that the load on the column area (K13) is 212.23.04 tons, the carrying capacity of the single pile permit (Qall) is 87509.33 kg and Quult is 218773.3 kg and the use of 4 piles on one pile with dimensions of 40 x 40 cm with a depth of 10.6 m, With these results can be used as a reference in the construction of a new building Baptist Hospital that is safe and able to withstand the load of the building.
U Karst Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v2i2.255


The stability of the soil structure is something that needs to be considered in development. Increasing soil structure improvement can be done through various efforts using added materials or compaction processes. This study aims to improve the clay soil on the kerot kediri road using paper waste. The research was conducted experimentally by making samples in the laboratory. The land used is from the Totok Kerot road, Kediri, which has damaged the road surface due to land loans. Waste paper was added at 0% 7.5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of the weight of the test object. Waste paper is used with pulp after it is dried and pulverized to a certain gradation. The tests carried out include the Consistency Limit (Atterberg Limit) and Soil Compaction (Proctor) tests. The results showed that the addition of waste paper affects the original properties of the soil. The addition of paper moisture content decreases the Plastic Index value and increases the dry volume of the soil. The addition of waste paper content also increases the volume of dry soil water but decreases after reaching the optimum point, namely at 10% paper waste content and 9.96% water content with a dry volume weight value of 1.97gr/cm3. The greater the dry volume of soil, the dry density indicates that the soil is getting higher. So that by knowing these results, it can be used as a reference in the process of repairing and backfilling the soil on the Totok Kerot Kediri road.
Meningkatkan Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pancang Gedung Abipraya Mojo Kabupaten Kediri Menggunakan Metode Begemann Arif Fathur Rohman; Edy Gardjito; Agata Iwan Candra; Andri Dwi Cahyono
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Teknik Sipil (JURMATEKS) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): OCTOBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jurmateks.v4i2.1986


The foundation is a lower structural element that serves to with stand the load of the upper structure. Pile foundation is one type of deep foundation, which is widely used in the construction of buildings. Pile foundation used in hard soil cases is located at a very deep depth. Abipraya Building is a building located in kediri regency which later functioned as a rural office. This study aims to increase the carrying capacity of pile foundation in the abipraya building project using the begemann method. Calculations carried out include the calculation of loading, carrying capacity, buckling factor and determination of foundation point.  Based on the calculations obtained the results of axial load (sigma Vertical Ultimate) Σνυ of 99.70. with a single-pole carrying capacity of 38.89 tons and a group pole carrying capacity of 117,917 tons. These results will be planned the foundation of the stake with a diameter of 30 with a depth of 8 meters, amounting to 4 poles. Calculation factor buckling results in 194.14 kg/cm2 smaller than the allowed maximum 2400 kg/cm2. Thus, with the known components of the planning of the pile foundation, it can be used as a reference in the construction of the abipraya building.
Meningkatkan Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pancang Gedung Baru Rumah Sakit Baptis Kediri Menggunakan Metode Mayerhoff Lintang Ratnasari Satiti; Yosef Cahyo Setianto Poernomo; Sigit Winarto; Andri Dwi Cahyono
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi dan Teknik Sipil (JURMATEKS) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): OCTOBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jurmateks.v4i2.2048


The foundation is an important part of the building structure because it functions as a support. The selection of this pile foundation has various considerations, namely the pile foundation can achieve the hardest soil bearing capacity, made with a manufacturing system, then the quality of the concrete can be guaranteed, the soil bearing capacity is not only obtained from the tip of the pile. Foundation planning needs to be well planned to support user safety and comfort. Pile foundation is one type of foundation chosen because it is more cost-effective and quality than other foundations. This study aims to plan the pile foundation for a new building at Baptist Hospital Kediri. The calculations carried out include calculating the load received by each column, the carrying capacity of a single pile permit, the dimensions and depth of the pile, as well as the required pile cap dimensions. Calculation of the pile foundation is carried out using the Mayerhoff method. The calculation results show that the load on the column area (K13) is 212.23.04 tons, the carrying capacity of the single pile permit (Qall) is 87509.33 kg and Quult is 218773.3 kg and the use of 4 piles on one pile with dimensions of 40 x 40 cm with a depth of 10.6 m, With these results can be used as a reference in the construction of a new building Baptist Hospital that is safe and able to withstand the load of the building.
Identifikasi Karakteristik Agregat Terhadap Nilai Stabilitas Lapis Perkerasan Aspal Beton AC-BC (Laston) Evita Fitrianis Hidiyati; Andri Dwi Cahyono; Meisela Induwati; Oda Firma Emilia; Dinar Tiffani Mustafa; Widy Rilo Pambudi; Andini Dwi Aprinia; Reiga Firhan Fasyaro
TERAS JURNAL Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Volume 13 No 1, Maret 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i1.853


