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Jurnal el-Qanuniy: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 4, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.144 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/el-qonuniy.v4i1.1832


Marriage records related to the legal consequences of national law to date still reap a lot If someone feels bored and tired, then the first thing they want to do is how to get rid of the boredom. This is most people will be different in doing it, some do touring, sleeping, doing light work, and there are playing vidio games. Player vidio games will feel more fun if they play some games. But how do they choose the game, but they play a game that is not useful and even make them become someone else? Even in religion is also very concerned about the application or media this one, because many concerns generated from the media. So from here some games try to move to issue a more useful game against the player like Amalia House game. The game is understood many different people with other games, this game can get religious lessons for the players.But in some comment fields that are on Playstore, some users provide reviews that the game can make someone close to God and teach the truth. So from this problem the author tries to examine whether the review is worthy to be crowned against the Amalia House game? And the focus of this research is to try to review the background of the Amalia House and the games they produce.The results obtained by researchers is the game Amalia House trying to issue a different game with another game. This game teaches the religion of Islam and fosters independent character for the player, by learning while playing. But the crowning of the Amalia House game can get closer to God and teach the impossible truth, for the reason of seeing the essence of a game that only gives pleasure to the player and the player of a game will never focus on the meaning of the game, but only focuses on how the game is fun or not.
Revolusi Mental (Kajian atas: Ayat-Ayat Makkah Awal) Alhadi Siregar, Muhammad Shulhi
Darul Ilmi: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol 7, No 01 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Karakter merupakan sifat yang selalu dikagumi sebagai tanda-tanda perbuatan atau tindakan kebaikan lewat proses kematangan moral. Perubahan karakter didorong keinginan atau motivasi untuk berubah. Cerminan karakter awalnya seorang manusia biasa berubah menjadi seorang yang lebih mulia.Pembentukan karakter erat kaitannya dengan turunnya ayat-ayat Makkiyah awal. Metode penelitian ini adalah research question.Kajian ini menelusuri bagaimana pembentukan karakter nabi atas ayat-ayat Makkah awal?.  Dalam hal ini ayat-ayat makkiyah awal menurut penulis merupakan cermin besar untuk membuka pengetahuan tentang pembentukan karakter Nabi Muhammad.Pembahasan ini memfokuskan untuk mengkaji surah Al-‘Alaq dan Al-Muzzammil sebagai surah makkiyah awal. Adapunmetode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-analisis, yaitu menguraikan penafsiran-penasiran terhadap kedua surah dan menganalisis data yang telah diuraikan dengan menelaah semua buku-buku yang terkait dengan tema di atas. Sumber primer yang peneliti gunakan ialah kitab-kitab tafsir yang berwajah sosial (Ijtima’i) dengan asumsi bahwa kajian tafsir sosial sidit banyaknya akan menyinggung permasalahan diatas, seperti tafsir Zamakhsyari, tafsir Baghawi, al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir, dan lainnya. Dan analisis data dibantu dengan kitab tafsir Al-Quran Al-Karim karya Quraish Shihab.
Lubâb At-Ta’wîl ‘Inda Al-Imâm Al-Khâzîn Baina Al-Ma’tsûr wa Ar-Ra’yi (Dirâsah Maudhu’iyyah fi Ayah al-Qashash) Muhammad Shulhi Alhadi siregar
Studia Quranika Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/studiquran.v2i2.1783


This paper concern to study about one of Tafseer book, namely Lubâb al-Ta'wîl fi Ma'âny at-Tanzîl by Imam al-Khazin. Some scholars differ in the setting of sources of tafseer. Such as, the well-known scholars, Muhammad Ali Iyazi and Muhammad Husain ad-Dzahabi. Ulama Iyazi assumes that Tafseer Khazin belongs to the category of commentary bi al-Ma'tsûr, since this commentary is an ikhtishar of Tafseer al-Baghawi. While some scholars such as adz-Dzahabi, categorized this tafseer into the bi al-Ra'yi. By using the tahlily documentation method and the thematic method associated with Qashash verses in the Qur'an, the researchers found the correct method, namely the tafseer of al-Atsary an-Nazhary or known by tafseer bi al-Ma'tsûr who use Ra'yi as an extension of explanation and the determination of the most powerful law, seen from writing theme related at the end of its tafseer.
Pelaksanaan Fardu Kifayah Janazah Analisis Nilai Interkoneksi Muhammad Shulhi Alhadi Siregar
Al FAWATIH:Jurnal Kajian Al Quran dan Hadis Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.838 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/alfawatih.v2i1.4800


