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sarifa suhra hasim, sarifa suhra
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An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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The ideal women is the women who can be exist in a carrier but still keeping end up about islam personality. Such as a wife obeys husband’s command, become a good mother to her children, educating them become a powerful islam generation, to be qualified man and be professional. The Muslim should be consistent about the teaching religion and should be filtered the bad of western people culture. By reason of this career is willing to sacrifice his personal interests and refused to take care the children when the western culture and its civilization were almost on the verge of destruction.Why the western culture and civilization criticize itself? Because the western civilization has not found the truth one in spiritual away, they felt unhappy , worried and not ease in his life. Apparently, this is not creating a harmony of relationship between parent and children, hence, in islam women’s role in educating children is very vital and important.
Ekofeminisme: Suatu Tawaran Solusi Mengatasi Krisis Moral hasim, sarifa suhra
An - Nisa` Vol 5, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: This paper examines about ekofeminism that is a solution overcome moral crisis. The offered issues are what is the background of the emergence ekofeminism theory and how can it be used as a solution to overcome ekofeminism moral crisis.This is due to the assumption and the reality that modern human civilization both men and woman are seen to dominate , dominate, exploit. Atahe destruction of nature, pollution, rape of nature, crime, degradation of social solidarity, is a small example of that happening lately. On the basis of moral breakdown, the feminists who are increasingly aware that modern civilization has been so out of balance, too heavy on the quality of the masculine and less on quality of feminism such as love, concern, care and maintenance.Ekofeminism want respect for nature and respect for the institusion of family so that children are maintained and educated well in order to be a well character generation and care so as to create a balnce between feminime and masculine qualities in society.
Cooperative Learning: Metode Pembelajaran Inklusif Gender hasim, sarifa suhra
An - Nisa` Vol 7, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang metode cooperative learning sebagai sebuah metode inklusif gender. Dengan menelusuri berbagai referensi baik melalui buku maupun sumber lainnya menggunakan kartu kutipan, maka diketahuilah bahwa pembelajaran kooperatif (cooperative learning) dimaksudkan sebagai upaya keterlibatan peserta didik dalam kegiatan belajar dikelas misalnya dengan menggunakan metode diskusi, demonstrasi, dll. Metode diskusi member kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk dapat belajar bersama berkolaborasi mencapai tujuan kelompok. Metode ini relevan menerapkan pembelajaran inklusif gender yang menekankan pada perencanaan pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan prinsip-prinsip kesetaraan gender dan memastikan tidak adanya diskriminasi gender dalam berbagai bentuknya.Dalam menerapkan metode cooperative learning yang inklusif gender yang pertama dan utama haruslah guru yang hendak mengajarkan materi pelajaran tersebut sebagai guru yang sensitive gender maksudnya guru yang memiliki kepekaan bahwa gender merupakan konstruksi social yang dapat menimbulkan ketidaksetaraan akses, partisipasi, keterlibatan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan kemampuan untuk mengambil manfaat dari hasil belajar, dan dapat melahirkan ketidakadilan/diskriminasi.
An - Nisa` Vol 4, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : PSW

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One of the fulfillment form of the rights and obligations of every individual is education. In Islam, the rationality and spiritual fulfillment can be done by learning to obtain a broad of knowledge as a way to understand the religion and solutions in building the world. Islam as a religion calls for all believers to seek knowledge whatever, as long as not contrary to the mission af humanity and as a servant of , God and the caliph on earth without exception. This means that Islam gives recognition of the rights to all people including womens education are limitless from basic education to higher education, according to each individuals interests. This paper tries to rip off that is essentially the spirit of Islamic education is the "freedom and democracy" are not looking at gender.Therefore, Islamic education is a process of transfer of knowledge from educators to the learners towards the achivement of perfect man of harmony, balance without distinguishing between men and women, this paper further explains that achieves the gender equitable education on Islamic perspective, it would require educators and learners who understands the values of equatity and gender justice.
An - Nisa` Vol 3, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : PSW

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abstract: It is generally atmitted that man and woman live mutuallyironically,stome people restrict the role pf women to certain comesticareas. They set them in secondary and marginal position. In realitywomen have a,extensive main roles in this universe. Even, ,some of them arebetter than men in intelligence, coirage.leadership. ,and education.Their roles obviously should be in appropriate boundaries withoutviolating cultural and religious values. With regard to this position, It is undeniable that islam is the main pioneer that women position properly in privileged proportion and at equal level with men,i.e. equals in human dignity. Islam guarantees women’s rights comperehensively as free and independent individuals in domestic area as well as in public sector.
Peran Ibu Dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Perspektif Islam hasim, sarifa suhra
An - Nisa` Vol 6, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstraksi: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang peran ibu dalam membentuk karakter anak perspektif islam. Masalah yang penting untuk dibahas adalah bagaimana bentuk keutamaan ibu serta bagaimana pula perannya. Pendidikan karakter mutlak dibutuhkan oleh semua kalangan karena kemuliaan seseorang terletak pada karakternya. Karakter begitu penting karena dengan karakter yang baik membuat kita tahan, tabah menghadapi cobaan, dan dapat menjalani hidup dengan sempurna. Berdasarkan pembahasan dalam tulisan ini dipahami. bahwa Posisi ibu dalam pandangan Islam sangatlah mulia. Sebagai bukti mulianya kedudukan ibu dalam ajaran Islam, Seorang ibu berhak memperoleh bakti dari seorang anak sebanyak tiga kali lipat dibanding ayah. Kemuliaan itu juga disinyalir bahwa surga terletak di telapak kaki ibu bahkan ridha Allah tergantung pada ridhahnya orangtua terutama ibu. Di samping itu. seorang ibu berperan dalam membentuk karakter anak. Untuk melakukan tugas ini, ibu dapat melakukan hal seperti memberi nama yang baik pada anak, memaksimalkan perkembangan otak anak melatih kemandirian dari dalam rumah, berkomunikasi secara sehat dengan anak serta menjadikan alam sebagai sekolah bagi Anak.