Arif Wahyu Nur Kholid
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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JURNAL AKUNTANSI Volume 17, Nomor 2, November 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Siliwangi

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ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine the effect of executive remuneration and the covid-19 pandemic on firm value. The population of this study are companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018 - 2020. This research is included in quantitative research and the data used are secondary data. The sampling method of this study uses the purposive sampling method. This study uses panel data regression and is processed using the EViews 10 program. The estimation method used in this study is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM. The results show that remuneration has no significant effect on firm value. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has a significant negative effect on firm value). In addition, the average executive remuneration received during the covid-19 pandemic is greater than the average remuneration received before the Pandemic. However, this average difference is not statistically significant. The implication of this research is that the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in the decline in the firm value in Indonesia, so that investors are more careful in investing in the capital market during the pandemic, and shareholders are more concerned about the remuneration scheme given to executives because there are no significant results that executive remuneration can increase the firm value.Keywords: Covid -19; Firm Value; Remuneration;ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh remunerasi eksekutif dan pandemi covid-19 terhadap nilai perusahaan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2018 – 2020. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian kuantitatif dan data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Metode sampling penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi data panel dan diolah menggunakan program EViews 10. Metode estimasi yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Remunerasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Akan tetapi, Pandemi Covid-19 berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Selain itu, rata – rata remunerasi eksekutif yang diterima saat pandemi covid-19 lebih besar daripada rata-rata remunerasi yang diterima sebelum Pandemi. Akan tetapi selisih rata – rata ini secara statistis tidak signifikan. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah Pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan penurunan pada nilai perusahaan di Indonesia, sehingga investor lebih berhati -hati dalam investasi di pasar modal saat pandemi. Serta, shareholder lebih memperhatikan terkait skema remunerasi yang diberikan kepada eksekutif karena tidak ditemukan hasil signifikan bahwa Remunerasi eksekutif dapat meningkatkan nilai perusahaan.Kata Kunci: Covid-19; Nilai Perusahaan; Remunerasi;
Pengaruh Kesesuaian Kompensasi, Ketaatan Aturan Akuntansi terhadap Kecenderungan Kecurangan Akuntansi: Peran Efektivitas Pengendalian Internal Sebagai Pemediasi Bambang Jatmiko; Neva Livia Yusuf; Arif Wahyu Nur Kholid
JABI (Jurnal Akuntansi Berkelanjutan Indonesia) Vol 6, No 1 (2023): JABI (JURNAL AKUNTANSI BERKELANJUTAN INDONESIA)
Publisher : Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/JABI.v6i1.y2023.p61-77


The study aims to examine the appropriateness of compensation and the effect of internal control effectiveness as mediating variable in influencing compliance to accounting rules on the accounting fraud tendencies. This is quantitative study which used a questionnaire survey. The subject of this study is Local Government Organizations (LGO) located in Kotabaru, South Borneo. Hypotheses testing was conducted by employing Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Leas Square (SEM-PLS) technique. This study find that the appropriateness of compensation and internal control effectiveness have positive effect on the accounting fraud tendencies of LGOs. In addition, compliance to accounting rules have positive effect on internal control effectiveness but internal control effectiveness cannot mediate the relationship between compliance to accounting rules and the accounting fraud tendencies significantly.