capping should be done as soon as possible. The point is that the mourners immediately pray, try to have at least 100 people, both children and adults, women or men. The place is in the funeral home, so that it is easy to get 100 people. Make an agreement with the village community, every time someone dies, they must join in praying. Benefits of praying 100 people Allah accepts all prayers that pray. It is very easy to deliver the bodies to heaven, only 100 people. Before dying, try to do what is ordered and stay away from everything that is forbidden. The reward for those who pray is given 2 qiroth or 2 mountains of Uhud. If the prayers have been received, why not try 100 people. The more confident you are in slaughtering the animal for alms on the day of your death, the more you eat, the more certain you will go to heaven. Those who pray a little or less than 100 people. If you don't slaughter, it's not good for your child to be unfilial. Sometimes adding to the debt because of slaughtering a buffalo or ox. Sometimes eating at the place of death, which leaves orphans again. It's still worth eating at that place. So that it is forbidden to change the law to eat the property of the orphans, it becomes a sin if you do not eat the property of the orphans.
Analisis Hadis-Hadis tentang Solat Wanita di Masjid Muhammad Shulhi Alhadi Siregar
Al FAWATIH:Jurnal Kajian Al Quran dan Hadis Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.642 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/al fawatih.v1i2.3319


Listening to idain sermons, arofat is mandatory for women even when menstruating. The last female Shof rule. The way to pray for the priest must be followed by both men and women. It is not permissible for men to be alone on the sof, except for women alone. Makmum in front is an example of the sof behind him. Do not precede the movement of the priest, whether male or female congregation. The Imam's appeal to the general public so that the lines are tight and straight. How to remind priests who forgot to understand women with subhanalloh sentences instead of clapping. Set the shof or line of men in front then boys, girls and women behind. Interlocking Prayers to the Mosque. Rosul's routine prayers go to the mosque. Recitation of women praying at dawn while on the road. The male congregation leaves after the woman is away so that rape does not occur. Rukhsoh Women pray to the mosque.
Hadiths On The Purpose Of Marriage (Teoantropoecosenteric Analysis) Neila Hifzhi Siregar; Muhammad Shulhi Alhadi Siregar
Al FAWATIH:Jurnal Kajian Al Quran dan Hadis Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.371 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/al fawatih.v3i1.5785


Wathi is a need between husband and wife as a safeguard to be safe from immorality such as adultery, masturbation. Husband and wife are two human figures, the purpose of their marriage is to educate children according to Islam, to instill commendable morals such as husband's permission to leave the house, sunnah fasting, etiquette to receive guests, raise children, away from despicable morals, marry off daughters if there are men. the man who proposes to her, who is good and pious, practices hablum minalloh and hablum minannas based on the argument. So that it becomes an example of where they are.
Analisis Perbandingan Bacaan Jahar Dan Sir Ibadah Doa Dan Zikir Dalam al-Qur’an dan Hadis Muhammad Shulhi Alhadi Siregar; Ermila Susanti Harahap
Al FAWATIH:Jurnal Kajian Al Quran dan Hadis Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (720.742 KB) | DOI: 10.24952/al fawatih.v3i1.5618


Dhikr and prayer in prayer if the argument is jahar, if sir is combed, don't exchange it back. The reward of sir or jahar if it is based on the same argument as the jahar and sir prayer. The size of mad when jahar is the same as when sir and the reward is the same. Not adding to the size of the mad, adding to the thigh, quite the opposite, because it violates the rules of the science of tajwid. How to practice remembrance and prayer follow the arguments when praying or outside prayer. Amplifying your voice will disturb other friends, something that interferes is certainly wrong, there is nothing to be disturbed, either during ziki prayers and other worship.