Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya
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Journal : Gaudium Vestrum: Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral

Pola Pemahaman Remaja Tentang Perayaan Ibadat Sabda Hari Minggu dan Hari Raya Maria Goreti Goleng; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Zakeus Daeng Lio
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 1, NO. 2 DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pemahaman remaja di Stasi Santo Paulus Bumi Etam Kaubun, Paroki Santo Yosef Bontang, tentang Perayaan Sabda Hari Minggu dan Hari Raya. Kajian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis fenomenologis. Instrumen teoritik yang dipakai untuk mengukur pemahaman remaja diambil dari teori Skemp mengenai dua kategori pemahaman yaitu pemahaman instrumental dan pemahaman relasional, yang bisa berpola siklis ataupun non siklis. Indikator Pemahaman tentang Perayaan Sabda dilihat dari pemahaman terhadap Tata Perayaan Sabda, pemahaman terhadap Tata Gerak dan pemahaman terhadap Petugas dalam Perayaan Sabda hari Minggu dan hari Raya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Observasi, Wawancara dan Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman para remaja tentang Perayaan Sabda Hari Minggu dan Hari Raya termasuk kategori pemahaman Relasional Sederhana, karena para remaja memahami dengan baik 2 dari 3 indikator dalam Perayaan Sabda yang disebutkan di atas, yakni Tata Gerak dan Petugas dalam Perayaan Sabda yang saling berkaitan. Sedangkan Pola Pemahaman remaja tentang Perayaan Sabda Hari Minggu dan Hari Raya yang ditemukan adalah Pola Siklis. Pola siklis terjadi dengan adanya pemahaman para remaja mengenai hubungan saling terkait secara terus menerus antara empat aspek yaitu antara aspek sikap, pembelajaran, pemahaman dan keterlibatan. Hubungan antara keempat aspek tersebut timbul dalam kaitannya dengan tiga pemikiran sentral mengenai Perayaan Sabda yaitu Kerinduan Spiritual untuk mengikuti Perayaan Sabda, Menanggapi Undangan Ilahi yang telah mendorong hadir dalam Perayaan Sabda, serta Partisipasi aktif dan sadar dalam Perayaan Sabda.
Bentuk Persiapan Perkawinan Keluarga Katolik di Stasi Betlehem Sekolaq Joleq Yesepa; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Fabianus Sidi
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 4, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The purpose of this study is to describe the form of coaching in the family and in the church experienced by married couples in the preparation of a Catholic family marriage. This study uses a qualitative descriptive type with the method of documentation, observation and interviews. Sources of data obtained from the study site, the results of the documentation by looking at evidence of a marriage certificate of a married couple. Observation by looking at the daily life of the family. Interview with a married couple. The results showed that the form of coaching in the family and in the church that was carried out, during childhood and adolescence, married couples almost never received an explanation of the differences between men and women, reproduction, dating and marriage. Only a few parents explain but not openly.
Peran dan Tugas Wali Baptis di Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus Laham Agustina Mayang; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 1 JUNI 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This study used the qualitative approach. The variable in this study was the comprehension of the role and duty. The theory used to measure the Catholics comprehension was instrumental comprehension and relations comprehension according to Richard R. Skemp. The indicator of theory is he role and duty. The technique of data collection used in this study was observation and interview. The result of the study indicated that the Catholics’ comprehension of the parish of “Hati Kudus Yesus” Laham in accordance with the role and duty of the godparents was the instrumental comprehension, because the Catholics’ comprehension was only for one classification, that is, the role and duty of the godparents at the baptizing ceremony. The Catholics do not know the role and the duty of the godparents before and after the baptizing. Therefore, the Catholics comprehension can be categorized into the instrumental comprehension formally and ceremonially.
Partisipasi Umat dalam Kemandirian Dana di Paroki Hati Kudus Yesus Laham Godensius Daleq; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Zakeus Daeng Lio
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 2, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The research showed that the forms of participation of the people is the power, property and the mind. The mechanism of participation is mandatory monthly donation program, the annual compulsory contributions, the garden parish, parish fields. The participation rate is power, tokenism and participation. The research of data analysis showed that the participation of the people cannot be measured using indicators of the level of participation, because any form of participation in the context of the independence of the funds related to each other. So the more suitable analytical framework for understanding the participation of the people is the idea of the circle of participation. Based on the idea of the circle of participation, then the model participation people in the independence of the fund in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Laham is participation cycle model. Cycle characterized by the benefits of participation, cooperation and partnership, mutual learning. Cycle participation in line with the core view of a church that looked at the relationship between participation intertwined with the alliance. Participation in the form of donations turned fellowship, and communion as participation turned container. So, they can say that participation is a tension between the alliance and donations.
