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Control of Automatic Beverage Bottle Filling Process Using P and Team Viewer IoT Imnadir Imnadir; Abdul Khair Junaidi; M. Dalil
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -science and engineering- Vol 66 No 2 (2022): Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -science and engineering- (JOMAse)
Publisher : International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -scientists and engineers- (ISOMAse)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (999.231 KB) | DOI: 10.36842/jomase.v66i2.309


The development of an on-line process control system in the Industry is a major requirement in the context of the efficiency of machines and improving the quality of production during the Covid-19 period. As well as in the learning system and practicum students are required to be able to study independently, and lecturers must be able to develop themselves in on-line learning methods. The on-line learning process is not just to transfer learning modules to students, but must be able to guide students in an unlimited time, whenever students need an explanation of the material provided. TeamViewer is an application that provides a solution that is used to remotely control another PC or laptop. By knowing the ID and password are provided by TeamViewer on the PC that want to remote. Then, it just entered the TeamViewer application installed on the PC. The use of this team viewer was tested against the control of the beverage bottle filling process. The result is that by using Android the process of controlling beverage bottle filling. It turns out that, it can be operated to fill beverage bottles for different size, namely by setting the data delay on the program 3.2 seconds for the 120 ml bottle size, 4.0 seconds for the 200 ml bottle size, and 5.0 seconds for the bottle size of 300 ml.
Efisiensi dan Peningkatan Mutu Kelompok Usaha Kopi Melalui Penggunaan Mesin Penggongseng Kopi Joni Indra; Johnny Hasman; Imnadir Imnadir; Suadi Suadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Madiya (Masyarakat Mandiri Berkarya) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi November 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Medan

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Kopi adalah minuman yang sangat digemari Masyarakat dengan cara diseduh dengan air panas Berkaitan dengan hal pengabdian Masyarakat yang dilakukan di Kelurahan Deli Tua kecamatan Namo Rambe Deli Serdang yaitu transfer Teknologi proses Gongseng biji kopi untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas dari biji kopi yang digongseng. Salah satu teknologi yang ditransfer yaitu membuat mesin penggongseng kopi dengan pemanas kompor berbahan bakar LPG. Melalui program Pengabdian Masyarakat pada usaha kelompok minuman kopi Kanno Coffeekelurahan DeliTua Kecamatan Namo RambeKabupaten DeliSerdang melaluipenyuluhan dan menerapkan Teknologi Tepat Guna berupa mesin penggongseng kopi . Penggunaan Teknologi Mesin Penggongseng kopi ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi, produksi, menurunkan kehilangan hasil dan meningkatkan mutu, nilai tambah dan daya saing produk kopi. Hasil yang ingin dicapai darikegiatan iniantara lain, kelompok usaha mendapatkan wawasan danketrampilan penggunaan Teknologi yang sesuai dalam memproduksi kopi dengan menggunakan mesin sehingga kuantitas dan kualitas produk dapat ditingkatkan dan berkembang yang dapat meningkatkan ekonomi kelompok usaha minuman kopi di Kelurahan Deli Tua Kecamatan Namo Rambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang Medan. Coffee is a trendy drink in the community by brewing it with hot water. In connection with the community service carried out in the Deli Tua Village, Namo Rambe sub-district, Deli Serdang, namely the transfer of technology to roasting coffee beans to increase the quantity and quality of roasted coffee beans. One of the transferred technologies is making a coffee roaster machine with an LPG-fired stove. Through the Community Service program for the Kanno Coffee coffee drink group business, Deli Tua sub-district, Namo Rambe District, Deli Serdang Regency through counseling and applying Appropriate Technology in the form of coffee roasting machines. The use of Coffee Roasting Machine Technology is expected to increase efficiency, and production, reduce yield losses and improve the quality, added value, and competitiveness of coffee products. The results to be achieved from this activity include business groups gaining insight and skills in using appropriate technology in producing coffee using machines so that the quantity and quality of products can be increased and developed, which can improve the economy of coffee drink business groups in Deli Tua Village, Namo Rambe District, Deli Serdang Regency Medan.
Rancang Bangun Tongkat Tunanetra dengan Sensor Ultrasonik Berbasis Arduino Uno Meidi Wani Lestari; Imnadir Imnadir
Jurnal Borneo Informatika dan Teknik Komputer (JBIT) Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Edisi Oktober-Maret
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Komputer, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/jbit.v2i2.3082


