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JURNAL BORNEO AKCAYA Vol 6 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51266/borneoakcaya.v6i1.159


ABSTRACT The Corona Virus Diseas 19 (COVID 19) pandemic has become a global health problem today. Almost the whole world feels the effects of this deadly disease, either in the economic, governmental, and educational sectors. The Republic of Indonesia has endeavored to invite all educational institutions starting from the elementary schools to the tertiary education to study at home. It is deemed the appropriate government policy at this time to make the students always active with online education services. The aim is to break the chain of massive spread of the corona virus in the education areas. One solution for online learning at home is using Google classroom as an interactive learning media. It makes the teachers and students easy to do the teaching and learning process through the use of information and communication technology. Google classroom is currently so effective and efficient in space and time, that the teachers can provide the students with online-based teaching materials, ether in texts, images, audios, or videos. Such teaching materials enable the students to repeat the teaching materials distributed by the teacher continuously. Keywords: Corona Virus Diseas 19, Google Classrom, E-Learning, Teacher
Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Transaksi Jual Beli Buku di Untan press Fauzan Asrin; Yus Sholva; Khairul Haifdh
Jurnal Borneo Informatika dan Teknik Komputer Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Edisi April-September
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (818.843 KB) | DOI: 10.35334/jbit.v2i1.2633


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran proses bisnis yang dilakukan di untan press. Proses bisnis yang dilakukan di untan press merupakan proses bisnis transaksi jual beli buku. Proses bisnis tersebut kemudian di identifikasi di anlisis dan dilihat permasalahan yang terjadi sehingga nantinya diberikan rekomendasi proses bisnis yang baru agar pengelolaan proses bisnis dapat dikelola oleh organisasi secara efektif maupun efisien. Rekomendasi tersebut di analisis dengan metode Business Process Improvement (BPI). BPI merupakan kerangka sistematis untuk menganalisis sebuah proses bisnis dan selanjutnya akan diberikan sebuah gambaran proses bisnis yang baru. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan proses bisnis transaksi jual beli buku masih menggunakan cara yang tradisional atau manual sehingga teridentifikasi permasalahan yang harus di berikan solusi bagi organisasi. Solusi yang diberikan adalah menerapkan sebuah Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) berupa web dalam proses transaksi jual beli secara online dan tentunya rekomendasi ini hasil dari kajian menggnakan metode BPI. Kata kunci: BPI, Proses Bisnis, Untan Press, Rekomendasi, TIK
User Satisfaction Assessment of Final Project Supervisor Monitoring Information System Using User Experience Design Method Fauzan Asrin; Yus Sholva
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 4 No 4 (2022): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v4i4.368


Completing the final project takes a guiding process n the final project where the concept of final project guidance itself is an effort to help students to provide direction, assistance, suggestions, and criticisms that arise from the preparation of the final project by the supervisor. However, sometimes the guidance process is not optimal. Lecturers or students themselves can cause this. The difficulty for lecturers to help students during tutoring is the limited communication time that is too narrow on campus and the difference in busy schedules between students and supervisors. Managing the time for the final independent project is also an obstacle that causes the completion of the final project to be delayed. Some students tend to be less active in carrying out guidance if the supervisor does not provide a fixed guidance schedule or does not provide a target time for students to complete the revision of the final project from the supervisor. So, it is necessary to build an information system for monitoring the final project supervisor to monitor the existence of supervisor. This study uses the User Experience Design Process to increase user satisfaction in interacting with the product. And at the final stage, a Usability Testing evaluation is carried out to test the product's usefulness. The results of this study are in the form of an assessment of how satisfied and comfortable a user is with a product, system, and service using an interface
JURNAL BORNEO AKCAYA Vol 8 No 2 (2022): Borneo Akcaya : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Publik
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51266/borneoakcaya.v8i2.254


