Heni Hendriyani, Heni
Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

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Pemberian Jus Jaya Mengatasi Konstipasi Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang Novitasari, Hana; Tursilowati, Susi; Hendriyani, Heni
Jurnal Riset Gizi Vol 2, No 1 (2014): Mei 2014
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Semarang

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Background : Fiber intake of the Central Java population on average 51% of the level of adequacy of the fiber. Lack of fiber can cause constipation, which gives the symptoms of constipation is less convenient because of the perceived pain either before or during the process of defecation. Recent study showed that the prevalence of constipation women who worked in Jakarta was 47.6%. Good source of fiber for constipation is insoluble fiber found in fruits and vegetables, among others present in red guava, green apple, and papaya are then processed into juice. Taste test research has been conducted to test the acceptability of the juice . Then be made juices are high in fiber with 50 grams of the composition of guava, green apple 25 grams, and 25 grams of papaya is shortened to Juice Jaya.Objective: This study aimed to determine the Effect of Juice Jaya to Constipation In Level I Student of Nutrition Department of Health Polytechnic Semarang 2013/2014.Method: This study used the Approach Pre-test - Post test randomized control group design.and Anacova analize with MoH polytechnic students were 20 people who suffer from constipation .Results: First level of Nutrition Program Students have constipation is 21.55 %. Fiber intake before the study was 14.52 grams in the treatment group and was 13.53 grams in the control group. After the study, Fiber intake on the treatment group increased 20.45 grams, and relative constan in the control group 14.79 grams (p = 0.004). Incidence of constipation after the study decreased to 15.0 % in the treatment group and relative equal 50.0 % in the control group (p = 0.003) .Conclusion: There is the effect of the juice Jaya on the incidence of constipation in first level of Nutrition Departemen Students of Health Polytecnic Semarang.
Konsumsi makanan tinggi natrium, kesukaan rasa asin, berat badan, dan tekanan darah pada anak sekolah Hendriyani, Heni; Sulistyowati, Enik; Noviardhi, Astidio
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 12, No 3 (2016): Januari
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.921 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.22632


Background: It is a fact that natrium consumption relates to hypertension and the risk of heart disease and stroke. Even though it is common happened in later life, hypertension can be started in early age.Objective: The aim of the study is to identify salty food preference, high natrium food consumption, natrium intake, weight and its correlation with blood pressure among schoolchildren.Method: The study used cross-sectional design. There were 151 samples from junior high school chosen by purposive sampling. Food salty level data was assessed by eating the snack with three different salt concentration. High and low natrium source food and natrium intake data were taken using semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Blood pressure was measured by sphygmomanometer digital. Bivariate analysis was used Chi-square and Rank Spearman test.Results: The study revealed that 74,2% children prefer snack with the salt level above recommendation (> 0,5 gr salt per portion ). There were 22,5% children have natrium intake from food only ≥2000 mg (above recommendation). As much as 35,8% children fall into hypertension category based on their blood pressure (BP) level. There was a significant relationship between high natrium food consumption score with natrium intake (p=0,002). There were significant correlation between weight with systolic and diastolic BP ((p=0,000 r=-0,549 and p=0,000 r=-0,412). There were no correlation between atrium intake with systolic and diastolic BP (p=0,764;  r= 0,0025 and p=0,819 r=0,19).Conclusion: Healthy food and maintaining normal weight information and education must be done for children as early as possible.
Penambahan kelapa (Cocos nucifera) dan kacang tolo (Vigna unguiculata) terhadap nilai indeks glikemik singkong (Manihot utilissima) Astuti, Rini; Hendriyani, Heni; Isnawati, Muflihah
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2013): Juli
Publisher : Minat S2 Gizi dan Kesehatan, Prodi S2 IKM, FK-KMK UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.569 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.18372


Backgound: The glycemic index (GI) is a notion that defences the glycaemic potency of foods. Foods with low GI will be digested and turned into glucose gradually and slowly. As a result blood glucose peak will not be so high and its fluctuation relatively in short time. Although cassava is a good source of carbohydrate, it has a high GI and low protein. Its GI factor needs to be reduced by any efforts to make it a healthy alternative food in spite of rice.Objective: To analize the effect of adding coconut and black-eyed pea to the GI factor of cassava.Method: The study used experimental observation design. There were three groups of treatment with 9 persons in each goup. After fasting for 10 hours, blood glucose were tested and 50 g of true glucose were given. Blood glucose of the subjects were tested again after 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes giving true glucose. Next on the seventh day, they were given boiled cassava, cassava with coconut (sawut) and cassava with black-eyed pea (gintul). After which their blood glucose were also tested. Results: GI factor of steam cassava, shredded cassava and shredded cassava with black-eyed pea (gintul) was 100,40; 70,90; and 61,88; respectively. There was a significant difference of GI level between three products (p=0,031). Conclusion: Food processing by adding coconut and black-eyed pea has effect in reducing the GI level of cassava.
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 37, No 1 (2014): Maret 2014

