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Pelaksanaan senam hamil sebagai upaya mempersiapkan fisik dan psikologis dalam menghadapi persalinan di praktek mandiri bidan Sri Kurniawati Am. Keb desa Karang Rejo Stabat tahun 2019 Miranti Miranti; Indri Wahyuni; Setia Sihombing; Arnof Yerni; Ernita Ruslaini; Devi Susana Pinem; Tri Suci Dewiwati
Lebah Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022): September: Pengabdian
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.895 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/lebah.v16i1.54


Senam hamil merupakan terapi latihan gerak yang diberikan pada ibu hamil untuk mempersiapkan dirinya baik fisik maupun mental dalam menghadapi persalinan.Ibu hamil sangat membutuhkan tubuh yang sehat dan bugar. Senam hamil sangat diperlukan oleh setiap ibu hamil, karena senam hamil dapat membuat tubuh yang bugar dan sehat, dan dapat membuat ibu hamil tetap mampu menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari, sehingga stres akibat rasa cemas menjelang persalinan akan dapat diminimalkan. Namun banyak ibu hamil yang tidak melakukan senam hamil.dikarenakan ragu-ragu dan takut akan kehamilannya jika melakukan senam hamil.Padahal senam hamil sangat penting dalam masa kehamilan, karena memperlancar proses persalinan.Latihan senam hamil yang dilakukan secara teratur baik ditempat latihan maupun di rumah dalam waktu senggang dapat menuntun ibu hamil ke arah persalinan yang fisiologis selama tidak ada keadaan patologis yang menyertai kehamilan.Ibu hamil yang melakukan senam hamil secara teratur selama masa kehamilannya dilaporkan dapat memberikan keuntungan pada saat persalinan yaitu pada masa kala aktif (kala II) menjadi lebih pendek, mencegah terjadinya letak sungsang dan mengurangi terjadinya kejadian sectio caesaria.
Midwife Care On 3 Months Injected Kb Accepters With Spotting At The Angel Paropo Maternity Clinic Ernita Ruslaini Caniago; Devi Susana Pinem; Tiurlina Monika Monik
Science Midwifery Vol 10 No 1, October (2021): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v9i2.660


Family planning is a government program that is planned to balance between needs and population. From the data obtained from the Angel Paropo Clinic, mothers who used contraception in February and March were 103 acceptors including 1 IUD KB, 2 implant KB, 35 KB 1 month injections, 45 3 Months KB injections and 20 KB Pills. person. Carry out midwifery care for 3 month injection contraceptive acceptors by spotting thoroughly using 7 steps of Varney's midwifery management. The method used is a case study. The location of this case study is at the Angel Paropo clinic. The subject of the case study is a 3-month injection contraceptive acceptor with spotting. The time of the case study is April 20-26, 2021. Data collection techniques from physical examination, interviews and observations, secondary data includes documentation studies and literature studies. The care provided in this case is the administration of combined contraceptive pills 2x1 (30-35 g ethinylestradiol for 7 days), ibuprofen (up to 800 mg, 3x/day for 5 days), moral support and vuva hygiene counseling. the result is that the general condition is good, there are no potential problems that arise, the mother is not anxious and feels comfortable, the bleeding stops, the mother is willing to come to the health facility if there are complaints and the mother continues to use injectable contraception for 3 months. After 7 days of midwifery care, the injection contraceptive acceptors no longer experienced spotting
Midwifery Care for Pregnant Women Mrs. A G1p0a0 With Abortion Imminens At Siti Kholijah Clinic, Medan Marelan in 2019 Devi Susana Pinem; Putri Ramadani; Nurainun; Intan Agustin
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 2, April (2019): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v7i2, April.668


The main causes of maternal death in Indonesia have not changed much, namely bleeding, eclampsia, complications of abortion, obstructed labor and sepsis. Bleeding, which is responsible for about 28% of maternal deaths, is often unpredictable and occurs suddenly. Most bleeding occurs postpartum, either due to uterine atony or retained placenta. This shows that the handling of the third stage is less than optimal and the failure of the health care system to handle obstetric and neonatal emergencies quickly and accurately.Carry out midwifery care for pregnant women withabortion imminenswhich uses Varney's 7-step management process. The author is able to analyze the gap between theory and real cases in the field. The author is able to provide alternative solutions to problems. Type of case study report with descriptive method, location in Sisti Kholijah Maternity Clinic. The subject of the case study Mrs. A pregnant withabortion imminens, the time of the case study on March 10-13, 2015. Data collection techniques include primary data, including physical examination, interviews and observations and secondary data, including documentation studies and literature studies. Mrs. A, G1 P0 A0 30 years pregnant 13 weeks 2 days withabortion imminens. Drug therapy Preabor 50 mg 3 x 1, Mefenamic acid 500 mg 3 x 1, Folic acid 400 mg 2 x 1 and RL 20 infusion. The mother's general condition is good, composmentis consciousness, the mother does not feel anxious anymore, discharge brown spots has stopped, no potential occursabortion insipiensas well asabortiondoes not continue and the mother's pregnancy can still be maintained.In the case of Mrs. There is a gap between theory and practice, namely in the planning and implementation steps, namely in practice it is recommended to eat nutritious food and personal hygiene.
Midwifery Care for Postpartum Mothers on Ny. M P1a0 With Breast Milk Dam at Siti Kholijah Maternity Clinic, Medan Marelan, 2018 Devi Susana Pinem; Ernita Ruslaini Chaniago Caniago; Hilda Yati; Juli Antika
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 1, October (2018): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/midwifery.v7i1, October.676


The IDHS data recorded that the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia in 2007 was 228/100,000 live births and about 60% of deaths occurred during the puerperium. The direct causes of maternal death in Indonesia are bleeding (30%), infection (12%), eclampsia (11%), prolonged labor (5%), abortion (5%). The second largest percentage is infection. Infections in the mother occur during pregnancy such as urinary tract infections, during childbirth such as intrauterine infections, and during the puerperium such as mastitis and breast abscesses that are preceded by the presence of dams in the milk ducts. Case Study Objectives: Able to carry out midwifery care for postpartum mothers on Mrs. M P1A0 with a breast milk duct dam at the Siti Kholijah Maternity Clinic with 7 steps Varney. Types of Case Studies: The method used in this case study is descriptive. The case study was conducted at the Raskita Sendang Rejo clinic on Ny. M P1A0 aged 26 years with a breast duct dam, using the format of midwifery care for postpartum mothers according to Varney's midwifery management and carried out on March 16, March 18, 2015. Data collection techniques were through interviews, observations, physical examinations, documentation studies and literature studies. Case Study Results: After 3 days of antalgin therapy 500 mg orally 3x1 paracetamol 2 x1 breast care, and breastfeeding the baby properly and correctly, the results showed that the problem could be resolved, there was no maternal anxiety, the mother's fever dropped, pain and swelling disappeared, lactation became smooth, the mother was able to breastfeed her baby smoothly and the dam of the milk duct was resolved. The conclusion from the results of writing this scientific paper is that breast milk duct dams can be overcome with appropriate treatment, namely 500 mg antalgin therapy and paracetamol 2x 1 orally, breast care, and breastfeeding the baby properly so that breast milk can come out smoothly and the breast milk duct dam has resolved..