The agricultural products of food crops and horticulture in West Kalimantan Province need to be marketed or published to the broader community even though they have great potential. As the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires all areas of human life to move from conventional activities to digital activities, a digitalization effort is urgently needed to expand the marketing of agricultural products. The Agricultural Product Marketing Information System (SIRAHAN) of the West Kalimantan Food Crops and Horticulture Service is here to respond to the industrial revolution era 4.0. This system was designed to promote and inform quickly, precisely and accurately existing agricultural products and offer farming convenience in the digital era to create a food-secure society. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach with literature studies on SIRAHAN. The SIRAHAN design is an information system business process that will provide services in cultivating food crops and horticulture. The system development life cycle waterfall method with unified modelling language (UML) will help see user behaviour in using the information system. SIRAHAN is a marketplace that provides services for all farming business needs. Seeing the potential benefits of SIRAHAN, which are significant to support the expansion of marketing of various agricultural products, the Regional Government, through the Provincial Agent of Food Crops and Horticulture of West Kalimantan, is expected to continue to develop and optimize this information system.
Pemodelan Desain Sistem Berorientasi Objek Pada E-Guest Book Menggunakan Unified Modelling Language Fauzan Asrin
Computatio : Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Computatio: Journal of Computer Science and Information Systems
Publisher : Faculty of Information Technology, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/computatio.v7i1.23839


Buku tamu dalam institusi pemerintah menjadi hal yang sangat penting selain untuk mendata pengunjung yang hadir juga diperuntukkan sebagai layanan gugus depan kepada para tamu yang merupakan bukti otentik identitas serta mengetahui siapa sajakah yang pernah berkunjung di instansi tersebut. Kantor bupati Kuburaya provinsi Kalimantan Barat merupakan instansi yang disediakan oleh pemerintah untuk para Aparatur Sipil Negara bekerja sekaligus sebagai pusat kegiatan pemerintah kabupaten Kuburaya yang dilengkapi dengan beberapa fasilitas didalamnya. Tentunya instansi tersebut memiliki banyak pengunjung setiap harinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing. Terjadi permasalahan dalam proses pengelolaan data buku tamu seperti pelacakan yang sulit dan memakan waktu yang lama dalam mengakses informasi yang diperlukan karena harus membuka buku besar yang difungsikan sebagai arsip penyimpanan buku tamu. Dalam mendukung pengelolaan data tamu di kantor bupati maka perlu di desain sebuah pemodelan sistem e-Guest Book yang berorientasi objek. Pemodelan sistem menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) dengan tujuan untuk membuat model sistem e-Guest Book secara visual yang digunakan sebagai sarana perancangan dan pengembangan sistem berorientasi objek.
Making a Website Using Bootstrap for SMK Students in Sungai Raya Kepulauan District Nella Nella Yuniarni; Enda Esyudha P; M Azhar Irwansyah; Haried Novriando; Anggi Srimurdianti S; Fauzan Asrin
Tanjungpura International Journal on Dynamics Economics, Social Sciences and Agribusiness Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Tanjungpura International Journal On Dynamics Economic, Social Sciences and Agr
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/tijdessa.v4i1.37


The problem that often arises in an educational institution such as a vocational school is the lack of complete digital literacy knowledge about web design and creation through training. So that students lack competency in designing and building a web technology. In fact, the training conducted is a way to increase the competency of SMK students and female students to be able to have expertise in building websites according to the needs of both static web needs and dynamic web needs. Website technology is a new way of facilitating the process of conveying information which is a logical consequence of the current developments in information and communication technology on the internet. In building a website there are many frameworks that can be used, one of which is bootstrap. Bootstrap is a free and open source CSS framework for designing websites and web applications. This framework contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
Implementing Website-Based School Information Systems in Public Elementary Schools Using Waterfall Model Fauzan Asrin; Geby Vici Utami
Journal of Information System and Informatics Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Journal of Information Systems and Informatics
Publisher : Universitas Bina Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51519/journalisi.v5i2.495