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World Health Organization (WHO) menyatakan satu dari tiga orang dewasa di seluruh dunia memiliki tekanan darah tinggi dan proporsinya meningkat seiring meningkatnya usia. Di Indonesia, Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas)  Tahun 2007 menunjukkan prevalensi hipertensi secara nasional mencapai  31,7 persen dan di Propinsi Jawa Tengah prevalensinya mencapai 37 persen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku pemilihan makanan tinggi natrium yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek serta hubungannya dengan asupan natrium. Desain penelitian cross-sectional. Sejumlah 60 wanita dewasa usia 36 sampai 76 tahun menjadi responden dengan kriteria inklusi menderita hipertensi kurang dari 3 tahun dan tidak sedang menjalani program diet. Pengetahuan dan sikap pemilihan makanan tinggi natrium dikumpulkan dengan wawancara dilengkapi kuesioner sedangkan praktek dan asupan natrium dikumpulkan dengan semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Analisis data dengan chi square dan korelasi pearson. Asupan natrium responden rata-rata sebesar 3604,10 mg. Sejumlah 96,7 persen responden  asupan natriumnya di atas anjuran (<2400 mg). Proporsi responden dengan pengetahuan kurang, sikap kurang dan konsumsi makanan tinggi natriumnya sering memiliki asupan natriumnya tinggi yaitu masing-masing 54,5 persen, 63,6 persen dan 84,8 persen. Ada hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dan sikap  dengan asupan natrium dengan masing-masing nilai r=-0,508; p=0,000; r=-0,342; p=0,008 dan ada hubungan positif signifikan antara praktek  dengan asupan natrium (r=0,782; p=0,000). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan responden yang merupakan penderita hipertensi sering mengkonsumsi makanan sumber natrium tinggi. Pemberian pemahaman mengenai risiko asupan natrium yang tinggi terhadap kesehatan kepada masyarakat akan sangat bermanfaat.ABSTRACT   FOOD SELECTION BEHAVIOURS RELATED TO NATRIUM INTAKE AMONG HYPERTENSIVE  OUTPATIENT IN SEMARANG High natrium intake is one of hypertension risk factors. Basic health research data in 2007 showed that in Indonesia, hypertension  prevalence in community reached 31,7% and in Central Java the prevalence was 37%. Objective of the study is to find out high natrium food behavior include knowledge, attitude and practice as well as to analyze it’s relationship with natrium intake. The study used cross sectional design. There were 60 adult women selected as respondents aged 36 to 76 years with inclusion criteria as being hypertension  less than 3 years and  was not in a diet program. Knowledge and attitude were collected by  interviewing them using questionnaire. Practices and natrium intake data were collected using semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire. The results showed that mean of natrium intake was 3604,10 mg. Majority (96,7%) of respondents had natrium intake above recommendation (<2400 mg). Respondents with poor knowledge and attitutude as well as high consumption of natrium rich food had high intake of natrium 54,5%, 63,6% dan 84,8% respectively. There were negative significant correlation between knowledge (r=-0,508; p=0,000) and attitude (r=-0,342; p=0,008) with natrium intake. There was a positive significant correlation between practice and natrium intake (r=0,782; p=0,000). High consumption of natrium rich food is considered prevalent in the community. It is essential to educate people the negative effect of high natrium consumption.Keywords: dietary behaviours, natrium intake, hypertension  
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 33, No 1 (2010): Maret 2010

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Obesitas telah menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius di seluruh dunia. Prevalensi obesitas baik pada orang dewasa maupun anak-anak meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Masalah obesitas memerlukan penanganan yang serius karena obesitas memiliki konsekuensi yang serius terutama terjadinya penyakit yang dipicu oleh keadaan obes. Faktor sosial yang mempengaruhi pola konsumsi makanan di masyarakat perlu untuk diperhatikan. Pilihan makanan seseorang dapat merupakan refleksi dari pola sosial dalam produksi, distribusi dan konsumsi makanan di masyarakat. Tulisan ini memperkenalkan perspektif sosial dalam menggali pengaruh pola produksi, distribusi dan konsumsi makanan terhadap kejadian obesitas.Keywords: obesitas, konsumsi makanan, distribusi makanan