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Efektifitas Bounding Attachment Melalui Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Terhadap Bayi Baru Lahir Siti Entik Fadilah; Tetin Rismayanti
JIK-JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JIK-Oktober Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33757/jik.v6i2.542


Inisiasi Menyusui dini mampu menimbulkan rasa nyaman pada bayi. Kulit ibu memiliki kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan suhunya dengan suhu yang dibutuhkan bayi. Bayi akan tampak lebih nyaman,tenang, denyut jantungnya pun stabil. Namun demikian beberapa data menunjukan pemberian ASI sudah jarang dilakukan ibu, survey awal dari 10 ibu bersalin yang lahir di PMB Entik mengatakan bahwa para ibu tersebut belum pernah melakukan bounding attacment melalui IMD tetapi perlakuan IMD sudah berusaha mereka lakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  tingkat efektifias Bounding attachment melalui Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) terhadap Bayi Baru Lahir di PMB Entik Periode Januari - Maret Tahun 2022. Diketahuinya Efektifitas Bounding attachment melalui IMD terhadap Bayi Baru Lahir di PMB Entik. Desain penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimen dan uji analisis inferensial menggunakan Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test. Pengujian statistik dengan uji Wilcoxon diperoleh nilai Asym.Sig sebesar 0.000 < dari α (0.05) Hasil ini menunjukkan terdapat keefektifan yang baik dari ibu yang melakukan bounding attachment melalui inisiasi menyusui dini terhadap bayi Baru Lahir. Disarankan agar ibu lebih giat dalam melaksakan bounding attachment sehingga tercipta kontak langsung ibu dan bayi lebih baik lagi.
Analisis Tingkat Pengetahuan Bidan tentang Bundle Care IDO terhadap Tingkat Kejadian Infeksi Daerah Operasi (IDO) pada Ibu Post Sc di Ruang Aster RSUD Kabupaten Tangerang Maesaroh Maesaroh; Tetin Rismayanti
JIK-JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JIK-Oktober Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33757/jik.v6i2.543


Infeksi daerah operasi secara prinsip bisa dicegah apabila fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan melaksanakan program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi secara konsisten. tahun 2021 sepanjang tahun tersebut terjadi 710 kali kelahiran dengan SC dan ada 8 orang yang mengalami IDO post SC, perkembangan inilah peneliti merasa tertarik untu menganalisis pengaruh Pengetahuan Bidan dalam Perawatan Luka operasi Post Sc terhadap kejadian Infeksi Daerah Operasi (IDO) post SC Di Ruang Aster RSUD Tangerang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Pengetahuan Bidan dalam Perawatan Luka operasi Post Sc terhadap kejadian Infeksi Daerah Operasi (IDO) post SC di Ruang Aster RSUD Tangerang. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional, teknik total sampel, sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah bidan dan pasien yang pernah terkena IDO di ruang Aster RSUD Kabupaten Tangerang, waktu penelitian dilaksanakan Desember 2021 sampai dengan Maret 2022. Tingkat pengetahuan bidan sudah menunjukan pengetahuan yang cukup baik. Hasil Pengujian diperoleh p-value sebesar 0,524 atau > 0.05 hasil ini menunjukan bahwa ternyata tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan bidan pada perawatan luka post SC terhadap kejadian Infeksi Daerah Operasi (IDO) Post SC di Ruang Aster RSUD Kabupaten Tangerang
Efektivitas Pemberian KIE Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Terhadap Pemasangan Kontrasepsi IUD Novi Heryani; Tetin Rismayanti
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 7, No 3 (2022): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v7i3.13334