This research focuses on implementing a web-based school information system at SDN 14 Pontianak City, a renowned public elementary school with a rich historical background. The study aims to address challenges related to ineffective internal information delivery within the school. Currently, reliance on group chats for school-related activities poses obstacles in efficiently disseminating crucial information, including new student registration, extracurricular activities, competition achievements, vision and mission statements, and important updates. To overcome these challenges, a website-based school information system is proposed. It aims to seamlessly deliver essential school-related information to a wider audience, including parents and prospective parents. The system ensures easy access to information that was previously confined to the school's internal environment. The research employs the structured development process of the waterfall model, utilizing context diagrams, data flow diagrams (DFD), and entity relation diagrams (ERD) for a well-defined system design. Rigorous testing using the black box approach ensures website functionality and reliability. Implementation of this web-based school information system is expected to substantially improve information dissemination, benefiting the entire school community by providing convenient access to vital information for parents and prospective parents. This improvement will foster enhanced communication and engagement within the school ecosystem.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Prima(JUSIKOM PRIMA) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Prima (JUSIKOM Prima)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Prima Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34012/jurnalsisteminformasidanilmukomputer.v7i1.4147


The availability of spare parts in a vehicle service workshop needs to be correctly recorded and recorded, making it easier for workshop owners to ensure the complete availability of vehicle spare parts. From the results of the author's observations, the Rizki Prima workshop has several obstacles in recording the availability of spare parts where the business processes being carried out are still a hassle for the employees working in the workshop. The problem often occurs when recording is the incompleteness of data related to incoming and outgoing goods. So the recording made in the ledger needs to be more accurate and requires a relatively long time to search one by one in the register if the workshop owner needs it. As a result of poor recording of goods, it is difficult for the owner to order goods again, worried that duplicating data will record incoming goods. The above problems are the basis for the authors to conduct research by utilizing information systems and modeling with an object-oriented approach using a unified modeling language to design a spare parts inventory information system according to user needs. To provide an overview of the Rizki Prima workshop transforming from conventional spare parts data recording to digital spare parts recording. The above problems are the basis for the authors to conduct research by utilizing information systems and modeling with an object-oriented approach using a unified modeling language to design a spare parts inventory information system according to user needs. To provide an overview of the Rizki Prima workshop transforming from conventional spare parts data recording to digital spare parts recording. The above problems are the basis for the authors to conduct research by utilizing information systems and modeling with an object-oriented approach using a unified modeling language to design a spare parts inventory information system according to user needs. To provide an overview of the Rizki Prima workshop transforming from conventional spare parts data recording to digital spare parts recording.   KEYWORDS: Modeling, Information Systems, Spare Parts Inventory, Availability, Unified Modeling Language
Aplikasi Penggalangan Dana dengan Menggunakan Metode Location Based Service (LBS) Berbasis Progressive Web App (Studi Kasus : Kota Pontianak) Gusti Afdillah Ramadhani; Yus Sholva; Morteza Muthahhari; Fauzan Asrin
Jurnal Ilmiah ILKOMINFO - Ilmu Komputer & Informatika Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Akademi Ilmu Komputer Ternate