People who are blind, assistive devices to carry out daily activities are needed. If they do not use assistive devices, blind people will have difficulty when carrying out daily activities such as reaching obstacles that are near them. As for those who use tools that are classified as manual, such as sticks. However, the stick is considered less effective because the reach of the stick is not so wide and long, it is also less efficient when used in the crowd of activities of people nearby. On the basis of these problems, this research was conducted to help blind people to be aware of the obstacles that are around them. The HCSR04 type ultrasonic distance sensor can be used to measure the distance from the user to the surrounding obstructions. This sensor can measure distances from a radius of 5 cm to 200 cm. By using Arduino Uno, you can maximize the function of the HC-SR04 sensor as input for the visually impaired. Arduino uno is used as the brain of the program for the visually impaired in this study. The use of a buzzer on this blind aid is used as a sound output. Bagi penyandang tuna netra, alat bantu untuk melakukan aktifitas keseharian sangatlah dibutuhkan. Apabila tidak menggunakan alat bantu, para penyandang tuna netra akan mengalami kesulitan ketika melakukan aktifitas keseharian seperti menjangkau penghalang yang berada didekat mereka. Adapun yang menggunakan alat bantu yang tergolong masih manual seperti tongkat. Namun tongkat dinilai kurang efektif karena jangkauan tongkat yang tidak begitu luas dan panjang, juga kurang efisien apabila digunakan di tengah keramaian aktifitas orang-orang didekatnya. Atas dasar masalah tersebut penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membantu penyandang tuna netra dapat mewaspadai penghalang yang berada disekitar mereka. Sensor jarak ultrasonik tipe HCSR04 dapat difungsikan untuk mengukur jarak dari pengguna dengan penghalang disekitarnya. Sensor ini dapat mengukur jarak dari radius 5 cm hingga 200 cm. Dengan menggunakan arduino uno dapat memaksimalkan fungsi sensor HC-SR04 sebagai masukan dari alat bantu tuna netra. Arduino uno digunakan sebagai otak dari program alat bantu tuna netra pada penelitian ini. Penggunaan buzzer pada alat bantu tuna netra ini digunakan sebagai keluaran bunyi.
Placement Sensor Modification of Photo Interrupter and ATDC Sensor on the Minolta Bizhub-421 Photocopy Machine Imnadir Imnadir; Rudi Z.A; Abdul Khair Junaidi; M Dalil
Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -science and engineering- Vol 67 No 2 (2023): Journal of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -science and engineering- (JOMAse)
Publisher : International Society of Ocean, Mechanical and Aerospace -scientists and engineers- (ISOMAse)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36842/jomase.v67i2.345


Minolta photocopiers produce very good and reliable photocopier quality during their lifetime with the condition that the toner must be replaced with the original. If it is replaced by refilling, then refilling can only be done an average of three times. Meanwhile, replacement by refilling is needed by small and medium business units (SMEs) in an effort to save costs. Recharging that exceeds the average three times will cause the Minolta photocopier to have an error with code C032. Therefore, this paper was conducted to increase the frequency of the toner refill process as a solution for the Minolta Bizhub 421 machine to minimize losses due to interference with code C032. So, the machine can be refilled repeatedly without interruption, as well as adding error information via SMS using an Arduino microcontroller. Method was used experimental of placement sensor modification of photo interrupter and ATDC (After Top Dead Center) sensor. The results showed that after modifying the sensor placement, the number of refills could be increased to an average usage of toner exceeding 12 refills before the error code C032 occurred. This was because of the opto sensor was covered by toner powder and with an indicator that controlled the toner rotation it had reached set point. Then, with SIM 800L, which sends SMS and miss call notifications to users with a success rate of 98% and 2% error. Therefore, it helps users of the Minolta Bizhub 421 photocopier can more easily supervise the toner tube.
An Installation of A Solar Power Plant in Selayang Baru Village, Langkat District Imnadir; Yuvina; Akhiruddin
International Journal of Economic, Technology and Social Sciences (Injects) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : CERED Indonesia Institute

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The Langkat Regency Government has collaborated with PLN to meet electricity needs in remote villages, but there are several obstacles, so these efforts cannot be achieved evenly. Therefore, in efforts to improve the quality of life and economic growth of rural communities, energy has a big role. Where this research discusses the availability of electricity in rural areas, it is hoped that it can encourage increased productivity, improve educational facilities, worship, health, as well as foster new economic activities. In order to meet the energy needs of rural communities, local governments are trying to implement various energy infrastructure development activities by utilizing the potential of local energy sources. One potential energy that can be developed is solar power plants (PLTS) for electricity in rural areas. This service activity can essentially facilitate the procurement of PLTS equipment which will be placed in a Grand Mosque in Desan Selayang as a pilot.
Buletin Utama Teknik Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Edisi September
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Bahan pengajaran kepada mahasiswa harus dikembangkan  sesuai dengan teknologi yang diterapkan di industri. Sistem kendali proses otomasi di industri memerlukan teknologi akusisi data dan sistem monitoring sehingga proses industri dapat di monitor dari ruang kendali. Satu diantaranya adalah proses pengisian minuman kedalam botol  pada  industri pengolahan minuman. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan teknologi PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) dan HMI (Human Machine Interface) untuk monitoring objek pada pengisian minuman boto l. Pengembangan teknologi HMI ini dapat melengkapi teknologi sistem pengisian minuman kedalam botol berbasis PLC sehingga lebih fleksibel dan efisien, dengan memberikan visualisasi bahkan pengendalian pada proses di indutri. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan Pemrograman PLC HMI (Human Machine Interface) menggunakan software cx designer untuk  merancang HMI pengisian minuman kedalam botol seperti kondisi yang ada pada  Proses di Industri. Hasil HMI menampilkan proses pengisian minuman ke dalam botol dengan waktu yang bervariasi yaitu 2 detik, 3,5 detik serta 5,5 detik