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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 (2020): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract A workshop to improve the competency of mathematics teacher, especially at the elementary school level, has held online on Saturday, September 05th 2020, 10.00 – 12.00 AM, by using zoom cloud meeting platform. The team of this workshop consists of three people, they are a head, a member, and a college student. The aim of this workshop is to improve the competency of mathematics teacher by using method of developing mathematic problems: type I and type II. The method used in this workshop are telling method, question and answer method, and simulation. The participants seemed enthusiastic in participating in this workshop. After the workshop ended, the team asks the participants to fill the evaluation questionnare. After that, the team asks each participants to do the simulation of the workshop by making mathematics olympiad problems by using the method of developing mathematics problems. It has been studied during the workshop. The outcomes of this workshop is publication of the recorded meeting of the workshop on YouTube channel, publication of the workshop article on the community service seminar, and the collection of mathematics olympiad problems made by participants. This workshop improves the ability of teachers to make mathematics olympiad problems on elementary school level. Abstrak Pengembangan kompetensi guru matematika melalui pelatihan pengembangan soal-soal olimpiade matematika tingkat sekolah dasar diselenggarakan dalam bentuk workshop dalam jaringan (webinar) pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 05 September 2020, pukul 10.00 – 12.00 WIB menggunakan platform zoom cloud meeting. Tim pelaksana terdiri dari tiga orang, yakni ketua, anggota, dan mahasiswa yang terlibat. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru matematika dalam mengembangkan soal-soal olimpiade matematika dengan menggunakan metode pengembangan soal olimpiade, yakni tipe I dan tipe II. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode ceramah, tanya jawab, dan simulasi. Para peserta tampak antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan workshop ini. Metode ceramah dan tanya jawab digunakan pada saat pelaksanaan workshop berlangsung. Setelah kegiatan workshop berakhir, peserta diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner evaluasi pelaksanaan workshop dan melakukan simulasi berupa praktik mandiri membuat soal olimpiade menggunakan metode pengembangan soal yang telah dipelajari selama workshop berlangsung. Hasil luaran workshop berupa unggahan video rekaman workshop di YouTube, publikasi artikel kegiatan pada seminar nasional, dan kumpulan soal olimpiade yang dibuat oleh peserta melalui metode pengembangan soal yang telah dipelajari. Dampak kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya kemampuan guru dalam membuat soal olimpiade matematika tingkat sekolah dasar.
Analisis Kestabilan pada Model Matematika Deradikalisasi Wimbo Fari Susilo; Lukita Ambarwati; Eti Dwi Wiraningsih
JMT : Jurnal Matematika dan Terapan Vol 4 No 1 (2022): JMT (Jurnal Matematika dan Terapan)
Publisher : Program Studi Matematika Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/jmt.4.1.3


Radicalization is a process by which individuals adopt political, social, and religious ideologies that lead to violence. Violent behavior in the radicalization process is the reason that radicalism is considered the cause of acts of terrorism. Therefore, to reduce this radicalization process, a deradicalization program is carried out. Deradicalization is an attempt to persuade adherents of radicalism to leave this notion. In order to determine the level of spread of radicalization, a mathematical model of deradicalization was made. The model consists of four compartments, namely, Susceptible, Extrimist, Recruiters, and Treatment. The model is analyzed by determining the equilibrium point and determining the base reproduction number ( ℜ0). If ℜ0<1 then the system will be locally asymptotically stable, and if ℜ0>1 then the system will be unstable. The simulation is carried out with the data that has been obtained, with the individual displacement parameters from the Extrimist compartment to the Treatment compartment with a value of 0.05 and the individual displacement from the Recruiters compartment to the Treatment compartment with a value of 0.165, simulation results show a graph that is stable to the point of endemic equilibrium. Meanwhile, if the value of individual displacement from the Extrimist and Recruiters compartments to the Treatment compartment is 0.5, the simulation results show that the graph gradually goes to zero.