Makna Simbol Benda dalam Upacara Pemakaman Menurut Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat dan Gereja Katolik Vinsensius Lai; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; G. Simon Devung
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 3, NO. 1, JUNI 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The research aimed to find and describe the symbols in the funeral rituals of the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat and the Catholic Church. Indentifying material symbols used in the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat funeral rituals and those in the funeral rituals according to the Catholic Church. Then, comparing the meaning of symbols in the traditional ceremonies of the death of the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat and the Catholic Church. The research method is comparative descriptive, comparing several different components to find similarities and differences in the meanings of the material symbols used in the rituals. The result of the research showed in general the varieties of the material symbols used in the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat funeral rituals and the Catholic Church rituals. The meaning of the material symbols used in the funeral riruals according to the Dayak Bahau Umaaq Luhat lead to the safety of the soul of the deceased and the safety of those who are still alive. While the meaning of the material symbols used in the Catholic Church funeral rituals leads more to the salvation of the soul of the person who dies.
Perkembangan Karya Misi Gereja Katolik di Kedang Ipil (Tinjauan Panca Tugas Gereja) Andri Yanus; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Silpanus Silpanus
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 3, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The purpose of this research is to know and describe Inputs, Processes, and Outputs of the development of mission work. And analyze the relationship between the condition of the present people with the historical process. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with interview, documentation, and observation methods. The results of the study stated that: (1) St. Catholics Paulus Kedang Ipil initially adopted the traditional belief system, namely animism. (2) Their early periods of adopting Catholicism experienced many obstacles. Starting from internal to external problems that occur within the Church to the community. (3) Finally entering the "Period of the Kedang Ipil Church Today" the people in Kedang Ipil succeeded in becoming an independent and thriving parish church. This is evidenced by the quantity or number of people who are increasing in number and the quality of active pastoral workers in every Church activity.
Tradisi Penyembuhan Orang Sakit Melalui Upacara Belian dan Perbandingannya dengan Sakramen Pengurapan Orang Sakit Sandy Julianus; G. Simon Devung; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 5, NO. 1, JUNI 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The research aims to find out the similarities and differences between Belian and the Sacrament Anointing of The Sick. The similarities and differences can be seen through the concept of disease and the concept of healing. The research was conducted at Tanjung Isuy and Tanjung Jan Villages. The research method used was descriptive qualitative and data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation study. The number of informants in the study was six people. Based on the research result, the researcher finds similarities and differences in the concept of disease and the concept of healing. Similarities and differences can be seen through several elements, namely: the reason why humans are sick, the types and forms of the disease, the subject causing illness, and the process of being sick. Then the similarities and differences in the concept of healing can be seen in the way of healing, the cause of healing, the subject who has the power to heal, the reason for the disease to heal, and the human process of being healed.
Pemahaman Umat Tentang Musik Liturgi di Stasi St. Yosef Kampung Baru Lorensius Amon; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 1, NO. 1, JUNI 2017
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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The results of this research show that the comprehension of the Catholics at the Church-station of St. Yosef Kampung Baru about the liturgical music is a comprehension of relating aspects of faith, ritual and mood. Faith is the base of and aim for the rituals and mood orientation. Faith reveals the mistery of Christ in the forms of prayers, hymns of praise, expressions of gratitude, and divine words. Rituals are forms of and means for presenting and experiencing faith. Rituals are purposively structured in such a way that the faith on God is expressively revealed in the rituals. Mood is the psychological condition enabling faith to be experienced and conceived in the rituals. Mood orientation could create the liturgy to be more lively, exalted and solemn through the liturgical music accompanying the activities and the services. Expression of faith needs the rituals as forms of and means for presenting the faith. Faith needs mood orientation as the psychological condition for experiencing faith. Rituals also need mood orientation as psychological condition which enables the rituals to be religious rituals expressing the faith. The rituals need faith as the base of and aim for the rituals. Mood orientation on the other hand needs the rituals as means for its realization. Mood orientation also needs faith as its aim which gives identities to the mood created. Therefore, the comprehension of the Catholics at the Church-station of St. Yosef Kampung Baru about the liturgical music is a comprehension of the aspects of faith, ritual and mood which are related to each other and mutually needed.
Praktik Kesalehan Umat Melalui Devosi Kepada Bunda Maria di Stasi Santa Maria Maluhu Paroki St. Pius X Tenggarong Ferdinandus Edison Musi; Wilfridus Samdirgawijaya; Zakeus Daeng Lio
Gaudium Vestrum - Jurnal Kateketik Pastoral VOL. 5, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kateketik Pastoral Katolik (STKPK) Bina Insan Keuskupan Agung Samarinda

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This study aims to determine the practice of devotion to St. Marry at Santa Maria Maluhu Station, Paroki St. Pius X Tenggarong, what devotional practices to Our Lady have been done by the people in Santa Maria Maluhu Station and how to implement it. This research was conducted at St. Maria Maluhu Parish of Santo Pius X Tenggarong by using qualitative descriptive methods and data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, documentation and document studies. The informants in this study were the head of the Leader community, the liturgical division, the people, and the head of the Neighborhood Association. Popular piety of the people through Devotion to the Virgin Mary carried out by Catholics at the Santa Maria Maluhu Station, namely the Hail Mary Prayer, Pilgrimage to the Cave of Mary, Imitating the Virgin Mary through social example, the Rosary Prayer, and the Novena Prayer. The results of research on devotion to the Virgin Mary that have been carried out by Catholics at the Santa Maria Maluhu station in its implementation in accordance with the recommendations of the Catholic Church, this is proven because there is no practice of extremism and minimalism at the Santa Maria Maluhu