Background: The use of IUD Contraception (Intra Uterin Device) is still very low due to low public knowledge about the advantages of the IUD Contraception method, so an increase in CIE (communication, information, and education) is carried out. Objective: This study aims to see whether there is an effect of giving CIE to pregnant women in the third trimester on the participation in the use of IUD contraceptives.Methods: The type of research is True Experiment with Pretest-Posttest With Control Group design on 25 respondents of third trimester pregnant women who are divided into treatment groups (25 respondents) and control groups (25 respondents).Result: The results showed that the provision of CIE (communication, information, and education) increased knowledge seen in the average pre-test treatment group, which was 52.68%, while in the post-test treatment group it was 72.08% with p value = 0.000, there was a significant increase in knowledge in the group. post-test and on the use of IUD Contraception with p value = 0.000 there is an effect of communication, information, and education on the participation in the use of IUD Contraception.Conclusions: The conclusion is that there is an increase in the level of knowledge in the treatment sample who is given Communication, Information, and Education and there is an effect of Family Planning Communication, Information, and Education on participation in IUD Contraception use
The Effect Of Breastfeeding Counseling On Breastfeeding Practices In Postpartum Mothers At RSIA Tiara Cikupa In 2022 Tetin Rismayanti; Muniroh Muniroh
International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP) Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): November 2023
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijhp.v3i4.192


According to the Health Profile of Banten Province in 2019, the number of babies who were exclusively breastfed was 56.1%, while the City of Tangerang itself was 64.5%. This figure is still below the government target that has been set for the success of breastfeeding by 80%. Research objectives is the effect of breastfeeding counseling on breastfeeding practices for postpartum mothers at RSIA Tiara Cikupa in 2022. Research method used preexperimental with one group pre test post test design. Sampling in this study used a total sampling technique and the sample size in the study was 30 postpartum mothers who had babies aged less than 6 months at RISA Tiara Cikupa. The research instrument used leaflets, teaching aids on how to breastfeed, and the LATCH questionnaire. Bivariate analysis used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test because the data were not normally distributed. The results showed that before being given counseling on how to breastfeed the respondents had an average value of breastfeeding practice of 2.63, while after being given counseling on how to breastfeed the respondents had an average value of breastfeeding practice of 6.57. There are differences in breastfeeding practices for postpartum mothers before and after being given breastfeeding counseling at RSIA Tiara Cikupa in 2022 with a p value of 0.001 0.05. It is hoped that they will further increase knowledge and skills about correct breastfeeding by following consultations with health workers, so that they can carry out correct breastfeeding practices effectively. independently and properly to improve the health status of mothers and babies.
Analisis Kehamilan Resiko Empat Terlalu Pada Ibu Hamil Di Puskesmas Rajeg Tahun 2022 Ismawati Ismawati; Tetin Rismayanti
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 8 No 1 (2023): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v8i1.16031


Background: The high MMR is caused by 4T, such as too many pregnancies, too young, too old, and too close to one another. Several factors that influence health behavior are knowledge, attitudes, family support, the role of health workers and the role of health cadres. The initial survey at the Rajeg Health Center in the period January-April 2022 from 240 mothers found 33 mothers (13.75%) who belonged to the 4T group.Objective: To find out the analysis of four-too-risk pregnancies in pregnant women at the Rajeg Health Center in 2022.Methods: This research is a quantitative analytic study with a cross sectional design. The sample in this study was K1 pregnant women who were in the area of the Rajeg Health Center July-September 2022 totaling 95 respondents with a total sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire and an observation sheet. Data is primary data analyzed using chi square statistical test.Result: The results of the univariate analysis revealed that 34.7% of pregnant women with a risk of four too, had good knowledge of 53.7%, had a positive attitude of 56.8%, received 51.6% family support, the role of the midwife was good 58.9% and the role of the midwife was good. cadres less 55.8%. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge (p = 0.000), attitudes (p = 0.014), family support (p = 0.000), the role of midwives (p = 0.000) and the role of cadres (p = 0.000) with pregnancy risk. four too in pregnant women
Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Nifas Terhadap Gairah Seksual Di PMB L Kota Tangerang Tahun 2022 Nita Sri Melati; Tetin Rismayanti
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 8 No 1 (2023): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v8i1.16032


