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Publisher : Department of Master of Linguistic, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/etno.v6i1.34061


This study aims to identify the types of errors in the use of the past tense in writing recound texts by 8th graders of junior high school in Sidoarjo. The population in this study were 8th grade junior high school students in Sidoarjo for the academic year 2021-2022. The research instrument used was by means of a recount text writing test based on the experience of each student. Errors made by students are classified into four types, namely addition error were twenty-three errors or about 18%; then followed by misformation amounted to 71 errors or about 57%; error of omition in twenty errors or 16%; and misordering amounted to eleven errors or about 9%. According to these results, 8th grade junior high school students in Sidoarjo make numerous recount text errors. Students should be given plenty of opportunities to practice writing recount text in the past tense. Students must be made aware of the findings of this study in order to enhance their teaching and learning methods.
Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar melalui Kegiatan Bimbingan Gratis di Desa Tulangan untuk Mencapai SDG’s Poin ke-4 Pendidikan Berkualitas Nur Afia; Laily Muzdalifah; Nuzula Firdausi; Tiya Wigati; Doa Gadis Kristina
Nusantara Community Empowerment Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Nusantara Community Empowerment Review
Publisher : LPPM UNUSIDA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55732/ncer.v1i2.977


Pada prakarsa bimbingan belajar, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Balai Desa Tulangan adalah tempat berlangsungnya bimbingan belajar. Materi tersedia dari TK hingga SMP, dan materi disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak. Pelaksanaan untuk sesi bimbingan belajar adalah Senin sampai Kamis dari pukul 18:00 sampai 19:00 WIB. Guru (tutor) membimbing dan menginstruksikan siswa saat mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah (PR), serta mengajari mereka tentang konsep yang mungkin belum sepenuhnya mereka pahami selama pengajaran di kelas. Semua mata pelajaran dan tingkat kelas tercakup dalam bimbel ini, kecuali mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tingkat sekolah menengah pertama. Tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, penilaian kegiatan, dan penyusunan laporan membentuk kegiatan bimbingan belajar ini. Luaran dari kegiatan bimbingan belajar ini adalah sejauh mana kepuasan orang tua atau wali terhadap peningkatan prestasi akademik anaknya di sekolah setelah mengikuti kegiatan bimbingan belajar ini. Hal ini dikarenakan setelah mengikuti bimbingan belajar, anak-anak merasa lebih termotivasi untuk mengerjakan tugas sekolah (PR) dengan baik, dan tidak ada tugas yang diabaikan karena ada seorang guru (tutor) yang membimbing mereka. Pengulangan materi yang diajarkan oleh tutor sepulang sekolah juga membantu siswa lebih memahami materi yang mereka pelajari di kelas, dan siswa serta lulusan baru dapat menggunakan waktu luang mereka di sore hari untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, seperti aktif mengajar di kelas. The tutoring initiative, this community service activity, seeks to improve the quality of education. The Tulangan Village Hall is the place for tutoring to take place. Materials are available from Kindergarten to Middle School and tailored to children's needs. Implementation for tutoring sessions is Monday to Thursday from 18:00 to 19:00 WIB. The teacher (tutor) guides and instructs students when doing homework (PR) and teaches them about concepts they may need help understanding during class teaching. All subjects and class levels are covered in this tutoring, except for junior high school-level English subjects. The stages of planning, implementing activities, evaluating activities, and compiling reports form this tutoring activity. The output of this tutoring activity is the extent to which parents or guardians are satisfied with the increase in their child's academic achievement at school after participating in this tutoring activity. This is because after attending tutoring, children feel more motivated to do their schoolwork (homework) well, and no assignments are neglected because there is a teacher (tutor) who guides them. Repetition of the material taught by tutors after school also helps students better understand the material they are learning in class, and students and recent graduates can use their free time in the afternoon to engage in activities that benefit society, such as actively teaching in class.