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Journal : Jurnal Riset Fisika Indonesia

Penggunaan Automated Phase Picking pada Estimasi Hiposenter Gempa Lokal: Studi Kasus Lengan Atas Sulawesi A.M. Miftahul Huda; Ain Sahara; Yekti Widyaningrum
Jurnal Riset Fisika Indonesia Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.806 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/jrfi.v1i2.2206


Estimasi Hiposenter dilakukan pada beberapa kejadian gempa lokal di Lengan atas Pulau Sulawesi. Prosesnya dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan data waktu tiba gelombang P dan S yang didapatkan melalui automated phase picking. Diagram Wadati digunakan untuk menguji kelayakan data dan HYPOINVERSE digunakan untuk estimasi hiposenter. Rasio Vp/Vs menampilkan hasil yang bervariasi dan RMS menunjukkan data picking kurang baik. Hasil ini memberikan dampak pada nilai-nilai RMS yang cukup tinggi pada estimasi hiposenter. Terjadi perbandingan terbalik pada hasil jika dilihat melalui nilai RMS antara Wadati dan HYPOINVERSE. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan data picking supaya mendapatkan estimasi yang lebih baik.
Identification of Mineralization Zones Using Geoelectrical Methods Self-Potential (Sp) in Pemali Village Bangka Regency Renata Angrainy; Muhammad Budi Hariyono; Susi Mariana; Yekti Widyaningrum
Jurnal Riset Fisika Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.946 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/jrfi.v2i1.3130


Bangka Belitung sebagai daerah yang banyak memiliki potensi sumberdaya mineral alam terutama mineral timah, potensi mineral timah ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan industri maupun non-industri. Pemanfaatan mineral ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara eksplorasi, eksplorasi sebaran mineral dapat dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan menggunakan metode geofisika. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan yaitu metode geolistrik self-potential (Sp) konfigurasi fixed base. Akusisi data dilakukan pada dua area sampel penelitian yaitu, wilayah 1 dan wilayah 2 dengan jarak antar elektroda porouspot sejauh 5 m. Pengambilan data pada rover dilakukan pada setiap titik lintasan dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali pengambilan data dengan selang waktu 30 sekon, sedangkan pengambilan pada base di wilayah 1 dilakukan setiap 3 menit sedangkan di wilayah 2 dilakukan setiap 1 menit. Penelitian difokuskan untuk mengidentifikasi sebaran zona mineral yang terdapat di bawah permukaan. Hasil dari penelitian berupa peta kontur yang menggambarkan pola sebaran anomali beda potensial (Sp) dan peta anomali topografi pada lokasi penelitian, yang nantinya dilakukan interpretasi untuk mengetahui arah sebaran mineral di bawah permukaan lokasi penelitian
Identifikasi Sebaran Air Lindi (Leachate) Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Self-Potential (SP) Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Parit Enam Kota Pangkalpinang Hoirotul Padilah; Yekti Widyaningrum; Widodo Budi Kurniawan
Jurnal Riset Fisika Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1157.708 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/jrfi.v2i1.3208


Garbage is a common pollutant that causes various negative impacts such as lack of aesthetic value to the environment, brings various types of diseases and clogs waterways. The waste is then transported and disposed of at the TPA. The Parit Six TPA in Pangkalpinang City accommodates around 150 tons of garbage every day. This will cause contamination of water, soil and ground water by leachate seeping from the pile of garbage exposed to rain. The leachate can be identified using the Geoelectric Self Potential (SP) method using a fixed base technique with a space between the electrodes of 5 m. Then obtained the results of data acquisition from 6 paths as many as 92 points. Furthermore, the resulting data will be corrected and processed to produce isopotential contours and topography. Based on isopotential contours and topography, the distribution of fluid in the area around the Parit Enam TPA Pangkalpinang City is spread in the northeast, southwest to the north of the study area. The fluid quality around the study site is known from the results of density and pH of the sample well water. These results show the distribution of leachate in the area around the Parit Enam TPA Pangkalpinang City is spread from the northeast to the southwest in the northern part of the research area and from the southwest to the southern part of the research area towards the northern part of the research area.
Pemodelan Anomali Self Potential (SP) Menggunakan Algoritma MVDE (Multi Variant Differential Evolution) Muhammad Budi Haryono; Yekti Widyaningrum; Herman Aldila
Jurnal Riset Fisika Indonesia Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jrfi.v3i2.4162


Self Potential (SP) is a practical and simple geophysical method. Interpretation of the data of these methods can be done qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative interpretation can be done through inversion modeling, but inversion modeling often has problems with the solution of model parameters that are stuck at local minima. Therefore, in this study the MVDE (Multi Variant Differential Evolution) algorithm is used which is able to solve model parameter problems, by finding global model parameter solutions. Inversion modeling of observation Self Potential (SP) anomaly data is carried out using an algorithm that has been tested and produces a misfit of ≤10%, the test aims so that the algorithm can be used further to model observation data. The observation Self Potential (SP) anomaly modeling produces model parameter values ​​K=609.3mV D=9.3 h=3.75m q=1.51 and x=1-16, with a subsurface anomaly model in the form of a spherical geometry at depth 3.75m.
Identifikasi Pola Aliran Air Tanah di Lapangan Panas Bumi Non-Vulkanik Desa Nyelanding Kabupaten Bangka Selatan Berdasarkan Anomali Self-Potential Yekti Widyaningrum; Anisa Indriawati; Githa Nurvilia Afni; Eri Gusnia; Tri Kusmita
Jurnal Riset Fisika Indonesia Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jrfi.v3i2.4311


As one of unique non-volcanic geothermal field in Indonesia, mapping the groundwater flow in Nyelanding Village, South Bangka is essential as preliminary study for further exploration activity if the geothermal manifestation. In order to achieve this goal, we conduct a research using natural electrical properties of subsurface, Self-Potentials (SP) method. In this study, fixed-based technique was used where the spacing between measurement stations is the multiplication of 10 m along three lines at the study area. Raw field data (potential value) was corrected to diurnal and closure corrections. Further, SP anomaly was plotted and combined with topography data to be analyzed. The result shows potential value raging from -25mV to 100mV which in agreement with the lowest and highest elevation in topography map, respectively. This means, these values are controlled by topographic feature in the study area. Thus, in conclusion, the groundwater flows from the West to North East and South East part of the study area