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Jurnal Riset AKuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 14, No 2 (2014): JURNAL RISET AKUNTANSI DAN BISNIS
Publisher : Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/jrab.v14i2.416


Penelitian ini didasarkan pada semakin berkembang pesatnya bisnis franchiseyang memegang peranan yang signifikan dalam pertumbuhan dan perluasan bisnisdi Indonesia khususnya di Medan. Beberapa isi dari literatur franchisee dan beritaberita yang terkemuka berhubungan dengan sindiran-sindiran serta bukti-bukti darikonflik yang terjadi antara franchisee dan franchisor menandai bahwa perjanjianfranchise perlu diteliti. Oleh karena itu hal tersebut adalah hal yang penting untukdimengerti mengenai perihal-perihal yang membuat franchisee dan franchisormerasa terjepit. Itulah yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahuiDeterminasi Perjanjian Franchise dan Kepuasan Franchisee. Dengan menggunakanhasil survey dari franchisee, studi ini mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel dariperjanjian franchise dan kepuasan franchisee. Pengolahan data dilakukanmenggunakan statistic nonparametric, dengan metode korelasi Kendall. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa diantara 8 variabel bebas dari perjanjian franchise yakni fasilitas, marketing, keuangan, Komunikasi, jaminan, pelatihan, sistem pengawasan dan tata cara pemutusan kerjasama perjanjian, yang memiliki hubunganyang cukup kuat dengan variabel terikat kepuasan franchisee adalah 4 variabel bebas, yakni fasilitas, jaminan, sistem pengawasan dan tata cara pemutusan kerjasama perjanjian. Sementara yang paling dominan adalah variabel jaminan,dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,510 dan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,010 untuk kualitas pelayanan dan 0,442 dan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,030 untuk Keyakinan. Kualitas Pelayanan dan Keyakinan adalah dua dari tiga variabel Kepuasan Franchisee. Ini adalah bukti bahwa sebuah jaminan mampu memberikan kepuasan kepada para franchisee.
Determinant factor of Islamic financial inclusiveness at MSMEs: Evidence from Pekanbaru, Indonesia Budi Trianto; Rahmayati Rahmayati; Tetty Yuliaty; Tasiu Tijjani Sabiu
Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam Volume 7 No. 2, July 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jeki.vol7.iss2.art1


Purpose – This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the inclusiveness of Islamic finance in MSMEs and its impact on their business performance.Methodology – This research uses the quantitative approach through SEM analysis. Data were collected directly from respondents using an online survey questionnaire. Respondents in this study were MSMEs who had interacted with the Islamic Banking with the total sample size of 98 MSMEs owners.Findings – The results of this study show that the socio-cultural and marketing communication variables have a positive and significant impact on Islamic financial inclusion. Meanwhile, Islamic financial literacy has a positive but insignificant impact on Islamic Financial Inclusion. Although financial literacy does not have a significant impact on Islamic financial inclusion, it has a positive and significant impact on the performance of MSMEs. Another result shows that Islamic financial inclusion has a positive and significant impact on the performance of MSMEs in PekanbaruOriginality – Research related to the Islamic Financial Inclusion in the MSMEs in Pekanbaru, Indonesia is very limited. This study will contribute to the existing literature in the area of Islamic Financial Inclusion and the development of MSMEs.
PKM Socialization and Training on Financial Reports and Optimizing Digitization of the Economy in Development UKM/UMKM House of Friends of Mother, Medan Helvetia Village Abdillah Arif Nasution; Tetty Yuliati; Risanty; Juwita Agustrisna; May Hana Bilqis R
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.483 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v6i2.5085


Rumah Kawan Bunda is a forum for empowering women in entrepreneurship. Rumah Kawan Bunda has various educational and collaboration programs to increase the production and sales of its members. The purpose of Rumah Kawan Bunda itself is as a space for women entrepreneurs who want to improve their entrepreneurial competence as well as a place for education and business collaboration between fellow entrepreneurs. It can be said that Rumah Kawan Bunda is the answer for women entrepreneurs who want to advance their business and increase their competence in selling both online and offline in this digital era. To continue to support the development of MSME players so that they can be competitive and contribute to the national economy, it is necessary to take steps to motivate and support MSMEs by providing guidance and assistance so that they can be more focused. Therefore, we will conduct socialization and assistance to MSMEs in preparing financial reports so that they can be used as decision-making tools in calculating business profits, and can increase access to capital to get investors. In addition, to overcome the problems of MSMEs, namely access to market products in the face of free trade and the 4.0 revolution, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can take advantage of electronic commerce or E-commerce as a means of marketing their products.
Do The Socio-Economic Status, Religious Attitudeand Customer Perception Impact On Customer Behavior? : Islamic Banking Case Tetty Yuliaty; Doli Muhammad Jafar Dalimunthe; Weni Hawariyuni
IKONOMIKA Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/febi.v7i2.15827


This study aims to investigate customer behavior at Islamic banks,Indonesia. This research was analyzed by using path analysis approach involving 200 respondents as customers at several Islamic banks in Medan, Indonesia. Based on this research show the socio-economic status and religious attitudes have positively and significantly impactto customer behavior. On the other hand, socio-economic status and religious attitude are also positively and significantly impact for customer perceptions. Customer perceptions have the implication to increase positive customer behavior, sharia banking managers in Indonesia need to foster the religiosity of customers and target prospective customers who have good religiosity and good socio-economic status.