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47324/ilkominfo.v6i2.203


Abstrak: Indonesia kembali dikukuhkan sebagai negara paling dermawan di dunia versi World Giving Index 2021. Laporan World Giving Index (WGI) yang dirilis Senin (14/6/2021) oleh CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) menempatkan Indonesia di peringkat pertama dengan skor dari 69%. Melihat cukup tingginya tingkat filantropi masyarakat di Indonesia, maka sudah wajar masyarakat Indonesia membutuhkan tempat atau wadah sebagai penampungan dan penyaluran bantuan yang aman dan amanah. Maka dari itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan alternative metode penggalangan dana dengan sistem penggalangan dana yang aman dan amanah di Kota Pontianak.  Aplikasi dibangun dengan menggunakan metode Location Based Service (LBS) dan berbasis Progressive Web App (PWA). LBS digunakan untuk menampilkan titik penggalangan dana. Sedangkan penggunaan PWA, bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman baru dalam mengakses aplikasi karena PWA bersifat fleksibel, sehingga aplikasi ini dapat diakses melalui website, maupun dalam bentuk seperti mobile app di semua perangkat baik itu smartphone atau personal computer. Perancangan sistem dibangun dengan menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML), untuk pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu pengujian dengan metode Black Box dan Skala Likert. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu, aplikasi dapat menampilkan titik lokasi program donasi dan persebarannya di halaman pengguna atau donatur dan di halaman admin, serta menampilkan semua detail informasi terkait penggalangan dana yang sudah divalidasi maupun yang belum divalidasi oleh admin aplikasi. Hal ini juga menunjukan bahwa peran LBS pada aplikasi berjalan dengan baik.Kata kunci: Penggalangan Dana, Donasi, Location Based Service, Progressive Web AppAbstract: Indonesia is again confirmed as the most generous country in the world according to the 2021 World Giving Index. The World Giving Index (WGI) report released Monday (6/14/2021) by CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) placed Indonesia in first place with a score of 69%. Seeing the high level of philanthropy of the people in Indonesia, it is natural for the Indonesian people to need a place or container as a shelter and distribution of safe and trustworthy assistance. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to provide an alternative fundraising method with a safe and trustworthy fundraising system in Pontianak City. The application is based on a Progressive Web App and was created utilizing the Location-Based Service (LBS) technique (PWA). LBS is used to display fundraising points, and PWA aims to provide a new experience in accessing the application due to its flexibility.Therefore, this application can be accessed through the website or in the form of a mobile app on all devices, whether through a smartphone or a personal computer. The application system is built using Unified Modeling Language (UML). The application testing is done in two ways, namely, with the black box method and the Likert scale. The result of Black Box testing is that the system can work with LBS and PWA as expected. The results obtained from this research are that the application can display the location point of the donation program and its distribution on the user or donor page and on the admin page, as well as display all detailed information related to fundraising that has been validated or not validated by the application admin. This also shows that the role of LBS in the application runs well.Keywords: Fundarising, Donation, Location-Based Service, Progressive Wep App
Sistem Informasi Marketplace Penyewaan Lapangan Futsal di Kota Singkawang Berbasis Website ammar alvi hidayatullah; Novi Safriadi; Enda Esyudha Pratama; Fauzan Asrin
Jurnal Ilmiah ILKOMINFO - Ilmu Komputer & Informatika Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Juli
Publisher : Akademi Ilmu Komputer Ternate

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47324/ilkominfo.v6i2.207


Abstrak: Pada Kota Singkawang proses penyewaan lapangan futsal masih menggunakan sistem konvensional. Untuk mengetahui jadwal lapangan penyewa lapangan futsal harus menanyakan ketersediaan jadwal lapangan futsal dengan cara datang langsung ke lokasi tempat futsal yang lapangannya ingin dipesan atau dengan cara menghubungi pengelola lapangan futsal melalui telepon. Permasalahan juga dialami oleh pengelola lapangan futsal dalam melakukan pendataan. Informasi yang disediakan oleh pengelola lapangan futsal juga masih manual, sehingga informasi yang didapatkan oleh penyewa tidak akurat. tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana sistem informasi marketplace penyewaan lapangan futsal di kota Singkawang berbasis web dapat membantu penyewa lapangan dalam mendapatkan informasi dan mempermudah dalam melakukan penyewaan dan membantu pengelola lapangan dalam melakukan pendataan dan mempromosikan lapangan futsal yang dikelolanya. Untuk proses pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yaitu metode waterfall. pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu pengujian dengan metode Black Box dan UAT. Hasil dari pengujian Black Box adalah sistem dapat bekerja dengan sesuai yang diharapkan. Hasil UAT dari setiap pengguna aplikasi dapat disimpulkan sebuah rata-rata tingkat kepuasan terhadap aplikasi adalah 95,4%.Kata kunci: marketplace, futsal, penyewaan, pembayaranAbstract: In Singkawang City, the futsal field rental process still uses a conventional system. To find out the field schedule, futsal field tenants must ask the availability of the futsal field schedule by coming directly to the location of the futsal place whose field they want to book or by contacting the futsal field manager by telephone. Problems are also experienced by futsal field managers in collecting data. The information provided by the futsal field manager is also still manual, so the information obtained by the tenant is not accurate. the purpose of this study is how the web-based futsal field rental marketplace information system in Singkawang city can help field tenants in getting information and making it easier to rent and help field managers in collecting data and promoting the futsal field they manage. For the application development process using the software development method, namely the waterfall method. application testing is done in two ways, namely testing with the Black Box and UAT methods. The result of Black Box testing is that the system can work as expected. UAT results from each application user can be concluded an average level of satisfaction with the application is 95.4%.Keywords: marketplace, futsal, rental, payment