Background: Many women after giving birth have feelings of worry about having sex after childbirth, disappearing sexual arousal and other feelings of worry. This condition if left unchecked can cause disharmony in the family.Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between maternal knowledge and the emergence of post partum sexual arousal.Methods: Using cross sectional, it was carried out for 2 months starting from October to November 2022 postpartum mothers (0 - 40 days) in the PMB L work area in October-November with a total of 25 people.Result: 40% of mothers with high knowledge have high sexual arousal and only 6.7% have low sexual arousal, the P-Value = 0.006 < 0.05. This shows that good knowledge of postpartum mothers has a positive and significant influence on the emergence of sexual arousal. , the value of OR > 1 of 6.125 (0.979-38.312) strengthens the notion that good knowledge of postpartum mothers on post partum sexual arousal is a factor in whether or not there is sexual arousal in postpartum mothers..Conclusions: P-Value = 0.006 < 0.05. These results indicate that good knowledge of postpartum mothers on postpartum sexual arousal has a positive and significant influence/relationship on the emergence of postpartum women's sexual arousal, OR value > 1, which is 6.125 CI value / interval belief ( 0.979-38.312) the stronger the assumption that knowledge is a determinant of the emergence of post partum sexual arousal. It is hoped that midwife health workers can provide information on post partum care so that they can emphasize the types
The Effectiveness of Traditional Medicine of Beras Kencur Herbal Medicine on Increasing Breast Milk Production Rita Amelia; Tetin Rismayanti
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nursing and Health Sciences Vol 4 No 1 (2023): January-June 2023
Publisher : Global Health Science Group

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/picnhs.v4i1.1802


Indonesian people have also long known and used medicinal plants to overcome various health problems, some traditional preparations such as beras kencur for breastfeeding mothers are believed to relieve disorders during breastfeeding consisting of pain and swelling of the mother, reduced breast milk and not smooth. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of traditional herbal medicine (beras kencur) in postpartum and lactating mothers. This type of research is an experimental quasy one group pre post test. The intervention given was beras kencur herbal medicine on the quantity of breast milk production with a T-test difference test. The population and sample in this study were the number of postpartum mothers as many as 32 breastfeeding mothers. Bivariate analysis show that there is an effect of giving the extract of " beras kencur " for 7 days on increasing maternal breast milk and statistically the difference is considered significant, because the p-value is 0.001 < 0.05. Traditional herbal medicine beras kencur extract is effective in increasing breast milk production.
Pengaruh Pelatihan dengan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Make A Match terhadap Pengetahuan Kader Posyandu tentang Buku KIA dalam Kegiatan Pemantauan Status Gizi Balita di Desa Mekar Asih Kecamatan Banyusari Kabupaten Karawang Tahun 2023 Ipah Hotimah; Tetin Rismayanti
Health Information : Jurnal Penelitian Vol 15 No 1 (2023): Supplemen
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kendari

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Background: the problem of malnutrition is a challenge for all parties, especially health care workers. Cadres who actively support the implementation of posyandu become more active and regular, especially in monitoring growth and development activities. Given the important role of cadres in posyandu activities, the knowledge and skills of cadres must always be updated, one of which is by being given training in cooperative learning models. Research objectives: to determine the effect of training using the make a match type cooperative learning model on the knowledge of posyandu cadres about the MCH handbook in monitoring the nutritional status of toddlers in Mekar Asih Village, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency in 2023. Research methods: this type of research used quasi-experimental with a post test only design one group design. The population in this study were 54 cadres who were in Mekar Asih Village, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. The sample in this study were 30 cadres in Mekar Asih Village, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency. Data analysis used the dependent t test. Research results: the average knowledge of Posyandu cadres about Monitoring the Nutritional Status of Toddlers before being given training with the Make a match type cooperative learning model is 81.47, standard deviation is 10.102. The mean knowledge of posyandu cadres on monitoring the nutritional status of toddlers after being given training using the Make a match cooperative learning model was 92.53, standard deviation of 6.621. Conclusion: it can be concluded that there are differences in knowledge before and after being given training with the make a match type cooperative learning model about monitoring the nutritional status of toddlers in Mekar Asih Village, Banyusari District, Karawang Regency.