Abstrak Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan komposisi terbaik dari penggunaan agregat kasar dari Kedak dan Pasir Lumajang, sehingga mampu meningkatkan nilai stabilitas jalan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimental dengan pembuatan benda uji jenis lapis aspal beton yaitu AC-BC dengan variasi campuran 4,2% aspal. Beberapa pengujian untuk mendapatkan karakteristik agregat yaitu uji gradasi ayakan, uji abrasi, uji berat jenis sementara pengujian untuk mendapatkan hasil stabilitas adalah uji Marshall (Stabilitas, Flow, volumetric). Kesimpulan dari hasil pengujian Marshall dengan penggunaan agregat kasar koral Kedak Kediri dan agregat halus pasir Lumajang didapatkan nilai stabilitas rata-rata sebesar 4.843 kg hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap nilai stabilitas lapis perkerasan lentur normal sebesar 800 kg sehingga hasil tersebut menunjukkan penggunaan agregat kasar koral Kedak Kediri dan agregat halus pasir Lumajang meningkatkan nilai stabilitas yang akan berdampak pada daya tahan lapis perkerasan jalan kondisi lalu lintas tinggi dan tingkat umur layanan jalan yang direncanakan akan tercapai. Kata kunci: Aspal, Jalan, Marshall, Stabilitas Abstract The purpose of this research is to get the best composition from the use of coarse aggregate from Kedak and Lumajang Sand, so as to increase the road stability value. The method used is the experimental method by making asphalt concrete type specimens, namely A.C-B.C with a mixture of 4.2% asphalt. Several tests to obtain aggregate characteristics are sieve gradation test, abrasion test, specific gravity test. While testing to obtain stability results is the Marshall test (Stability, Flow, volumetric). The conclusion from the Marshall test results using Kedak Kediri coarse coral aggregate and Lumajang sand fine aggregate obtained an average stability value of 4,843 kg. This shows that there is a significant influence on the stability value of the normal flexible pavement layer of 800 kg. Thus, these results indicate that the use of Kedak Kediri coarse coral aggregate and Lumajang sand fine aggregate increases the stability value which will have an impact on the durability of the road pavement under high traffic conditions and the service life level of the planned road will be achieved. Keywords: Asphalt, Marshall, Road, Stability
IDENTIFIKASI KARAKTERISTIK TANAH DAERAH KARANGREJO UNTUK SUBGRADE JALAN RAYA Akbar Wahyu Priyo Hariadi; Andri Dwi Cahyono; Nur Addin Fatkunada; Yossy Murdianto Eka Saputra; Muhammad Rafiq Susanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Desain & Konstruksi Vol 22, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35760/dk.2023.v22i1.8272


Tanah merupakan material konstruksi dengan susunan agregat yang kompleks, heterogen, dan tidak pasti. Tanah subgrade merupakan permukaan tanah asli, galian, atau timbunan yang digunakan sebagai dasar perkerasan. Penentuan daya dukung tanah dilakukan dengan mengukur nilai CBR (California Bearing Ratio). CBR merupakan perbandingan kekuatan tanah dasar dengan kekuatan bahan agregat standar. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel langsung dari lapangan untuk mendapatkan data fisik yang diperlukan. Uji CBR dilakukan di laboratorium dengan menggunakan tiga sampel uji, masing-masing mengalami 56, 25, dan 10 tumbukan. Metode yang digunakan adalah SNI 1742:2008 dengan kadar air optimum sebesar 14% yang ditentukan melalui uji proctor test. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa nilai CBR design yang diperoleh adalah 4%. Analisis ini membutuhkan data primer dan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai CBR tanah dasar di Desa Gedangan, Kecamatan Karangrejo, Kabupaten Tulungagung, Provinsi Jawa Timur, tergolong buruk. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan stabilisasi tanah agar dapat digunakan sebagai subgrade lapis perkerasan jalan. Dengan stabilisasi yang tepat, tanah dapat diaplikasikan secara efektif dalam pembangunan infrastruktur jalan.